How Far Will You go With Your Personna?

Started by Delmonico, January 25, 2005, 04:10:07 PM

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I decided to ask this over here in Cas-City because things don't seem to get as heated over here.

A lot of NCOWS members come frome the Living History background and many still do it.  NCOWS tries to emulate this to a certain degree at their shoots.  But I am just curious how far folks would be willing to carry things for say a weekend or even a week.  I set my boundries many years ago and many who will read this already know how far I will go. 

Before you post, do think a bit, because this is a history lesson as well as a post that is intended to be fun, nothing more.  Remember, if you ain't careful you could end up dead in a hurry if you do this for real and you carry it too far.   A good place to start is your personal medical records.  You may already be dead and don't know it.  If you are not sure and are over 40, just flip a coin.  Over 50 ya got to win best 2 out of 3.  Over 60 just figure about 5% chance yer still alive.

By the way I'm already dead several times over, that's on reason I don't want to play real hard-core. 

I'll check back on this later, mean while Ol' Cookie's got to gather some chips for the fire.  I'm serving up a mess of E-Coli fer supper. :o :o :o :o ;)
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

Joyce (AnnieLee)

Okie, Delmonico said up front this should be fun, so as a Non-NCOWS person, I think I can answer:

How far would I go with my personna?

Oh, baby, I go ALL THE WAY..
Not really. I'm a nun, remember?



Unrepentant WartHog
Heathen Gunfighter
Pepper Mill Creek Gang
Wielder of "Elle KaBong", the WartHog cast iron skillet
Nasty Lady

Lone Gunman

I would have to draw the line at gettin' matter how much I deserve it.
Besides, deserve[/i]'s got nothin' to do with it. 8)
George "Lone Gunman" Warnick

"...A man of notoriously vicious & intemperate disposition"


Well if you were really a hardcore you would be willing to be hanged if you deserved it.  Bet we could find a rope with the proper knot and a horse.  You comin' to Rock Creek this year?
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.


I've been asking to get hanged for some time, just no body willing to pull the rope. ;D ;D ;D

Cuts Crooked

Interesting question Del!

My persona is that of an elderly man in the mid 1890s. This permits me considerable leeway in that I can be somewhat anachronistic, prefering some things from my younger years but also enjoying the benefits of living in the 90s.

In reality, I won't participate in anything that would endanger my health. Ergo: I ain't drinking from the stream, goin' around unbathed, eatin maggoty salt pork, or even sleepin' on bare ground in tick infested areas. By the standards of the times we reenact I'm already dead several times over, I'd rather not push the envelope and make it real! :o
Dark Lord of the Soot
Honorary member of the Mormon Posse
NCOWS #2250
SASS #36914 like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like you do when nobody is watching..


  I believe, and would like to see authenticity taken to the point that if it can be seen, it should be documentable to the time period, and your persona. If its not period it should be out of sight or covered. For example ,if I have fresh food it will be in a cooler w/ ice. But the cooler will have a canvas cover,or be in a wood box. And if my bed roll is on an air or foam mattress, that shouldn't cause any one heartburn as long as the cover is period.   jt
Aggressive fighting for the Right is the noblest sport the world affords. T. Roosevelt
NRA Patron/Life Member
  NCOWS #851, Senator
Proud Member of the KVC
Hiram's Rangers, founder
GAF # 328
  TAPS #26

Silver Creek Slim

I prefer to have some creature comforts. I like to have a bath/shower at least a few times per week. I like to put on clean clothes once in awhile. I don't like the thought of eatin' putrid meat (mince meat pie). I don't need to get diseases when playing this game.

NCOWS 2329, WartHog, SCORRS, SBSS, BHR, GAF, RBCS, Dirty RATS, BTBM, IPSAC, Cosie-in-training
I love the smell of Black Powder in the morning!


   There are few things more maddening than to take what you believe is a great photo , then you start looking closely and there's a d&$@ pepsi can.    jt
Aggressive fighting for the Right is the noblest sport the world affords. T. Roosevelt
NRA Patron/Life Member
  NCOWS #851, Senator
Proud Member of the KVC
Hiram's Rangers, founder
GAF # 328
  TAPS #26

Scattered Thumbs

Quote from: Trap on January 26, 2005, 08:56:08 AM
   There are few things more maddening than to take what you believe is a great photo , then you start looking closely and there's a d&$@ pepsi can.    jt

That won't happen to me. I hate Pepsi.  ;D


  Me too ,but I meant someone elses.  jt
Aggressive fighting for the Right is the noblest sport the world affords. T. Roosevelt
NRA Patron/Life Member
  NCOWS #851, Senator
Proud Member of the KVC
Hiram's Rangers, founder
GAF # 328
  TAPS #26

Wymore Wrangler

T ;Dap, I think you describe how most folks look at it to a tee...
Fast horses for sale, Discount for newly minted gold coins, no questions asked....


I've got a copy of the Lincoln paper from 2001, right there on front page is Matt splitting wood, the cook camp and I are in the background.  Right in the back is my yellow Igloo water jug.  At first I was mad that we let it get in the photo that made the front page.  Now I done some thinking and I am glad it's there.

We were at an antique tractor show and had kept it hidden all weekend till Sunday when it got about a 105 degrees.  Well the local Vol. EMT's asked if they minded if they kept it full of ice and water and kept paper cups near by for the folks that were dropping over now and then from the heat.  (I think it was about a dozen that day)   I also got the cell phone out and turned it on, but out of sight, just in case we seen someone we thought needed help.

As I always say, safety first.
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

Will Ketchum

Del, I have t agree with you and others.  I draw the line at health, mine and other peoples.  If I had truly lived exactly 100 years ago as I wrote in my Profile I would most likely be dead as I wouldn't have survived the wounds I have suffered or the bouts with pneumonia  or other diseases I have been inflicted with.  Now having been diagnosed as diabetic about 4 years ago that would put paid to my life.  Today I found out I have influenza in spite of getting the flu shot early. ::)

As for my outfit for NCOWS, as I have stated many times in the past I wear rubber soled boots because we often shoot on wet grass and after two knee surgeries I don't want another.  I am lucky as the heat doesn't bother me like it does some others because I stay well hydrated and have found that I am far cooler with a wool vest on than I am with a canvas one.  I guess grandpa was right :).

Will Ketchum
Will Ketchum's Rules of W&CAS: 1 Be Safe. 2 Have Fun. 3  Look Good Doin It!
F&AM, NRA Endowment Life, SASS Life 4222, NCOWS Life 133.  USMC for ever.
Madison, WI

Major Matt Lewis

To the point to where it's not fun anymore.  This is subjective and left completely up to the individual.  The way it should be. 
Major Matt Lewis
Grand Army of the Frontier * SASS Life * NCOWS * Powder Creek Cowboys * Free State Ranges * RO II * NRA Life * Man on the Edge

Lucky Deuce

I can see trying to be as close as a 21st Century person can be but using common sense.  In other words limiting the amount of modern items as much as possible, but you have to use your head.  I mean, we can NEVER exactly recreate what it was like living in the 1800's no matter how hard we try.  The optimal two words are "Common Sense".  I read in another forum about a group of Civil War Re-enactors who go to extremes.  To me, that is total stupidity.  Why soak your buttons in urine so they look like they are 140 years old???  Unless you are portraying a 140 year old soldier, as one poster commented.  I am trying to portray someone who lived during and just after the Civil War and most of my clothing, equipment, accessories, and guns are Civil War era (at least as much as possible).  I bought most of my stuff, haversack, wallet, pocket knife, eye glasses, bullet pouches and cap pouch, etc. from Civil War Sutlers.  I figure my clothing and equipment will get the "used" look from normal wear and tear without artificially aging them. 


A few sugestions, if you are portaying a cowboy just off the trail. You will need your clothing to have that well worn look. The best way if to wear them, to that point. I mean wear them as often as possibale. Wear them doing the yard work, to the fishing hole any place your wife will let you realy. If methed isnt for you, try things like hang your vest over a shirt on the clothes line. This will make them fade reather well. As for as hole and such in your clothing, pacth them. Even trail hands on a drive did not let there clothing go raged. If someones shirt did get to the point it was unwearable, the parts that could be saved went in the chuck wagon. If someone else torn a hole in his, the scapes made patches. For make in some what new look well used, small patches help greatly. The patches should be faded and show less wear than the rest. This being becuse they where most likely made the tail of a shirt, or lower leg of a pair of pants. These part get almost no wear due to protection frombeing tucked in. Hats, buy a cheap one. I left mine in the old pickup for about a year. After being stuffed, sat on, shoved befind the and many other things it has that look of age. Strong tea work good to add some stains. Boots and other leather can be aged by rubbing with fine steel wool and acetone. Just remember that even small things can add up fast and give that faked look.

Firearms can be done in much the same way. Remove some of the blueing from the rub spots. Remove any clear coating from brass, rub it with a patch used to clean black powder. Leting the powder fowling set a day or some, clean with water and soap. A light coating of oil  will leave it a nice brown.

I hope this helps in puting togther your look.


Pard, grab yer digital camera and take a pic of yer flowered shirt.  Sad we can't do any more for it, I know it's been a good friend, kinda like the Hickory Stripe one the fella took my picture wearing and put in The Fence Post Newspaper, that picture that horified the wife and kids.  Patched clothes, 2 days with out a shower in 90+ heat and an internal infection that was trying to kill me.  Yep I bet the "Hardcores" would have let me in their club that day.   The caption read "Looks just like he came off a 90 day trail drive." :o :o   

No I never want to look that correct again, the hollow look was from the codine I was taking for the pain.  It's a good thing you were not on that trip, I'd been in trouble, you'd a never let me get away with it.
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

Steel Horse Bailey

How far will I go with my personna?  You mean on the first date?

I find myself in with the majority here.  If I were to use O.T.Buchanan's scale, I think level 2 or perhaps 2 1/2 suits me.  A lot of things go into the decision, like time, money, time, family, TIME, health, .... well, you get the idea.
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

Ornery Orr

I'm gradually getting to where I would like to be.  Due to my larger calves, I'll have to accept the fact that I have no choice but to wear my boots from the Fort (The ones with elastic in the tops).  If I'm not mistaken, elastic is period correct, but I like the look of the full leather boots better.  The boots I have are a great fit though!.  I used to have a shotgun slide sewn to my gunbelt.  I have since cut the stitching, removed it, and replaced it with a pouch that I put my shotshells in.  When the money situation permits, I'll be switching out my Ruger Vaqueros for '51 Navies w/R-M conversions with the 7.5" barrels.  (Slowly making my way towards GAF Marine).  Eventually maybe a '66 or a '73 in .38 to match the '51's.  Possibly even make the jump to BP just because I like the sound it makes over smokeless. ;D
I would like to get into the period camping, but since my wife doesn't care for it, and loves to shoot and go with me to as many shoots that she can, I probably won't get to that level.  I am seriously considering dabbling in the Dutch Oven cooking though.  I might have to talk to Delmonico and see if he's still looking for an apprentice. ;)

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