They may be more tolerant than I. . . .

Started by Dick Dastardly, August 26, 2008, 09:14:32 PM

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Quote from: Dick Dastardly on August 28, 2008, 11:27:05 AMI'd be happy to shoot on yer posse any time Frenchie.  I tend to blab a lot, but yup, it's about fun.  Part of my fun is more blab. . . Sundance was like that I hear.

Oh, man, my blessed mother was Irish, you know what that means when it comes to yakety yakety yak. Why use three words when twelve will do? I've got the gift of gab, but good. Too bad it so often means I say what I think before I think ::) ;D
Yours, &c.,

Guy 'Frenchie' LaFrance
Vous pouvez voir par mes vêtements que je ne suis pas un cowboy.


Quote from: Ten Wolves Fiveshooter on August 28, 2008, 08:52:30 PM
Howdy UKshooter

     I think your right about Forty Rod, I'm pretty sure he's really CHARLES DURNING, with a durby hat on, What Ya think??????? ::) :o I think Charles has lost a lot of weight since I last saw him in the movies, but I'm sure he's CHARLES DURNING, he just has to be. ;) :D

                                                                    tEN wOLVES  ;) :D ;D
Hi there Ten Wolves, can't be Charles Durning, 'cos Durning is old, wrinkled and grey.............oops! Well,at least the hat looks good!! (Girly giggle!)
Trouble is...when I'm paid to do a job, I always carry it through. (Angel Eyes, The Good, The Bad & The Ugly)
BWSS # 54, RATS# 445, SCORRS,
Cowboy from Robin Hood's back yard!!

Dick Dastardly

I only started this thread cuz I like to play.  Part of the fun of Cowboy Action shooting is the acting out of the character that goes with yer alias.  We all  dress Cowboy, or at least 1880 era and that's part of the fun.  We all shoot stages with a written script for each stage.  That's part of the fun too.  I carry it one step further and try to imagine what my alter ego/persona might do in the situation given in each script.  Then, I hollar, hoot and carry on as I engage the imaginary varmints downrange.  It's one of the reasons I shoot only Holy Black in all my guns at Cowboy Action matches.  I just get more enjoyment and a better feeling of what it might have been like back in 'the day'.

No, I don't carry this over into my real life.  It's just part of my Cowboy Action shooting fun.  It stays at the match when I'm done and I go back to being my mild self.  We all know they're just steel targets, but, I think it does myself some good to get lost in the script in a harmless way and slay some imaginary dragons.

So, should we have the fun of shooting together, expect some fun besides the guns.  It makes the RO grin.  I've even had the RO ask "what witty remark goes with this stage".  Stuff like that makes me grin too. . .

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies


Well said DD ,
if your not having fun with shooting , why are you shooting ?
It's ok to be serious and even seriously compete , but good God its all about having fun , just like LIFE !
If your out to inflate your ego because you just got to be faster than me or better than me , you got the wrong idea of this picture and sport . You'd be better off in the IPS classes or the Olympics , JMHO .
Now go have some fun !  ;D

litl rooster

Quote from: Dick Dastardly on August 28, 2008, 08:36:49 AM
Hey Smokin' Gun, that's the feeling I was inarticulately verbalizing.  All my hate, wrath and prejudice go downrange when I attack the steel varmints.  I read the script for each and every stage to see what I can bring to it in keeping with my 'Dastardly' character.  Then, I plan a line to say.  Sometimes I'm laconic, like Eastwood.  Sometimes I'm verbose, like Wayne or Marvin.  I really try to act out the spirit of the stage writer.

So far, at all the SASS matches I've ever shot, they've never had me picking flowers and running after butterflies or dancing in a sunbeam.  Nope, I've carried a hanging rope, gold bag, dynamite sticks, firewood and some branding irons.  I've never been called upon to be a liberal thumb sucking school teacher or church choir leader.  Any songs I've been scripted to sing have had to do with the hard life on the range.  None of the scripts, so far, have had me sitting side saddle on a small donkey, but rather a noble steed with one leg in each stirrup.

Come on pards and pardettes, this ain't about no simple 'targets'.  It's life on the range, cow town or riverboat.  We gamble, cuss, wrangle, rob and prevent robbery.  We go to jail, the saloon or even the apothecary or to church to do good or evil depending on the whim of the author.  When the script is read by the posse leader we all grin at the originality of the writer and, to ourselves at least, personalize our part to be played and performed.

Don't try to convince me that your Cowboy ACTION shooting match experience is a simple emotionless 10-10-2 repetition.  I don't buy it.


   Some dearranged folks around here think sheep >Spit< should be added to the scenarios...>Spit Spit!<   I pretend I'm trying to kill every single one,....   
Mathew 5.9


I dig where DD's coming from. I understand what he's is saying about how he thinks of the targets and gets his aggressions out. After some range time I'm usually pretty happy and relaxed and glad I got to raise some hell. I'd go every day if I could. Please, if you all can see the way clear in your hearts, support my habit, send any ammunition you don't need to the "Get Frenchie To The Range Ammunition Fund." Contact me for details 8)

This may be fodder for another thread, but what Alabama says there makes me think, what's the point in dressing up and getting the gear and a persona together if you're going to be a grim, locked-jaw, win-at-any-cost competitor?

I recall my first gamer, it was at the orientation meeting for my one and only SASS match. The RO was getting everyone up to speed on what was going to happen, and I raised my hand to ask a question. After that was asked and answered, a guy sitting across from me asked the RO if the thin leather gloves I was wearing were legal. The RO said there was nothing in the rules about it. The gamer started arguing with him and the RO repeated there was nothing in the rules about gloves, and that was that.

The gamer was thinking of who's got something up on who, not his own performance. Me, I was totally new to it and figured I'd be lucky to hit anything and not have to be timed with a grandfather's clock. As it turned out I took off the gloves. My first stage I swept clean, then had trouble with my borrowed six guns and my cranky carbine, and ended up dead last (which was where I expected to be anyway). I was never a threat to the gamer's precious time, and besides, I was there to see if it was any fun in the first place - I never expected to beat anyone but myself.
Yours, &c.,

Guy 'Frenchie' LaFrance
Vous pouvez voir par mes vêtements que je ne suis pas un cowboy.

john boy

Me?  I'm too pragmatic.  Pull trigger - expect a sound on the target, if there is no sound of a hit - Oh well ... and couldn't give a hoot about the lines - what movie it came from, etc.  Leave match - clean guns and reload and go to the next one ... that's the cycle.  In fact, I don't even care where I rank anymore.  Been there-done it:  Order of the Golden bullet - With Star ... so it's all down hill now

On the other hand, I have a close friend who brought me into the CAS sport who should change his real name to his cowboy alias. Follow what he's like off the range?  Boots - buckle - hat and even answers the phone with his cowboy alias!

It's only a time to expend 10-10 and maybe 4+
SHOTS Master John Boy

WartHog ...
Brevet 1st Lt, Scout Company, Department of the Atlantic
SASS  ~  SCORRS ~ OGB with Star

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