Here it is! ( Horsepen I tried to answer)

Started by Ace Lungger, April 23, 2008, 05:35:59 PM

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Ace Lungger

As ususal i messed up, I thought I had more leather of the color I did the first holster, but I had a shade darker, so the crossdraw is a little darker. I just played with the belt, i made the stamp that i used, kinda a copy of a tandy stamp. The Buckle is OLD allmost didn't use it, but I thought it would make the rig? Now I just got to figure out how I am going to give it away.

See Ya
member of the Cas City Leather family!
Member of Storms
Member of Brown
SASS # 80961


Nice job on those! I like the stamping. The belt buckle is cool, too. I get bored with the clipped corner ones, so that is a great change.
Historian at Old Tucson
SASS #2171
STORM #371
RATS #431
True West Maniac #1261

HorsePen Henry

It don't look half bad, Ace. You hand flied that stamp? That looks real good. Can ya explain the process of how ya did it? How'd ya make the dots and how'd ya make the lines?

My Hats off to ya,

X Horse Pen
The more you read and observe about this Politics thing, you got to admit that each party is worse than the other. The one that's out always looks the best.
-Will Rogers-

The price of FREEDOM is in blood and money and time. Mostly in blood. It aint free.
Belly up to the bar and quit yer bitchin'. Be grateful to those who have paid the ultimate price.
-Horse Pen-

"Never squat with yer spurs on and never high five a baby after waffles."
-author unknown, but it coulda been Will Rogers-

STORM #300

Ace Lungger

It's not that hard! It is easier than leather work, I think it is because I am a born and raised farm boy, rebuilt my first truck engine when I was 12, with advice from my dad.
    A lot of guys on here make there stamps, and I ask some of them about that. Square headed bolts are supose to work the best, at one time I had 100's of them, I can't find a one!!! I use carrige bolts 1/4", 3/16"/ 3/8", I like 3-4" long.So now you need to know how you want your stamp to stamp like, look at some of your stamps you have, some will be flatter, and some will be a little rounded on top, so now you have to shape the head of the bolt using a file or disc grinder or what ever you have to get the job done. First draw out your design, wheter it is your's or out of a book. then I use a machinest marker pen and lay out my pattern, to get the dimples, find the drill bit that is the right size (got a head of my self) after I have laid it out i have a vice on my bench and a machinest vice on my drill press, onced you have laid it out got your dril bits you are ready to put it into your vise in your drill press, center punch you holes to be drilled, drill them and only as deep as you what your staamp to show, I allways go a little deeper, so I can smoth my stamp when I am done. Okay i have shaped my stamp to size, drilled my holes I put it back in my bench vice and cut my lines  and ect. with my dremel tool with a cutting wheel. Next step, you need a small set of files, unless you plan on making a lot of tools, go to Harbor Frieght and buy there 12 peice set for a little of nothing, then you can shape you cut lines.
After you have done this, use some 320 grit or 400 grit sand paper and polish your stamp, that takes all the small filling, blow the stamp out good, and then test it. I would make a lot more, but my old drill press the chuck is a little sloppy, or I would buy a couple small inmill bits and make some cool stamps! :o

Good Luck, and I hope I helped
member of the Cas City Leather family!
Member of Storms
Member of Brown
SASS # 80961

HorsePen Henry

Thanks for the stamp making tutorial, Ace. Many thanks!!! I'm gonna give 'er a try. Carriage bolts of stainless steel?

X Horse Pen
The more you read and observe about this Politics thing, you got to admit that each party is worse than the other. The one that's out always looks the best.
-Will Rogers-

The price of FREEDOM is in blood and money and time. Mostly in blood. It aint free.
Belly up to the bar and quit yer bitchin'. Be grateful to those who have paid the ultimate price.
-Horse Pen-

"Never squat with yer spurs on and never high five a baby after waffles."
-author unknown, but it coulda been Will Rogers-

STORM #300


Wow. Seems like a whole 'nother art form to me! Kudos, Ace. That stamp is impressive.
Historian at Old Tucson
SASS #2171
STORM #371
RATS #431
True West Maniac #1261

Marshal Will Wingam

Looks good, Ace. Congrats on the tool. Nice work on it. I've made dots in stamps with a center punch, but they differ in size if you aren't careful. With a center punch, however, you can make teardrop, square or diamond shaped dots if you grind the tip that way. The drill is a good idea because they're all the same diameter, even if you file the tool down some. Making your own stamps gives your work a bit of individuality not otherwise possible. Good rig, there. Thanks for sharing.

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446

Johnny McCrae

Howdy Ace,

Your lookin good! The more you do the better it gets.

Quote from: Marshal Will Wingam on April 23, 2008, 10:39:26 PM
Making your own stamps gives your work a bit of individuality not otherwise possible.

Marshall Will hit the nail on the head.
You need to learn to like all the little everday things like a sip of good whiskey, a soft bed, a glass of buttermilk,  and a feisty old gentleman like myself

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

Howdy Ace

           Good lucking rig their pard, someone will be real happy to recieve it, and like Marshal Will said , I think you have a talent for making leather stamps, who knows, this might lead to something good for you, they look professonal, well done pard.

                                                tEN wOLVES  :D :D ;D
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About

Ace Lungger

thanks everyone ! :) You guys have made a ruff winter lots better for me!! There is no way i could ever pay you all back. I just want everyone to look hard for someone just starting out, that I can give this rig to, all I want is postage $8.95
  99.9% of the pards i have meet on CAS sites are Super people! If the person I give it to needs me to shorten it up I will!

Thank you, Thank You , Thank You! :) :) :)

member of the Cas City Leather family!
Member of Storms
Member of Brown
SASS # 80961


Leather by WC / Standing Bear's Trading Post

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