taking arguements for remmys and colts

Started by swordboy, October 15, 2008, 02:42:37 PM

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I'm looking to pick up a c&b revolver and I'm looking into both remington and colt .....  ;D be warned I've had a pietta remmy and don't like the open frame of colt ;D
the line between genius and madness may be a fine one ,but theres a big brick wall between crazy and stupid


"be warned I've had a pietta remmy and don't like the open frame of colt."  So, what else is there to say?


 ;) your right I'm fishing ...... for pro's & con's on both guns from the fans of each ;D
the line between genius and madness may be a fine one ,but theres a big brick wall between crazy and stupid


                If you want to stay traditional then it's Colts or Remmy depending on clone manufacturer but if you want rugged and dependable then you HAVE to have Ruger Old Army, and they are GREAT!

Trouble is...when I'm paid to do a job, I always carry it through. (Angel Eyes, The Good, The Bad & The Ugly)
BWSS # 54, RATS# 445, SCORRS,
Cowboy from Robin Hood's back yard!!


Problem solved , buy both . Both are GREAT !!!!
Nothing at all wrong with a Pietta Remingtons either , they are beasts . What was "YOUR" problem with it ?
I remember your Colt dejections and why , but that is a pretty weak argument since you obviously never owned one .
Being afraid your going to break the Colt is not even a reason , because it aint gonna happen in your lfietime unless " YOU " overload it . Otherwise it is a fine design . Losing the wedge is not a good argument either , that was another concern of only you , it just doesn't happen . Where you gonna lose it , down a man-hole grate ?
I owne allot of them , many brands , styles , etc , and they are all worthy of ownership . Choose whatever , buy it , shoot it , then decide for yourself . Nobody here can help you do that since you have narrowed your spectrum of guns intencely down to nothing really ? Like Pettifogger says , so whats left to talk about here ? Get back to us when you actually buy and shoot something and let us know how you like it . Our opinions are much more open minded here and there aint allot of CONS with any of the guns being produced now, it is more style and feel , so you actually have to buy one, shoot it, decide for yourself .
I hope you do and soon too .  ;D  Report back with some solid opinions when you get them please on why you don't like them or do . My example if you want one or not is I used to hate the looks of Remingtons, but I also used to hate Cantelope ? Now I love cantelope , owne many Remingtons and it took buying one to convert me into a Remington lover . Colt I fell in love with from looks first , but after I shot one for real I really loved it . So , buy some cantelope if you don't like it now and maybe someday you'll learn to love it . Hmmmm , just like the Colts for you isn't it ?  Don't cheat yourself out of getting a fine handgun because you have some preconcieved notion that Colts are week or a bad design , because it just aint so .

Sincerely, Alabama


Well Swordboy dude ,
just for you not liking Colts for no good reason , you made a desicion for me today and I thank you .
I was contemplating a purchase of a very nicely made Remington today . But a nice Colt came up for sale to me today out of happenstance , and after all this non-sence about Colts and thier design , I made my desicion because of you to purchase another Colt instead of the $600 Remington . Go figure ?
So thanks , now there will be even one less Colt you can even buy now yourself .  ;D More for me , less for you, works out perfectly  ;D


and seriously, thanks , now I have a very very very nice Colt on its way !!! Yeehaaa , long live Samuels Spirit !!!!
He'd be proud of me today for having his back in this arguement of non-sence for sure ...

PS. It is a FUll Fluted Cylinder 1860 Uberti , very cool Colt indeed , brand new too  ;D



I have to say Alabama hit it right it discussion on the remington vs. Colt, looks and feel.  The first cap & ball revolver I every shot/owned was one I purchased from DGW back prior to 1970.  It was their house model 1860, made by A. Uberti and Gardone (sic) and has the half fluted cylinder, still have it in the gun bag.  It still shoots great, straight and I must admit I did let the bore pit a bit, did not clean it right off when I was much younger.  Now I have bought quite a few Colt clones since and have repeatedly been pleased with quality from Pietta, as well, had another 1860 from them, had two at one time but sold one to a friend getting into shooting, have bought quite a few more and 51's too, form Taylor & Co.  Uberti and Pettat are both just fine. 

Always look over your purchase when you receive it and make sure it locks up OK and cycles smooth before the first shot is fired, return to the distributor for replacement if needed.  Now Remngtons are still just fine too.  I was given a pair laster Christmas by the kids, (adult children now), these are the casehardened style with checkered grips, nice.  They have been shot some but, to no abuse.  have an extra set of cylinders for them too.  They are Pioetta and very well made.  So now I have 51's, 60's (many), a couple of pocket models (mini 1851's) and then the NMA (1858's) and have not been disappointed by any, as yet.  All shoot very well. 

It's going to be up to you to shoot some, ask around at the next match to try a few out.  At our open house at the range, last month, that's all most all the visitors wanted to shoot.  I was charging cyclinders almost all morning long.  It was great fun.

Good luck to you,

Old Scout & Order of the Arrow
DARKSIDER by Choice, VIRGINIAN by the Grace of God

Fingers McGee

Quote from: swordboy on October 15, 2008, 02:42:37 PM
I'm looking to pick up a c&b revolver and I'm looking into both remington and colt .....  ;D be warned I've had a pietta remmy and don't like the open frame of colt ;D

Seems like kind of a moot point.

Howsomever,  I like the Colt style and in particular the 2nd Gens.  I'm trying my darndest to buy up as many as I can so shooters that don't care for them arent tempted.  Just took delivery of a NIB 2nd Gen full fluted 1860 Army.

BTW - one point in favor of the Colt style - I shot a 12 stage SASS match this past weekend with the only maintenance being a wipe down of the exterior of the gun, face of the cylinder and the hammer after 6 stages.  No relubing, no Balistol/moose milk sprayed in the arbor, didn't even take the wedges out.  The 2nd Gen '61 Navies were just as free after 12 stages as they were on the first one.  I'm not 100% positive; but, I don't believe a Remmie clone or ROA will do that (least wise the Remmies I had wouldn't).

Fingers (Show Me MO smoke) McGee
Fingers (Show Me MO smoke) McGee;
SASS Regulator 28654 - L - TG; NCOWS 3638
AKA Man of many Colts; Diabolical Ken's alter ego; stage writer extraordinaire; Frontiersman/Pistoleer; Rangemaster
Founding Member - Central Ozarks Western Shooters
Member - Southern Missouri Rangers;
NRA Patron Life: GOA; CCRKBA; SAF; SV-114 (CWO4 ret); STORM 327

"Cynic:  A blackguard whose faulty vision sees thing as they are, not as they should be"  Ambrose Bierce

Ransom Gaer

I love my Colt open top C&B revolvers.  I use them as my main match revolvers for CAS matches all the time.

Fingers Mcgee,  You reminded me of a trip to the range I made about two years ago Christmas.  I took a number of guns to the range to practice with them and one of them was one of my Uberti made 1860 Armies.  I decided I would really push the thing and see how many rounds I could go through before it would lock up.  I went 75 rounds before I quit.  It was still hitting paperwhen I quit and I didn't clean it at all during my experiment.  I had to quit because it was getting dark and the range was closing.  DRAT!!!  I was also using my normal match load of 30 grains Goex Cowboy powder, wonder wad and roundball.

Ransom Gaer
Pvt Ransom Geer Co D 34th Virginia Infantry Regiment
Soot Lord

Dick Dastardly

If ya haven't already done it, shoot 'em both.  Also, shoot an ROA.  You will find that your hands will have a preference.  Your wallet is another consideration.  One thing tho.  If you were to choose the ROAs, get 'em fairly soon.  Ruger quit makin' 'em and there ain't ever goin' to be no 'clone' ROAs.

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies

Howdy Doody

I don't know where we are going with this, but I have all three. Remmies shoot great, tough and the cylinders are easy to drop in and out. Colts need work, especially a Manhattan conversion needs to be done. ROAs are tough, easy to drop cylinders in and out and shoot great.
Got my thinking cap on and I can't remember anyone winning EOT with Remmingtons, but 1860 Colts yes, and Rugers yes. That means poop though, because any gun in the hands of a good and fast shooter will do well.
Buy what you like and they will shoot fine for you. I still favor the ROAs, but they are pricey. :)
yer pard,
Howdy Doody
Notorious BP shooter


I'm not trying to start a fight ..... I'm on the fence ..... I don't know what to buy so I'm asking for help
the line between genius and madness may be a fine one ,but theres a big brick wall between crazy and stupid

Fingers McGee

Quote from: Ransom Gaer on October 15, 2008, 08:03:26 PM
I love my Colt open top C&B revolvers.  I use them as my main match revolvers for CAS matches all the time.
I was also using my normal match load of 30 grains Goex Cowboy powder, wonder wad and roundball.

Ransom Gaer

The 2nd Gen '61s are my main match guns - previous MM guns were a cons SN pair of Uberti '61s.  Normal loading is 20 gr fffg Goex or Shuetzen, lubed wad and .380 roundball.  They have been working flawlessly since I got them.

Quote from: Howdy Doody on October 15, 2008, 10:12:47 PM
Colts need work, especially a Manhattan conversion needs to be done.

Not necessarily.  Tresso Nipples & #10 Remingtons have served me well for quite some time.  Haven't had a cap jam or misfire in I don't know how long.  Even Manhattan Conversions aren't perfect.

Fingers (Show Me MO smoke) McGee
Fingers (Show Me MO smoke) McGee;
SASS Regulator 28654 - L - TG; NCOWS 3638
AKA Man of many Colts; Diabolical Ken's alter ego; stage writer extraordinaire; Frontiersman/Pistoleer; Rangemaster
Founding Member - Central Ozarks Western Shooters
Member - Southern Missouri Rangers;
NRA Patron Life: GOA; CCRKBA; SAF; SV-114 (CWO4 ret); STORM 327

"Cynic:  A blackguard whose faulty vision sees thing as they are, not as they should be"  Ambrose Bierce


With the pressures of real powder (especially with the materials used today) the Colt open frame design is strong enough for any of us.  If you shoot one loose or wear it out then you truly are a master of the soot and must be shooting 20,000 to 50,000 rounds a year.  Aside from what some people might say you would be hard pressed to "overload" a revolver using 2F or 3F real powder.

You will notice most of the people have responded they shoot Colt replicas or ROAs. The Remingtons are awkward in most people's hands. Shooters who use Colts do so because they point and handle well.  I find they are easier to cock than a Remington, and they definitely point better. If you go to the store take each one and try this exercise:
•   Hold the revolver in your shooting hand
•   Find a target point at least 30 feet away
•   Close your eyes
•   Cock the revolver with your eyes closed (ask permission before you do that), simulate it if they ask you not to cock it
•   With your eyes still closed point the pistol at the memorized position of the target point
•   (Don't Pull the Trigger!) Open your eyes and without moving the pistol observe where it is pointing
•   Repeat this with the other models

Try this with both Navy Grip size frames and Army Grips for the Colts.  Try it with an ROA if you can find one and do the same with a Remington.

I'd be willing to bet you will find one of the two Colt pistols will end up being a more natural pointer for you.
The weakness of the Colt design is the hammer slot width, which sometimes seems to be a cap fragment magnet...  You will notice this doesn't deter us from using them.  As for my bonifides, I exclusively shoot either a pair of '60s or in rare cases a pair of '72 Open Tops in monthly CAS matches.  I have been known to shoot a pair of '61s or '51s, but I've settled on Army grip sized frames in .44 caliber.

Don't rely on opinions, find what feels right in your hands and practice, practice, practice.
A brace of 1860s, a Yellowboy Saddle Rifle and a '78 Pattern Colt Scattergun


Swordboy ,

Since you said you owned a Pietta Remington already at one time , and I asked you what was " YOUR " problem with it ( now twice ) , do you mind answering that question for me now ?
Are you really fishing for answers or just TROLLING  :-\



I had white mircata grips and they turned a nasty yellow and the balance was kind akward but I think I can fix the balance with added wieght in the grips ...... sorry for not getting back to you
the line between genius and madness may be a fine one ,but theres a big brick wall between crazy and stupid


Quote from: swordboy on October 16, 2008, 04:19:26 AM
I had white mircata grips and they turned a nasty yellow and the balance was kind akward but I think I can fix the balance with added wieght in the grips ...... sorry for not getting back to you

Thanks .
I am a bit confused with your post , you said you " had " one , but you can fix it with added weight in the grips ? Does that mean you
"DON'T" have it anymore , but if you get another one you'll add weight to the Remingtons grips for better balance of the gun ?  ???
I take it you feel the Remington is barrel heavy then ???? Unless you get a gun with a shorter barrel they are all barrel heavy  ;D . You may want to try the 5-1/2" model Remington next time , it is a nice handling gun too , may be right up your alley . They even make one in .36 caliber if you don't like the .44 caliber , but it is the same size as the .44 ...................................



you are correct sir if I purchase another pietta I'll be wieghting the handle ;D ...... and yes I have seen the 5 1/2 barrel  :P but I like the eight inch more  ;D
the line between genius and madness may be a fine one ,but theres a big brick wall between crazy and stupid


Swordboy, you dun it now!!
Start on a subject like this and everybody who has a favorite pistol is gonna jump on the bandwagon.
That Mr. fingers McGee trying to tell me my ROA's would jam up.
Ooooh that makes me mad! (Yosemite Sam)
JFYI I shot a 7 stage match on the Saturday, full warthog loads, only wiped the crud from the outside, went to the range next morning and shot  a further 20 shots through each using only 20 gr holy black with wads, (told I needed to do this for an indoor match) just to see how they performed and they were flawless.
Have to say that at the end I drew from leather, 5 shots, swapped pistols , 5 shots and achieved 8.8 seconds, faster than with my usual loads. (Is bragging allowed???)

Your humble pal, UKshooter (That loves this forum)
Trouble is...when I'm paid to do a job, I always carry it through. (Angel Eyes, The Good, The Bad & The Ugly)
BWSS # 54, RATS# 445, SCORRS,
Cowboy from Robin Hood's back yard!!


 ;) I was kinda hopen for that  ;D ..... cause I'm really on the fence  :o
the line between genius and madness may be a fine one ,but theres a big brick wall between crazy and stupid

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