Abilene\Cimarron Old Model Base Pin Screw?

Started by Bangor Dan, January 18, 2009, 11:38:06 AM

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Bangor Dan


as the CAS CITY ambassador for Cimarron 8), I'm wondering if you might know whether or not they would still have in stock the "OLD STYLE" base pin screw for a Cimarron Model P, black powder frame, made by Uberti in 2000 (BN). I bought the Model P used, and it only came with the thumb screw type screw. Uberti changed the size of the screw after this one was manufactured, so the newer style doesn't fit. I've talked with VTI and they said they had no more in stock. Any ideas?

Bangor Dan


Howdy Dan,
I know there used to be some of the old-style screws, don't know for sure if there are any "in stock" any more, but I'll bet we could find one.  I'm planning on being there Tues and Weds, I'll check.   If all else fails, last week I did see a nickled one.
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Bangor Dan

WOW!, that's pretty darn fast on the reply button!!!

Abilene, I'd take any color, just so it fit and I could eliminate the thumb screw. If you do find one please let me know how much to send and where to send it to.
Much obliged,

Bangor Dan

Bangor Dan


IF you were able to get over to Cimarron, and IF you remembered  ;D to check on those screws, what might the word be?
Should I give them a call?

Bangor Dan


If all else fails drill it out and retap to a common size.  Then get a slotted set screw and remove the threads on the front part of the screw so it looks like an original screw.  Haven't looked at the Ubertis for a while.  But, if they used a larger size measure the thread pitch and screw diameter and see if you can get a tap that size.


yes, I looked and there were a few of the slightly larger old style in the bin with the current screws.  If you ask for parts you will talk to either Kirk or Chip, tell them the old ones look sort of dark gray instead of black.
Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

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Bangor Dan

I just got off the phone with Kirk at Cimarron, and he'll be sending me one of those elusive base pin screws asap. At first he didn't think he had any of those old screws left in stock, but when I mentioned your name and that you had already checked, well, the path was clear.  ;D ;D ;D
Thanks again,
Bangor Dan

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