Revolver information please

Started by wildfire78, January 12, 2009, 01:41:42 PM

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My sister asked if I could find out any information on a revolver her late husband had for years. It is a Fratelli Tanfoglio----Model E15---Serial TA22---6 inch barrel----22 Magnum on the cylinder----Blue and Brass finish. FRATELLI TANFOGLIO BRESCIA ITALY on one side of the barrel and MOD. TA22 CAL..22 L.R.  on the other side. Below the loading chamber it has "EXCAM INC HIALEAH FLA.  Can anyone offer any info on this revolve??? I would like to know the age and if it is any kind of a collector. If it is not a collector piece I am going to polish the brass on it for her and reblue it. Thanks to anyone that can offer me something about it.

Major 2

EXCAM INC HIALEAH FLA.  as far as I know no longer exists as an importer...
I may have morphed in to another name ...

But if memory serves me... they got in to hot water with the BATF, offering full auto mod. instructions & parts for the Mac 9 .

It's been awhile seems lile maybe 20 years...

You gun is made by Armi Tanfoglio Giuseppe ..they made/make several little Auto loaders is 22, 25 & 380 and they were not bad.
I see them from time to time offered at $250-350..
I'm not real sure about your Revolvers value I'd say maybe $100-200
when planets the deal !

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