Testing....testing....is this thing working?

Started by Mulee Pete, January 22, 2009, 06:54:19 PM

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Mulee Pete

Saddler Sargeant GAF Department of the Platte, #521
SASS Life #34368
USN Life (Ret.)

Keep track of your lustrums!

Mulee Pete

Tried 3 times to put up picts of range box and am told attachment is to large.....1 photo.   Suggetions on how to post pictures?

Saddler Sargeant GAF Department of the Platte, #521
SASS Life #34368
USN Life (Ret.)

Keep track of your lustrums!

Daniel Nighteyes

Many boards, like this one, place a limit on the size of graphics files they will allow.  The obvious solution is to reduce the size of the file.  There are several ways to do this, and here are a couple of them.

Find out the resolution of your picture, which is usually listed as dots-per-inch (dpi).  If your graphics software will permit, reduce the resolution.  Example -- if the file is at 300 dpi, reduce it to 150 dpi.

Find out the dimensions of your picture, usually expressed as X units by Y units (typically inches).  If your graphics software will permit, make the picture smaller.

Or, you can do a combination of the above.

The critical point here, of course, is what your graphics software will do for you.  I happen to use a Hewlett-Packard package, and of course there's PhotoShop.

Hope this helps!

-- Nighteyes

Mulee Pete

Thanks Nighteyes,

Is it an oximoron that my heart is in one century and reality is in another.  Shooting 19th century technology and trying to so it off in 21st century technology.  Now wonder I'm so confused.  But...............I shall endeavor to preserver. 

Saddler Sargeant GAF Department of the Platte, #521
SASS Life #34368
USN Life (Ret.)

Keep track of your lustrums!


Microsoft Photo Editor, if you have it, can also be used to reduce the size of an image.

If you don't have any photo editing software or aren't sure how to use it, here's two more possibilities.

First, the pic is probably too large because you had your camera set to hi-resolution when you took the pic.  You could just set your camera to take a low-res pic and take another shot and post that.


Your original large pic must be somewhere on the web in order to post pics to your message.  So instead of posting the pic, just post the link to the pic in your message and folks can click on the link and they should see your pic in another window.

hope that helps.
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Mulee Pete

Was just on my way out to try that very thing.  Hope to have the results up in a bit.  Thanks fer the help.

Saddler Sargeant GAF Department of the Platte, #521
SASS Life #34368
USN Life (Ret.)

Keep track of your lustrums!

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