New USFA Gun Review

Started by Capt. John Fitzgerald, October 18, 2008, 12:29:25 AM

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Capt. John Fitzgerald

For anyone interested, just posted a review of USFA's 3 & 1/2" Shopkeeper Model.  Here is a link;
You can't change the wind, but you can always change your sails.

Deadeye Don

Nice, but have you ever known Gunblast to do a negative review?
Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company

Kinda Sudden

Fox Creek Kid

QuoteNice, but have you ever known Gunblast to do a negative review?

Why would they? That would stop the flow of free guns to shoot!  ;D :D ;)

Kinda Sudden

And don't forget the free bullets. It takes several thousand to do a good review ::)


Does anyone know wo has the storkeeper in stock?


Deadeye Don

Marko,  I thought Davidsons was the distributor of custom guns from USFA while stock guns were still being offered through Gary Granger and USFA.  I would call Gary and/or Davidsons to find out who has them.
Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company


Quote from: Deadeye Don on October 18, 2008, 06:11:17 AM
Nice, but have you ever known Gunblast to do a negative review?


I am the author of the mentioned article. I can assure you that nothing written about in it was free. I bought the revolver from a local dealer for my own use. I liked the gun so much that I decided to write an article on it, and the Quinn's were nice enough to put it on their site. 

I love it when people go spouting off on subjects where they know not.


Deadeye Don

Jared,  Assuming you are who you say you are,  my comment was a general comment about the reviews done on Gun Blast and was not meant as a direct comment to you or about your review.   I think most of us know that Gun Blast reviews are almost if not always positive for whatever reason.  That was the intent of my comment.  So to say I dont know about the reviews on Gun Blast would not be accurate.   Regards. Deadeye.
Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company


He is who he says he is.  I've watched him many a time, working his single actions and actually hitting things and some considerable distances.  His wife can outshoot most handgun enthusiasts and on a good day, Jared can outshoot her.

The Quinns started Gunblast because they distrusted the rave reviews they had read in print magazines.  They do borrow or buy samples from manufacturers but I doubt they get anything free.  I wirte for FMG publications and nobody is giving me any free guns.(test ammunition is another matter)  Actually writting up guns that don't work very well does not make for an interesting article and it gives me a headache trying to sugar coat Mr. Hanky.

Black Powder

Jared, MEC - I can't imagine you'd be writing very long if something was stinky and you said it was sweet, but as there are other sources and forums  :o where vested interests provide the editorial slant, it's good hearing where you're coming from.

As a newcomer, it's important to validate the sources.

I will take the liberty of saying that I doubt that Deadeye meant to cast aspersions on either of you.  I've relied on his opinions too!

I've got my excuses and I'm stickin' to 'em.


"I doubt that Deadeye meant to cast aspersions ..."
So do I.  Actually, a strong dose of scepticism is in order when reading anything-particularly when financial interests are involved. I have read(and still read) some gun industry stuff that would be highly credible coming out of the south end of a north-vectoring bovine. I don't know of any gun related publication except GunTests and the old Engledrum magazines that set out to perform in the role of Consumer Reports.  Their chief thrust is informative entertainment-both for the readers and the people writing the articles.  I do know that they are sensitive to the perenial complaints about rave reviews.  The editors of GUNs and American Handgunner encourage writers to "tell it like it is" though I don't see them eager go into print with a full-gorilla trash piece on a gun that sucks-better to send those back to the manufacturer with a "no thank you" note.
I am certain that Jared would make a good writer for the print magazines.  He has wide knowledge of some interesting subjects and a lot of enthusiasm for things like the older Smith revolvers and high quality commercial and custom single actions.

Doc Sunrise

Where to start?

First, I fully know that Deadeye was only issuing a cautionary comment, as this is a well informed and thorough crowd who are tougher on USFA firearms than their competitors.  But that is what makes us proud owners of USFA firearms.  We can actually stand up and say when a firearm does or does not stand up to our expectations.  USFA does stand up on a consistent basis.  As for others, that is not the case. 

Second, all of us here as USFA shooters and collectors appreciate the great write ups of USFA's firearms as it is through those kind of medium that we hope to get new USFA owners.  The only way to agree or disagree with any write up is to get out there and shoot the darn thing yourself.  After a while you will know which writers are worth a damn and which ones you can do without.  I personally like because they are thorough and print more pictures than most other mediums out there, and through my experience they have been very accurate with their assessments of firearms they have tested. 

I become more impressed with USFA firearms and the owners of USFA firearms as time goes by.  An honest and critical crowd that has stated their experiences with an objective and subjective view.  We love shooting and collecting firearms, but we really love shooting and collecting firearms that exhibit quality at its finest, and that is where USFA fits in!

Black Powder

I find enthusiastic users the best when it comes to reviewing anything.  When they love it, they can't contain themselves, when they don't, there's no fluff.  That's why I read these forums!

As to USFA - I want one!

Where the heck's my bailout/stimulus/redistribution check?

I've got my excuses and I'm stickin' to 'em.


 Yes. You really do want one.  I had been shooting first and second gen colts for quite  a while and when it came time to get my own, I picked this PreWar USFA

Doc Sunrise

A man after my own heart.  I think the Case Hardened Hammer should be standard on the premium SAAs as well as the Pre-Wars.  You have to love seeing bare metal in the cylinder stop slots which show a well used and well timed firearm, and not seeing a drag line from either a nimrod who does not know how to handle a SAA or a poorly timed SAA.  Nice sixgun!

Black Powder

That's a beauty, MEC.  Colors are amazing.  Haven't heard that expression since the 70s...  ::)

I've got my excuses and I'm stickin' to 'em.

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