I failed , again , to convert my buddy

Started by Alabama, October 17, 2008, 04:41:29 PM

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Not sure if'n you yall remember my post about that friend I had in Arizona that was showing some interest in BP Cap and Ball guns that I gave one of my Colts too ? I had just put a new barrel and new cylinder on it too . Dang it !
Anyway , I shipped him a very nice gun , for free , free shipping , free price , just FREE .  Even a week later scrounged up a nice adjustable TC Powder Measure for him and a Rogers and Spencer nipple pick-wrench combo brand new for him so he aint gotta buy so much stuff to get going . Free again .
This was two months ago I think ?
I get an e-mail back from him after I sent one out asking how the Colt shoots for him , it was brand new never fired mind you .
His responce was he was too busy lately to go out and he didn't have time to do so much cleaning after shooting  :-\ so he aint shot it at all come to find out  :-\
Somebody has been brainwashing him obviously .
So basically I have failed in converting him . I realy tried hard to get another convert for the Possey but he has seriously disappointed me now. I even told him to NOT take the gun to anyone for advice and I would walk him through every aspect of this cap and ball revolver thing we do . Obviously he has takin it somewhere or talked to someone that don't know sqwuatt about Cap and Ball pistols .
He was even excited about getting the gun at one time , now I figure I am out a gun and didn't even get the conversion of another shooter on top of it .
I guess I should stop being so nice to people , but I like to try to convert people over , they just don't know what they are missing . Now he may never know since the Modern Cartridge Gustapo has gotten to him .
Now I am crying over my spilt Milk , no gun , a semi-worthless friend now ? Some days your the dog , some days you get kicked by your owner I guess .  :-\
This is what I sent him too , he should be so lucky huh ? And yes those are my Custom grips I made too darn it all .

If I was less a man I would ask for it back , but I am still holding on hope ( yeh right ) that he may actually go try it if he gets less lazy in life .
I will say this , I tried real hard this time to convert someone , but you just can't un-brainwash someone sometimes . This won't stop me from trying , but I am going to be less generous next time .


Dalton Masterson

He could be telling you the truth, and is just too busy. I have times like that in my job, where things are just too hectic to do ANY extracurricular things, let alone eat and sleep. He probably just wants to have time to really enjoy it, and do things the right way.
SASS #51139L
Former Territorial Governor of the Platte Valley Gunslingers (Ret)
GAF (Bvt.) Major in command of Battalion of Western Nebraska
SUDDS 194--Double Duelist and proud of it!
RATS #65
Gunfighting Soot Lord from Nebrasky
44 spoke, and it sent lead and smoke, and 17 inches of flame.


hell you can give me a free gun any day of the week  ;D
the line between genius and madness may be a fine one ,but theres a big brick wall between crazy and stupid


I like your optimism Dalton .  ;D
I hope that is all it is with him , but you gots to understand that I already had told him how easy it was to clean these things .
Someday I hope for a good e-mail , and a convert .



Swordboy ,
not on your best day would I give you a Colt .
Remember you don't like them  ;D


Dick Dastardly

Ya kin lead 'em to water, but ya can't make 'em drink.  It's sad, but some will walk the heathen path and never see the light.  One thing to think about tho. . . If it's free, it ain't worth enuf.  Nice things cost money.

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies

Sgt. Jake

   Ive got a friend of some twenty years or so,and hes converted.He dosnt shoot CAS, never the less shoots single actions and leverguns. He called me up this afternoon to ask if I thought he could load gunpowder in 357 mag., to shoot in his S&W 686,he said to me I just perfer BLACK. Oh ya he s converted!!!     Never give up eventually he will see the smoke and flame                 Adios  Sgt. Jake


Quote from: Alabama on October 17, 2008, 05:59:57 PM
Swordboy ,
not on your best day would I give you a Colt .
Remember you don't like them  ;D


like or not ..... free is free  ;D
the line between genius and madness may be a fine one ,but theres a big brick wall between crazy and stupid


Quote from: swordboy on October 17, 2008, 10:22:39 PM

like or not ..... free is free  ;D

Swordboy ,
this has taught me a valuable lesson in life . Never give someone a Colt , or Remington for that matter that is not passionate about firearms to start with . I say that because if the passion was truelly there for my buddy he would have gone out and shot it by now , reguarldess if its cap and ball or not , even if he was busy , because I know he aint busy . Especially a very sweet Colt like this one !  :-\
Kinda like you are and what you said in this post " like or not.....free is free " ................Well Swordboy , that is not enough reason to have the privilage to own a Colt , period . That would be a disgrace to Samuel to do that to one of his guns . Kinda like what I did by giving this gun to this buddy of mine that was soooooooo excited about getting it . Till it got there .  :-\
I screwed up I think now . Oh well , sorry Sam . Next person is gonna deserve it first , I promise .  ;)

Swordboy , I gave my Dad my 3rd Model Dragoon Signature Series Colt years ago because I love the guy and knew he would love to have it , he has passion for guns . He shot the piss out of it too for years, then sent it back to me years later . He told me it needs to be back in my collection where it will get a home it deserves because he doesn't shoot cap and ball enough to take it out of his gun safe enough , and it needs a better home . Now that is passion and understading of a fine Colt . And a fine man to have the balls to give a gun back that nice to his son that gave it to him him for no good reason , no birthday no anything , just for craps and giggles because I love the guy and KNOW how much he loves Colts .

I can plainly see that that is the difference between you and I , passion for the gun . Any gun .  ;D You may like guns , especially free ones obviously , but I love guns as much as I love my woman , maybe even more , but don't tell her that  ;)



If he lives around Phoenix send me his address and I'll stop by and tell him it was miss-sent.  Should have had my address on it.


Yeh , no kidding Pettifogger, at least you would have appreciated it enough to shoot it , and fondle it .  ;)
He's in Yuma , not sure if that's near Pheonix  ;D


Problem with your plan is I wouldn't be converting you Pettifogger , your already an ADDICT !!!!  ;D
I am laying money your collection far exceeds mine anyway  ;D . But , I guess if anyone deserves more guns around here it would be you for contributing so much postive energy around here , honest .  ;) I am also 100% sure that you have converted your fare share of pardners over to the Dark Side also .  ;)
Hell , I more or less just felt sorry for my buddy , he's got kids , is a teacher , and doesn't have money , and really was whining about not being able to afford anymore guns but wanted to get into cap and ball because he wanted to know what it was like back then to shoot one of these guns . I suppose I am glad I had the oportunity to oblidge him , but come on man shoot the damn thing at least .
Or send it back so i can give it to someone that will use it , like Swordboy  ;D Yeh right ! Like that would ever ever ever happen . When Pigs Fly would be a good analogy  ;D


Pettifogger ,

I e-mailed him asking him if he was actually going to use this thing or not , honestly , if not send it back so I can give it to someone else that will .
Haven't gotten a reply yet , he may be too busy at the Range shooting his AK47 instead of this COLT .  >:(
Maybe this will spur him into submission to join the realm of real guns and actually go out and shoot it ?
If he sends it back , which I hope he does , we can find someone here that at least knows somebody that will apreciate it and give it away to someone POOR that is just getting started or at least actually really wants to get started . Would be a great youth gun too , since it is a .36 model with the 5-1/2" barrel . Technically its a 61 Navy .....
Maybe Swordboy ? Yeh right !!! Chuckle chuckle , hee hee .............. ;D Maybe someone like him though , but with NO MONEY . They actually have to have had dreams at night of owning a Colt and woke up drooling is my only prerequisite here .  ;D
I will honestly put it up here for free if he wants to send it back , and he very well may . My intention was to convert and darn good and well I am going to with this gun reguardless if it is him or someone else , its that important to me . I will have my answer as soon as he replys .
Oh and Swordboy , this is what you get for badmouthing COLTS design  ;D . You can badmouth COLT all you want , got no problem with that , but the design is top notch .  ;D Jus teazin ya Swordboy , but don't bother sending me an address , your NOT a Colt lover . I will find one , easilly  ;D

Sincerely, Alabama


the line between genius and madness may be a fine one ,but theres a big brick wall between crazy and stupid


Swordboy ,
if ever come up with a Remington that I don't want , your first on my list !  I promise .  ;D

Sincerely, Alabama

PS... at least you can see the humor in all this , it aint nothin personal  :o


the line between genius and madness may be a fine one ,but theres a big brick wall between crazy and stupid


All kidding aside , what have you decided on ????????
You have a hundred choices at least, so which is it !!!!!
Buy two I tell ya , a Remington and a Colt if you can , or even a Rogers and Spencer or Ruger or Sipller and Burr .
Too many to choose from and they are are very cool and all shoot very well .
Throw a dart at your Cabelas book on the two pages of pistols and there you go, you got a winner no matter what it hits .  ;D
If your really lucky maybe it will hit the Walker ! Oh yeh, that's a COLT and you don't like COLTS  :o

Sincerely, Alabama


Allybammy, my heart goes out to you, giving away a nice pistola like that one. Dang this great big pond between us, I would love to match smoke with you, especially with my big ole Walker. That shoots bullseye at 25 yards and turns in a 2"-3" group even in my shaky paw!!

Smokily yours, UKshooter
Trouble is...when I'm paid to do a job, I always carry it through. (Angel Eyes, The Good, The Bad & The Ugly)
BWSS # 54, RATS# 445, SCORRS,
Cowboy from Robin Hood's back yard!!

Steel Horse Bailey

Swordboy, Howdy!

Have ya made up yer mind, yet?

I stand by my previous post - buy a Colt AND a Remington.  Variety is the spice of life.

Al-A-Bama, you did a nice thing there.  I wish I  was your friend who needed to learn about TRUE shooting!
(Not that there is anything wrong with ANY type of shooting.  We'd better shoot while we still CAN!  The bad-ol'-days are comin', friends!  Unless mainstream America wises up and votes the RIGHT way!  Even BP guns and supplies are a target, now that there have been some gang-related crimes committed with C&B guns.)

Sorry; I'll get off my soapbox now.
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"


I don't doubt that that someday I will make it there or you here , so it aint out of the realm of possiblities we can blow some smokey with the Walkers together before we die .  ;D I obviously have FAITH  ;)
They are cool huh ! Very accurate and beyond handsome , indeed .  And the best thing about the Walker , you can pack in a whapum load of powder in one . especially with 2FF  ;D

Sincerely, and thanks for the sentiment , Alabama

PS, thanks Steel Horse Bailey too . Yes being a friend of mine this time won't help anyone on my mission , we need to find someone truly needy . And that drools !!!!

Major 2

I actually succeeded, I took my good friend to a W3G shoot today, just to watch... he is stoked
wants to get in with both feet....
The W3G group is quite small, and welcomed me  (NCOWS Member) if all goes well , we will have the other two NCOWS members in Florida & my friend at their shoot 3rd Sundays of the months.

Ala. I sent you a PM  ;D
when planets align...do the deal !

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