Small caliber SAAs does anyone have or have any experience with them?--w/Photos!

Started by Grogan, August 28, 2008, 06:55:29 PM

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I've been toying with the idea of maybe buying one of the USFA .22 "Plinkers".  This is something that I've dreamt about for oh so many years (actually since the time of owning my 1st 2nd Gen Colt and also a Colt "Scout" Convertible, which was just too small for my hand).

But I've read that other mfg.'s versions of the small caliber SAAs, made over the years, have always suffered in sales due to the fact that the WEIGHT of a full sized SAA with only the tiny little .22 cal. holes drilled in it, is a real CHUNK of Steel! :o

I was also considering a similar SAA in .32-20, another "fun to shoot" little SAA.

But again I remember reading something Elmer Keith wrote about his first SAA which he bought 2nd hand that was also a .32 caliber.  Seems to me he made the same comments about that small caliber SAA, "Man, it was HEAVY and I got rid of it!"

So, what I want to know is: does anyone here actually HAVE either one of these, OR have any experience handling/shooting one, perhaps a friend's?

Grogan, SASS #3584

Frontiersman: The only category where you can play with your balls and shoot your wad while tweaking the nipples on a pair of 44s. -Canada Bill

Capt. Willard

I would like one as well and have the same concerns. I like that it is a real full size single action and not a 2/3rds size,  hammer/firing pin setup like the colt scouts, etc.

Ranch 13

I spent plenty of time packing a 1913 made model P colt in 32wcf, wonderful little sixgun to shoot, but it felt like it weighed about 14 times more than a 44 or 45 :o
One of the Uberti Stallions, might be just the ticket if the grip fits your hand. My wifes little Ruger single six in 32 is a pretty nice little hogleg as well.

Eat more beef the west wasn't won on a salad.

Capt. John Fitzgerald

Yes, they are heavier, but, in my opinion, if you stick to the 4 & 3/4" barrel you should be okay.  For me, the 4 & 3/4 just seems to balance a bit better in the hand.  Longer barrels in the smaller calibers tend to feel muzzle heavy.  As for the extra weight, who cares if you are having fun?  We're talking ounces, not pounds.
You can't change the wind, but you can always change your sails.


Quote from: Ranch 13 on August 28, 2008, 10:29:45 PM
I spent plenty of time packing a 1913 made model P colt in 32wcf, wonderful little sixgun to shoot, but it felt like it weighed about 14 times more than a 44 or 45 :o
One of the Uberti Stallions, might be just the ticket if the grip fits your hand. My wifes little Ruger single six in 32 is a pretty nice little hogleg as well.

Thanks all for your replies (any more coming?  ???)

It's not that I need "something" Single Action in .22 or .32.

I have an old model Ruger Single Six in .22 and a new SS "Vaquerito" in .32 Mag.

However there's just something special about a real SAA, that's what attracts me.  Imagine owning an original Colt in .22  :o

This is as close as I can get.

Grogan, SASS #3584

Frontiersman: The only category where you can play with your balls and shoot your wad while tweaking the nipples on a pair of 44s. -Canada Bill

Ranch 13

 That old Colt had the 41/2 inch barrel. If you missed what you were shooting at with it, guaranteed, it wasn't the guns problem 8)
I've been comtemplating getting one of the new made ones, but there's so many guns and so little money..... ;D
Eat more beef the west wasn't won on a salad.


I have a 5 1/2" barreled Plinker and a 7 1/2" flat top 32/20.  While they are heavier than a 44 or 45 of the same barrel length, the difference in feel is not that great.  I have also shot my friends 7 1/2" Plinker and again, heavy but not unmanageable.  I really like the feel of the full size SAA as opposed to a smaller frame 22 like the Ruger or early Colt New Frontier 22s.

Accuracy in the 32/20 is great and the Plinkers seem to like the cheap, Wal Mart Federal high power 22s, 525 rounds for under $14.




Thanks Rich et al, that's pretty much what I wanted to hear.

A couple of my CAS SAAs are 4-3/4" as I've always liked that length, so I'm going to look for the others in that length also.
Grogan, SASS #3584

Frontiersman: The only category where you can play with your balls and shoot your wad while tweaking the nipples on a pair of 44s. -Canada Bill


Well, I wasn't going to just SIT on this, I was going to act... ;)

So yesterday I called up a local dealer who I like to do business with and told him of my wants.

This dealer typically doesn't deal in/handle CAS style guns, but I like the service I get there, so maybe we're both getting an education on this.

I then go IN to see that dealer this morning and he says, "You're never going to believe this, but after we talked yesterday, I got a USFA catalog and Dealer's Price List in the mail, no kidding!" :o

He brought it out and opened up the envelope and pulled out the newest USFA catalog.

I started browsing through it until I found the .22 "Plinker".

Then to my surprise I look and see that they're showing it, in the catalog anyway, as listed ONLY with the 7-1/2" barrel! :(

I don't know what to think.  Online, they show it as coming with your choice of all three common lengths of barrels.

It makes me wonder if they made up a batch with all three lengths and now they only have the 7-1/2" ones (that nobody wanted) left? ???

I think I'm going to send them an e-mail right now and see IF I can't get what I want.

Otherwise, I might just put the idea of a .22 cal. SAA on the shelf.
Grogan, SASS #3584

Frontiersman: The only category where you can play with your balls and shoot your wad while tweaking the nipples on a pair of 44s. -Canada Bill

Capt. John Fitzgerald

USFA's on-line catalog (PDF file) shows the Plinker, as well as the .22 target model, being offered in all three barrel lengths.  Their on-line retail price list shows three barrels for the target and only the 7 & 1/2" for the Plinker. ???
Let us know what you find out.
You can't change the wind, but you can always change your sails.


Grogan, SASS #3584

Frontiersman: The only category where you can play with your balls and shoot your wad while tweaking the nipples on a pair of 44s. -Canada Bill

Capt. Willard

I'm going for the 71/2 inch barrel when I go for it. I have always favored the longer barrels myself. :)


Quote from: Capt. Willard on September 01, 2008, 01:47:29 PM
I'm going for the 71/2 inch barrel when I go for it. I have always favored the longer barrels myself. :)

Well, you should be "set" Capt. as that's what they have.

But way back when...when I had my Colt Scout "Convertible" mini-SAA, I think it was  "Buntline" length, which was as I recall had a 9-1/2" barrel in this case.

It was "o.k.", except for the fact that the small frame didn't fare well in my large hand.  It was like I was trying to touch my middle Knuckle with my trigger finger when I pulled the trigger.

I know that having everything "full size" including a full diameter .45 barrel with only a .22 cal hole in it would make things much heavier than shooting one of the "common" SAAs.

I'll still look for my 4-3/4" barrel Plinker.

I have 3 Colt SAAs with "standard" length barrels; 1 7-1/2" and 2 4-3/4"s.  I know which ones I favor shooting and it's not the long one.
Grogan, SASS #3584

Frontiersman: The only category where you can play with your balls and shoot your wad while tweaking the nipples on a pair of 44s. -Canada Bill


I like the look of the 7/12 barrel target plinker and would be willing to trade my USFA Bisley 45lc with spare 45acp cylinder for one.... I don't know if i am allowed to post this here so sorry if this post is out of line.



From what I've found out from both an e-mail reply from USFA as well as talking with Jim Finch (Longhunter), the Plinkers are still available with all 3 listed barrel lengths by placing an order.

I guess they make them up as they get orders and there's a 5-6 week delivery time typically. ;)
Grogan, SASS #3584

Frontiersman: The only category where you can play with your balls and shoot your wad while tweaking the nipples on a pair of 44s. -Canada Bill


I just got an e-mail from Longhunter...

My "Longhunter Special" USFA .32-20 SAA has been shipped.

I'll have it by the end of the week. ;D

The .22LR SAA's still not in sight.

Don't know what's up with that?!!

Hopefully one day, soon, it'll show up. ???
Grogan, SASS #3584

Frontiersman: The only category where you can play with your balls and shoot your wad while tweaking the nipples on a pair of 44s. -Canada Bill


I took a couple of photos showing my new USFA SAA in .32-20 that I just received.

Everything about it, appearance wise, is beautiful.

I'll have to get busy and get a shooting report up here, hopefully soon.

This one came witha CCH Hammer at no extra charge.  Longhunter set up the action and widened the rear sight cut. 

However he didn't shave off the .007" of either side of the hammer as his action job states he will do.  I guess he couldn't bring himself to take off that CCH?  I'm not complaining!

I tried to get the bottom picture angled slightly so you could see the difference in appearance between a .32 cal SAA barrel and cylinder vs. the .44 and .45 cal profile we're all accustomed to looking at.

Grogan, SASS #3584

Frontiersman: The only category where you can play with your balls and shoot your wad while tweaking the nipples on a pair of 44s. -Canada Bill

Capt. John Fitzgerald

Been meaning to ask...
The pictures you post always look so great.  What kind of camera are you using?
You can't change the wind, but you can always change your sails.


Quote from: Capt. John Fitzgerald on October 19, 2008, 05:19:47 PM
Been meaning to ask...
The pictures you post always look so great.  What kind of camera are you using?


It's a little pocket Canon Point and Shoot camera that's a few years old.

I do have a better/fancier digital SLR, but this little guy does such a great job I don't need to get the big cam out.

Grogan, SASS #3584

Frontiersman: The only category where you can play with your balls and shoot your wad while tweaking the nipples on a pair of 44s. -Canada Bill


O.k., all the side props have arrived...

Got the Dies, Brass and Bullets.

In fact I just got done loading up a box of .32-20s (gee, finding the Smokeless loading data for revolvers is almost as hard as finding the components!)

I'm going to try to make it out to the range today and hopefully I'll have a brief Range Report soon.
Grogan, SASS #3584

Frontiersman: The only category where you can play with your balls and shoot your wad while tweaking the nipples on a pair of 44s. -Canada Bill

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