Making the leap to try some Trip 7

Started by Steel Horse Bailey, February 11, 2009, 09:49:49 PM

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Leo Tanner

The experimentation is half the fun :D  Aint no mess that can't be cleaned up.  Well, not on this topic at least ::)
"When you have to shoot, shoot.  Don't talk."
     Tuco--The Good the Bad and the Ugly

"First comes smiles, then lies.  Last is gunfire."
     Roland Deschain

"Every man steps in the manure now an again, trick is not ta stick yer foot in yer mouth afterward"

religio SENIOR est exordium of scientia : tamen fossor contemno sapientia quod instruction.

Steel Horse Bailey

Quote from: Leo Tanner on February 14, 2009, 04:56:36 PM
The experimentation is half the fun :D  Aint no mess that can't be cleaned up.  Well, not on this topic at least ::)

;D ;D ;D
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

Dirty Brass

Quote from: Steel Horse Bailey on February 14, 2009, 04:48:16 PM
Well, the lube that's on the bullets is my first plan ... unless standard Blue crayon lube isn't right for it.  These are Vance bullets.

It's my understanding that, GENERALLY blue lube is somewhat softer lube for smokeyless powders (read: pistols) and red is more high speed.  However, I know that ANY color (pretty much) can be added to any lube "recipe."  Some smells, too!

As so many come with red lube I don't kow how accurate that is, but around HERE it seems to be the way.  Somewhat.  Partly.  I think.

For what it's worth, I have used Missouri bullets with blue lube and True Line bullets (green lube) and both work well for me. Used in 44-40 loads, 44 Special loads, and 45 LC loads.  I have melted off the lube and pan lubed some with BP lube too, and they seemd to keep thing a little softer, but I'm not so sure it's necessary. Like the man said - experimenting is fun :)

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