Uncle Sams Sutlerly on ebay

Started by Colonel Buckshot, July 17, 2008, 12:09:40 AM

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Black Powder

Quote from: Major 2 on July 22, 2008, 11:58:47 AM
Interesting ... I looked at the photos and the ones do look like photo crop of the same pair of boots...I know Andy has his online catalog photo's copy protected...

But there are workarounds.  I hope Andy checks out the use of his photo.  The reflection on the toe is an exact match and it seems obvious to me that it was just edited for use by his competitor.

Not right, Butternut...

I've got my excuses and I'm stickin' to 'em.

Major 2

when planets align...do the deal !

Black Powder

Quote from: Steel Horse Bailey on July 22, 2008, 11:46:23 AM
I'm NOT degrading ANY company here - just mentioning my experiences.

Me neither.  I was just hoping that FC's image wasn't being used.  When one is a newbie just starting out, it simply takes a while to separate the wheat from the chaff as it were.  Bitter taste of quality lingering long after the sweetness of price has been forgotten.

I'm definitely on a budget and when it comes to comfy boots, I'm more than a little leary about buying some stove pipes for $125...  Butternuts has compelling prices on utensils, haversack stuffers and the like.

But I'm no longer considering them for my boots.  I'll just pony up for either stove pipe or artillery/civilian boots from another supplier.  I got one on bookmarked my home PC.

I've got my excuses and I'm stickin' to 'em.

Black Powder

Quote from: Major 2 on July 22, 2008, 12:46:00 PM
that was my point  :)

I've created a whole catalog (for my own use of course) of goodies I want/need, using "protected" photos!

I want people to play fair, compete fairly so the folks starting off don't get burned or disappointed.  I also want the good suppliers to be there when and if I can make a dent in my wish list!

I've got my excuses and I'm stickin' to 'em.

Deadeye Don

Andy Fulks (since his name has been mentioned now )  did tell me that during the Gettysburg reinactment recently that alot of the participants had bought cheaply made imported brogans from an un-named  (if you want to know pm me) distributor.  Well they were working ok until they got wet and the glue failed thus causing the shoes to fall apart.  Just one example of the "you get what you pay for" with some products.
Andy promotes US made products whenever possible and when it makes sense from a cost standpoint vs. quality standpoint. 
Some distributors that sell cheaply made products at a very inflated price are only helping themselves and not the customer.  I fully understand the need for some to buy less expensive products.  I just dont want newbies reading this posting to think all the products are created equal for the same price.  They are not.   Regards.  Deadeye.
Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company

Major 2

"... Well they were working ok until they got wet and the glue failed thus causing the shoes to fall apart."

Ha!  well that is authentic.... that happend in 1863 too ... unscruplus Gov. contrators

But your right , and Andy knows my testmonial on his boots....

I'm not dissing Butternuts , but I will prase Andy
when planets align...do the deal !

Steel Horse Bailey

I have a pair of Fall Creek's regular boots (slightly higher in front, but not the full flap type) and they are great.  Worth MUCH more than I paid for them.
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

Pony Racer

I have fall creek's officer brogans and with a set of sports orthotics(sp) put in them they are my most comfortable cowboy boot to wear bar none.

I have nothing but praise for their stuff.  They have stood up to mud, dust, rocks etc etc...  The only issue I have had is be careful on slate and grocery store type floors - with the hob nails - they are slick on that kind of surface.

I have used mostly them and Quartermastershop and am looking at another Sutler for a French 1870-1880 uniform - but they are US made to order and quite costly.

But I need one to go with my French 1873 (11mm) pistols and my WWI french carbines!!

GAF 239
Pony Pulling Daddy
Member Fire & Brimstone Posse
Having fun learning the ways of the cowboy gun

Ottawa Creek Bill

FCS...makes two grades of boots, one pair sells for around $175.00, the other is the custom boots (around $225.00 last years prices), I don't think you can buy a better boot for the money, custom fitted. As Deadeye said....you get what you pay for....

Vice Chairman American Indian Council of Indianapolis
Vice Chairman Inter tribal Council of Indiana
Member, Ottawa-Chippewa Band of Indians of Michigan
SASS # 2434
NCOWS # 2140
CMSA # 3119

Black Powder

Thank you all for helping me sort out these two competitors' products.  I don't take too kindly to being offered a pair of boots for $120 from a guy using the picture of another guy's boots that he sells for $210.  Same picture tells me it's the same boot.  But I trust you folks here that have assured me it is not.  As for that other guy...  >:(

I've got my excuses and I'm stickin' to 'em.

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