3rd Belgian Colt Conversion Project

Started by Long Johns Wolf, November 10, 2008, 07:09:56 AM

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Long Johns Wolf

I have sinned ...again...and kicked off another Centaure conversion in .44 Colt. This time a RM Army.
Base gun is a Centaure from 1966.To make the whole project financially feasable there was one stumbling block for gunsmith Karl Nedbal: the shape of the RM barrel is faaaaar off the C&B barrel. Making a new one from scratch was not an issue. So, he has to work with a semi-finished Uberti RM Army barrel of the proper bore size which is significantly beefed-up or off specs of 1st gen Colt 1860s. When I visited Karl last week he had completed the new arbor (still without slot), a roughly contoured & spring loaded conversion ring installed and the barrel shaped to specs...after he had milled a slot from the breechend of the barrel right through the hole for the arbor and the slot for the wedge. The lug was then pressed to shape, welded and polished...I'll keep you informed of the progress.
Long Johns Wolf
BOSS 156, CRR 169 (Hon.), FROCS 2, Henry Board, SCORRS, STORM 229, SV Hofheim 1938, VDW, BDS, SASS

Fox Creek Kid

Wolf, what happened to your '60 Army "long cylinder" conversion idea? I was thinking that was next(?).

Long Johns Wolf

FCK: Nedbal is doing the RM project for me and he is faster with it than I expected. I will not be surprised if he is phoning me "job completed" before X-mas.
Klaus Mumme is converting 2 Centaure Marshals (5,5" barrels) for me into Long Cylinder conversions. I want to use them as my main match pistols during the forthcoming  season. I'll get his status/update at the end of this month only. Once I have that I might start another thread "4th Belgian Colt Conversion..."
Long Johns Wolf
BOSS 156, CRR 169 (Hon.), FROCS 2, Henry Board, SCORRS, STORM 229, SV Hofheim 1938, VDW, BDS, SASS

Fox Creek Kid

After all that, then what? You have the Thuer, 1st & 2nd Model Richards & RM. Finally, you will have your "long cylinder" conversion which leaves only one one left to complete your collection..............the infamous "mystery" conversion.  ;)

Black River Smith


You are one lucky man to have all those variations.

Enjoy  them.
Black River Smith

Long Johns Wolf

FCK & BRS: thanks for the kind words but...well, yes the R1 and the Thuer are made, the RM is approaching completion, the 2 LCCs are promised to be ready early next year.
However, my R2 is an Uberti from 2003...and once the above "pending issues" are finally in my hands the next Centaure conversion will a Richards Transitional in .44 Colt. Nedbal and me already discussed that last week.  The Uberti R2 will then be put on the market so to speak...as I found out she was the protptype to acquire the CAT number.
What is a "mystery" conversion? I always thought the LC conversion is the mystery conversion? What did I miss?
Long Johns Wolf
BOSS 156, CRR 169 (Hon.), FROCS 2, Henry Board, SCORRS, STORM 229, SV Hofheim 1938, VDW, BDS, SASS

Fox Creek Kid

Quote from: Long Johns Wolf on November 11, 2008, 01:30:13 AM
...What is a "mystery" conversion? I always thought the LC conversion is the mystery conversion? What did I miss?
Long Johns Wolf

I believe there are only seven known "mystery conversions". McDowell's book has some photos and I have an out of date pamphlet with some photos as well. They believe these were made by someone in Mexico. They mimic the RM conversion ring but on most it is a little different and most importantly, they machined the barrel lug on the '60 Army ones like Colt did on the '61 Navy factory RM conversions.

McDowell, pp. 183, 373, 400 - 403.

Long Johns Wolf

Thanks for the reference, FCK.
I'll check it out straight away.
Long Johns Wolf
BOSS 156, CRR 169 (Hon.), FROCS 2, Henry Board, SCORRS, STORM 229, SV Hofheim 1938, VDW, BDS, SASS

Long Johns Wolf

Pards & pardettes I need help from those of you who are "in the know" regarding Colt RM Army conversions.
Nedbal just phoned and told me the job is completed except for the proof testing and a few finishing touches like recontouring the barrel lug, fitting a front sight of proper hight, applying the nickel finish...and it is here where I need your advice.
1. Were the visible screws of nickel plated guns back then nickel plated as well...or could they be had say fire blued?
2. Were the (brass) trigger guards of nickel plated pistols also nickel plated or remained they shiny yellow as they were?
3. I guess I told you, we used a semi-finished, unmarked Uberti barrel for this project. Are conversions known were pistols are serial numbered in the usual manner but the barrel did not have a serial number on the lug?
Please, share your knowledge with me. Thanks
Long Johns Wolf
BOSS 156, CRR 169 (Hon.), FROCS 2, Henry Board, SCORRS, STORM 229, SV Hofheim 1938, VDW, BDS, SASS

Fox Creek Kid

Quote from: Long Johns Wolf on November 17, 2008, 11:03:35 AM
1. Were the visible screws of nickel plated guns back then nickel plated as well...or could they be had say fire blued?
2. Were the (brass) trigger guards of nickel plated pistols also nickel plated or remained they shiny yellow as they were?
3. I guess I told you, we used a semi-finished, unmarked Uberti barrel for this project. Are conversions known were pistols are serial numbered in the usual manner but the barrel did not have a serial number on the lug?
Please, share your knowledge with me. Thanks
Long Johns Wolf

1.  Some had fire blue screws & some didn't. The nicer ones usually did as well as having a fire blue wedge & trigger. The Adams Process of nickel plating was not really perfected until late 1870 by the way.

2.  Usually the TG's & BS's were plated as well. Rarely, you will see one that isn't. Sometimes the hammers were left case colored and sometimes not. Colt used after market platers as well as S&W and sometimes these changed, hence the fluctuations. Also, Schuyler, Hartley & Graham, Kittredge & Co., etc.,  had guns plated either in house or with aftermarket platers.

3.  The barrels were serial numbered right in front of the TG on the bottom of the barrel assembly where the pins meet the frame (good photo on p. 153 McDowell). Only the Richards 1st Model guns bought by the military had mismatched serial #s.

Long Johns Wolf

Thanks FCK, that is exactly the info I needed.
Long Johns Wolf
BOSS 156, CRR 169 (Hon.), FROCS 2, Henry Board, SCORRS, STORM 229, SV Hofheim 1938, VDW, BDS, SASS

Long Johns Wolf

Almost completed per Nov. 20., 08. I am enthusiastic. Just a few finishing touches needed:
#1 test & proof firing to include sight adjustment
#2 contouring barrel lug
#3 engraving (barrel marking, cylinder with Centaure proprietary naval scene, S/N on bottom of barrel, 44 CAL on trigger guard)
#4 nickel plating
Should be home by X-mas but this early completion of the conversions means: I will be broke soon, no X-mas gifts for the family this year.
Did I tell you I am enthusiastic?
Long Johns Wolf
BOSS 156, CRR 169 (Hon.), FROCS 2, Henry Board, SCORRS, STORM 229, SV Hofheim 1938, VDW, BDS, SASS

Fox Creek Kid

We'll pass the hat here on STORM so your children will have new shoes for Xmas.  :D ;)

Sir Charles deMouton-Black

Wolf;  You can send your wish-list to;

H0H 0H0
NCOWS #1154, SCORRS, STORM, BROW, 1860 Henry, Dirty Rat 502, CHINOOK COUNTRY
Those who are no longer ignorant of History may relive it,
without the Blood, Sweat, and Tears.
With apologies to George Santayana & W. S. Churchill

"As Mark Twain once put it, "History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."

Long Johns Wolf

You guys are sooooo good to me. Much obliged.
Long Johns Wolf
BOSS 156, CRR 169 (Hon.), FROCS 2, Henry Board, SCORRS, STORM 229, SV Hofheim 1938, VDW, BDS, SASS

Johnny Reb

Very talented in your workmanship Long Johns Wolf!

Awesome conversions you produce!!

Johnny Reb

Long Johns Wolf

JR: sorry to disappoint you. I have these 2 left hands. It is Karl Nedbal in Austria who is doing these conversions for me.
Long Johns Wolf
BOSS 156, CRR 169 (Hon.), FROCS 2, Henry Board, SCORRS, STORM 229, SV Hofheim 1938, VDW, BDS, SASS

Ottawa Creek Bill


Looking at the first photo in your post it looks like the rebated area of the frame has been milled flat, is that the case?

Vice Chairman American Indian Council of Indianapolis
Vice Chairman Inter tribal Council of Indiana
Member, Ottawa-Chippewa Band of Indians of Michigan
SASS # 2434
NCOWS # 2140
CMSA # 3119

Long Johns Wolf

OCB: probably one of these lousy pics. The step is there, the frame has not been milled flat (like for a Long Cylinder Conversion).
Long Johns Wolf
BOSS 156, CRR 169 (Hon.), FROCS 2, Henry Board, SCORRS, STORM 229, SV Hofheim 1938, VDW, BDS, SASS

Smokin Gun

Wolf good on ya Pard, I can see I am gonna have to get a Third Centaure now...LoL! This Marshal Christmas present you got yourself will be site to behold and I wish I could beholdin' it.
That Thuer Conversion is somethin' I have always wanted, and havin' it in a Centaure would be the only thing better for me.
I gotta talk to you bout somethin' sometime, no big deal or rush. Will drop you a line.
Good on you Wolf can't wait to see it. I stopped by FROCS the other day and jawjagged a bit.
See ya 'round,

Mosby's Rangers
43rd Virginia Cavalry C.S.A.
SASS# 19634

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