How Far Will You go With Your Personna?

Started by Delmonico, January 25, 2005, 04:10:07 PM

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Jake Book

 Thanks for those thoughts Professor Marvel. It really is all about the effort. And I agree, everyone has their stopping point.

Looking at your list of things you do and don't do, I would whole heartedly agree, however I would have to take that next step even beyond hiding a form of cooler inside a wooden box. I would just forgo any food stuffs that need to stay refrigerated which again, with a little effort can be easily done. The reason being is that, even though everyone else would see a wooden box, I'd still have to open it and look inside only to see foam and plastic and that would take me out of the period moment.

QuoteIt is the "Mark Baker" types that push the envelope of safety, to which I object.  He used to go on week-long treks with only pre 1790 gear, and no means of emergency contact ( I like my wife better than to do that to her) .  He also does not wear safety glasses.

I have always found it necessary to experience this level of "hardcore" or what have you at least once in the reenacting hobby. I've been on several of these, where if someone got seriously hurt etc. it would be a couple mile hike anyway before help could be gotten or cell phone service worked again. I and others involved just simply knew that going in and were okay with it. We knew the risks and we excepted them simply for the experience, and my what an experience those times have been.

One such event was a Civil War full immersion event where about 200 of us (100 Federals, 100 Confederates) fought it out in a giant wilderness area in Tennessee. It was closed to the public. We arrived, filled our canteens, were issued rations, beaded down on our packs with nothing but a gum blanket underneath of us, got up to the sound of the fife, drum and bugle at 4:30AM, were in full marching order by 5:30AM, marched 5 miles into the middle of this wilderness area and set up our picket lines and commenced to wait on the confederates to show themselves. None of us had cell phones, save an officer for safety concerns but it didn't matter anyway because he didn't get service. There were copperheads in those woods, so you had to be careful. Ticks were abundant and my feet were wet the entire time but I had the time of my life! I will never forget it.

All of that said though, most of your experiences in the hobby are going to be at a nice location for a camp and shoot. One shouldn't have any trouble surviving a weekend without some modern amenities as you described while also not having to kill themselves by trying to be "hardcore" in action. If you don't want to be hardcore in action, at least be hardcore in your presentation. I will forever endorse becoming a stitch counter!  ;D

Professor Marvel

Greetings Jake -

you make yet another valid point regarding foodstuffs - one can take frsh or canned food (re-labled) and still be period, keeping them in an 1800's  "cook box" with shade, a cooling cloth ( ie - home-made swamp cooler for the food) and bug protection ( we *know* where those flies have been!)

regarding going harcore ...  everybody ought to consider doing it a few times while their young and indestructible! I did a few times...
before cell phones....

May I submit that having a few other participants to rely on (some of whom are usually trained EMT's) is a much better bet than going alone with your dog into deep wilderness on a 50-100 mile "long trek" like Baker used to do :-)

prof ( getting older and feeling it ) marvel
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