Leathersmiths.....show us yer stuff, (#1) THIS THREAD IS NOW CLOSED

Started by Capt. Jack McQuesten, April 07, 2004, 01:15:47 AM

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Tommy tornado

I have had to buy a second '49er pattern pack because I wore out the page with the percussion patterns.  I have made a lot of plain jane slim jims and I love'em.  Thanks Wil for your wonderful products.
Keep your pants and your powder dry!
# 356056

Slowhand Bob

Tommy a great tip from the old Bianchy tapes was to save your most used patterns on print board and cut them out for easy border tracing.  These will last a lot longer than tracing through the orriginals and really speeds up the process.  I purchased multiple copies of Wills patterns and kept two each for my own use and sold the remainders.

Dalton Masterson

That is a good tip, but I found it even easier to use foam board like they use for posters to make patterns. They dont wrinkle, and store much easier than delicate patterns from paper. Just slap them on the leather and go to work.

For details like carving patterns, I use the plastic? sheets they use for blueprint and architecture drawings. I had a bunch of scraps given to me, and one side is smooth, while the other side is rough. Trace it on with a pencil, cut it out, then spray the pattern with a clear finish of some sort. I have used these patterns many times, and have had no troubles with them. Much stronger than Vellum. Cant find it anywhere around here tho.
SASS #51139L
Former Territorial Governor of the Platte Valley Gunslingers (Ret)
GAF (Bvt.) Major in command of Battalion of Western Nebraska
SUDDS 194--Double Duelist and proud of it!
RATS #65
Gunfighting Soot Lord from Nebrasky
44 spoke, and it sent lead and smoke, and 17 inches of flame.

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

    I use white poster paper, which is nice and thick , so you can use it over and over, i make a copy of the patern on to the white poster paper, useing carbon paper , then cut the patern out of the poster paper, I do this with all my paterns, this way the original stays new, by doing this you will have a templete of everything you make , I have several copy's of each holster patern use the first copy to make all the other copys, and then you can make any changes on them, with different changes made to each one, like different barrel cant's or lower cutt lip on bucket, or wider, shorter, or narower skirt, or wider or narower holster loops, this way, you have the patern you want, when you want it . I buy the poster paper at any of the stationary stores out there and I always get the large size for this, you can also use manilla folders, provided they are big or long enough, and these store real easy, I save all the large and extra large mailing envelopes, I get my hands on , and store most of my paterns in them, you can also use plastic sealable bags . I hope this will be a help to some of my Pards. ???

                                              You Pards have a great day  ;)

                                                    Ten Wolves  ;) :D ;D
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About


Howdy Pards:

Geez...I am at it again.  I have just completed this belt cartidge pouch utilizing the pattern as seen on the Frank James holster.  This is really one nice pattern and is fairly easy to carve.  I wanted to see what it would look like with an oil finish, and also this pouch is a donation to our local club (Ocoee Rangers) as a door prize at our X-Mas shoot and gathering.
Outrider  (formerly "Dusty Dick" out of PA.)
SASS #2353
BOLD #895
Custom Leathersmith
Ocoee Rangers

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

  Howdy Outrider :D

            Nice work on the pouch, the tooling looks right on, and I like the oil finish, it gives the piece a nice soft luster, which is what really like about an oil finish, my hats off to you again . ;D

                                      Ten Wolves ;) :D ;D
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About

Cactus Patch Kid

Hi All,

New member here. Been doing leather for 6 months or so. Got a couple small projects under my belt and a couple holsters & belts in work. I've been learning a lot just sitting out behind the sage brush and listening but finally decided I need to get up by the campfire.

Anyway, nice pouch. I need something like that. What is an oil finish? What kind of oil? How do you apply it? Do you just put it on over the raw leather? Do you have to reapply every so often? Sorry for all the questins, just trying to continue my education.

Thanks a lot,

Cactus Patch Kid

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

Howdy Kid

          I'm not sure what oil Outrider used, maybe he will come in here and let us know , but there are a few oils out there you can use with good results, there is Lex-oil, Neatsfoot oil, and Extra Virgin Olive oil, I don't have any expereance with Lex-oil, but I now some Pards use it , I like Neatsfoot Oil and the Extra Virgin Olive Oil , they give me great results . you can put it on unfinished leather or on some finished leather , do it in light coats, you can also layer the oil to get lighter and darker shades on the same piece of leather, sort of a two tone effect. As the leather ages, look for any drying , if the piece is dry you can apply, eighter of the oils ,to replenish the leather. I'll send a picture of a holster rig, and the accessories, all this leather is natural , and oiled with Neatsfoot Oil, notice the two tone effect on the ropping cuffs, hope this answered some of your questions.

                                                  Ten Wolves ;) :D ;D
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About

Marshal Will Wingam

Nice pouch, Outrider. Looks like the design will match your Frank James holster. Looks great. Thanks for the pics.

Welcome to the forum, Cactus Patch Kid. There are some really great leatherworkers on here. They should be able to answer just about any question you can come up with. Looking forward to seeing your posts. Be sure to show us your work when you get a chance. Regarding oil finishes, I've used both neatsfoot oil and olive oil. I put them on once and re-apply only if the leather starts to get dry. I've also mixed dye with neatsfoot oil for a very subtle addition of color. Be sure to experiment with that to see what you're going to get before you put it on a finished piece. Also, with oils, be careful not to get too much on or the leather loses its ability to hold a shape. Some projects don't matter but some do. Holsters, for example, need to retain the shape so your guns will slip in and out without too much resistance. Resistance will slow you down, if that's a consideration. Glad to see you with us.

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446


Howdy Cactus Patch

Welcome to the forum.  To answer your question the pouch was done with neatsfoot oil..several coats to get to the color I wanted.  Then a light coating of fiebings acrylic resolene then atom wax to finish it off.  I also use extra virgin oilve oil on some projects.

Ten Wolves and Marshal...thank you for the compliments.  I hope some cowboy shooter will be happy with this pouch...it will be a donated prize at our x-mas get together.
Outrider  (formerly "Dusty Dick" out of PA.)
SASS #2353
BOLD #895
Custom Leathersmith
Ocoee Rangers

Cactus Patch Kid


Thanks for the info. The rigs I'm working on now are both black but I'm already planning the next one. Wanted something different than dyed leather. This oil finish may be just the thing.

Thanks again for the replies.

Cactus Patch Kid

will ghormley

Hey Outrider,

That pouch does look real nice.  I've tried to get Tandy Leather Factory to come out with the large floral stamps used on Frank's rig.  They were originally designed for saddle decoration I'm sure, but they are great for holsters and belts as well.  If enough folks bugged TLF, they might add them to their line of stamps.  They've added enough other stuff to thier stamp line, you'd think they would want good saddle stamps.

Hey Kid, welcome to the forum.  Get some photos in when you can.

"When Liberty is illegal, only the outlaws will be free."  Will Ghormley

"Exploit your strengths.  Compensate for your weaknesses."
Will Ghormley


Howdy Pards:

Hey Will...thanks for the compliment....yes, your absolutely right TLF should come out with a stamp like that...I somehow get the feeling that TLF is kind of leaning towards the weekend crafter much more than they used to...but I guess that is where the money is.

Will...if you ever find a supplier for that stamp that is priced reasonably I would be in for one of both the sizes...and I think Marshal Wingham is also interested.
Outrider  (formerly "Dusty Dick" out of PA.)
SASS #2353
BOLD #895
Custom Leathersmith
Ocoee Rangers

Dalton Masterson

I think your right about TLF being geared toward weekenders. It seems Hidecrafters carries a little more professional line of tools. Is there an outfit that is geared even higher??
Nice work on the pouch btw!!.

SASS #51139L
Former Territorial Governor of the Platte Valley Gunslingers (Ret)
GAF (Bvt.) Major in command of Battalion of Western Nebraska
SUDDS 194--Double Duelist and proud of it!
RATS #65
Gunfighting Soot Lord from Nebrasky
44 spoke, and it sent lead and smoke, and 17 inches of flame.

Marshal Will Wingam

Alright, pards. I started a thread to see how many of us are interested in those floral stamps, including a link to Tandy customer service to see if we can generate enough interest on their part to make the stamps available. Be sure to check it out if you are interested. Check it out anyway, you may get interested.


SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446

Marshal Will Wingam

Will just posted a good idea for getting quality buckles for our rigs and belts. It was a good idea so I split it off into a separate thread. Here it is: http://www.cascity.com/forumhall/index.php/topic,17870.0.html

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446


Howdy Pards:

Dalton...thank you much for the compliment on the pouch.   I would also like to find a higher end supplier.  It almost seems like you have to special order any more.. Recently, my local TLF guy has ordered some double shoulders form a supplier in N.J., due to the garbage he had been getting.  The stuff he had been getting which was out of Mexico was real garbage...I snapped up all the sample hides the outfit in N.J. sent.

If anyone can direct me to a supplier for and Al Stohlman Brand 1/2" round end strap punch....TLF does not handle them anymore and I would like to get one.
Outrider  (formerly "Dusty Dick" out of PA.)
SASS #2353
BOLD #895
Custom Leathersmith
Ocoee Rangers

Outlaw Gambler

Here are a couple I made for some CAS shooters.  8)

Marshal Will Wingam

Nice work, OG. I particularly like the contrast between the dark brown stain and the silver/pink hardware. Really striking. Thanks for sharing your stuff.

Welcome to the forum. Looking forward to your posts.

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446



Nice work on both the rigs...and welcome to the forum...great bunch of pards in here.
Outrider  (formerly "Dusty Dick" out of PA.)
SASS #2353
BOLD #895
Custom Leathersmith
Ocoee Rangers

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