Started by Cyrille, April 26, 2008, 06:57:07 PM

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 I have copied this verbatim from the GOEX website, to wit:
GOEX is beginning a campaign to reclassify black powder, from explosive category 1.1 to the same hazard and handling class as smokeless powder, class 1.3.
  This change would affect transportation and storage rules. The Bureau of Alchohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives(BATFE) closely regulates class 1.1 product. Class 1.3 material is regulated to assure safe handling, but does not fall under close BATFE scrutiny, record keeping, or review.
  We have established a clear scientific basis that black powder, especially sporting powders are no more hazardous than smokeless powder, and should be regulated similarly. What we need to establish next is what extra attention from the BATFE and other transport and handling diffrences has cost the consumer, the dealer,and the distributor.
  To do this we need you to tell us- has the 1.1 classification of black powder imposed hardship, or increased your cost? Especially, we need to hear from anyone who has given up a license, or had their federal license revoked due to black powder regulations or actions of the BATFE related to handling black powder.
Would you expect to see anybenefits from this proposed change?
   Again we would apprecaite hearing from consumers, dealers, and distributors of black powder so we can forward your thoughts to Washington.

Write to us:
GOEX, Inc.
c/o Black Powder Campaign
P.O. Box 659 Doyline, LA
CYRILLE...  R.A.T. #242
"Never apologize Mr.; it's a sign of weakness."
Capt. Nathan Brittles {John Wayne} in "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon."

"A gun is  just a tool. No better and no worse than any other tool----- Think of it always in that way. A gun is as good--- and as bad--- as the man who carries it. Remember that."

Dick Dastardly

#1, Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

#2,  I will write what I have learned and hope it helps.

#3  Please, all of you Darksiders that enjoy the Holy Black do the same.  Your pen is powerful.  Don't email.  Write and send first class via USPS.

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies

Steel Horse Bailey

This IS something good that we can do - 'tho I fear that due to the political climate in general, it will get doomed.  This is one "control" the antis have in place that is proven to work, so they aren't ABOUT to change the rules so we "radical gun nuts" will actually be allowed to get supplies any easier!

Indiana in general is pretty gun-friendly.  We have had "Right to Carry Concealed" permits all my adult life (my first was in 1972) and recently enacted the new Lifetime   permits, which I just got.  However, due to the classification of BP, the antis managed to get the INSURANCE companies to restrict the retailer's ability to store the stuff and now you have to go way out of the county to get powder.  I know that MANY of you in many other states have it much worse, but I'm pointing this out to show that every "reason" possible is being used to limit our ability to procure Gun-related products all over.
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"


This seems to be the prevailing attitude on another forum I belong to; however I purchased BP here in my home state with no particular problem after signing the required papers etc.
CYRILLE...  R.A.T. #242
"Never apologize Mr.; it's a sign of weakness."
Capt. Nathan Brittles {John Wayne} in "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon."

"A gun is  just a tool. No better and no worse than any other tool----- Think of it always in that way. A gun is as good--- and as bad--- as the man who carries it. Remember that."

Steel Horse Bailey

Quote from: Cyrille on April 27, 2008, 10:54:03 AM
This seems to be the prevailing attitude on another forum I belong to; however I purchased BP here in my home state with no particular problem after signing the required papers etc.

And THAT is a perfect example of part of the problem!  You're not trying to buy medical-grade morphine or something like that!
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

Black Powder

Ohio sure is feeling much better every day.  I don't have to do anything to buy Goex at the range other than answer the question about cash or charge.

I've got my excuses and I'm stickin' to 'em.

TAkaho kid


First I agree totally that black powder should be classified as a propellent same as smokeless powder.

However..... This is something to think about. Why hasn't GOEX pushed for this years ago?

Personally I think its a CYA. Remember we have two canidates who have vowed to remove our soldiers from Iraq with Afganistan soon to follow imediatly if elected. At this point there is a 50/50 chance of this happening. Govt contracts are a HUGE chunk of GOEX sales. In fact the sporting powder side is made viable by those lucritive sales.

Second: GOEX didn't push to change the classification previously because of they hoped they could corner a major market with thier BP subs that not only would cercumnavigate the law but (to a certain extent) replace the traditional BP market or, at the very least provide additional revenue in the event that the military contracts dwindled. This sudden interest in changing the class of BP is a vield admission that thier efforts at marketing thier latest sub (Pinnical) has not met thier expectations.

Now they are in panic mode with shareholders to please.

As for achieving the goal of re-classifing BP? Liberal controlled congress and a chance at a liberal president or at best a Rhino
republican means the chances are nil.

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