Crossdraw Holster

Started by Strawberry Bill, April 19, 2008, 10:04:18 PM

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Strawberry Bill

I have read a lot of posts around web that most people are moving away from crossdraw to  double rigs and was wondering if there is any chance that SASS will follow that trend and outlaw the crossdraw. I hunt a lot with 8 3/8 revolvers and am quite comfortable with the crossdraw but I would hate to spend few hundred dollars on a new holster to find when I show up at my first match that I have the wrong rig

Handsome Dave

I hope not, I use a double twist draw rig, I can draw cross draw but is a further reach than twisting out
Cpt. David A.(Handsome Dave) Grimes - BOLD #919
Warrenton, Missouri
Missouri Territorial Rangers
Great Great Nephew of Maj. Gen. Bryan Grimes, CSA

Doc Shapiro

It's highly unlikely that crossdraw will be outlawed.

Silver Creek Slim

NCOWS 2329, WartHog, SCORRS, SBSS, BHR, GAF, RBCS, Dirty RATS, BTBM, IPSAC, Cosie-in-training
I love the smell of Black Powder in the morning!

Daniel Nighteyes

As my dear ol' daddy used to say, "The chances of that are Slim and None.  And Slim just left town." ;) ;) ;)

Will Blastem

I'm still relatively new at CAS...2 years, but when I first started I bought a double strong side rig because of all the comments about crosdraws vs the 170* rule and the so-called "dance". I never felt comfortable, as a right hander, drawing with my left hand and "transfering" to my right even though I shoot in the "traditional form" but I was scared to death I would get myself into trouble with a crosdraw holster so I put up with it. After a year I decided I just didn't want to put up with the double strong side anymore, so here's what I did. I bought a crossdraw holster for my rig with only a 10* slant. I can mount it as far forward to my belly button as SASS rules allow and all I have to do is to stop with my left foot forward a little to draw and reholster and still stay well within the 170* dance, no headaches. ;)
You Stage 'em, Will Blastem
KC's Corral at Black Creek
Masonic Cowboy Shootist
Hiram's Rangers #25
RATS #314
Vietnam  Ist Air Cav 67-68

Driftwood Johnson


It really burns my butt that cross draw holsters get such a bum rap in CAS. That's just plain wrong, somebody being intimidated from using a cross draw because a few poorly trained ROs keep saying that they are inherently more dangerous than straight draw holsters. Really burns my butt that anybody should feel so intimidated by such a load of bull hockey!

I have been using a cross draw holster on my weak side since day one in CAS. And I don't wear it way up front on my belly, I wear it all the way around on my left hip. I have no trouble at all unholstering my 7 1/2" Colt from that side without breaking the 180. I take a step and swivel my hips, to draw and return it to leather. You just have to pay attention and be conscious of your muzzle. This is not a big deal, despite what some straight draw shooters think. I wish some of these guys who have nothing better to do than criticize cross draw holsters would find something better to do, like inspect shooter's clothing to make sure they have the regulation number of stiches per inch! Next time one of these clowns remarks on your footwork, rather than your muzzle direction, ask him to show you exactly where in the shooter's handbook it says you have to do a stupid 'dance'.
That's bad business! How long do you think I'd stay in operation if it cost me money every time I pulled a job? If he'd pay me that much to stop robbing him, I'd stop robbing him.

Ya probably inherited every penny ya got!

Major 2

when planets the deal !

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

Quote from: Driftwood Johnson on November 24, 2008, 06:18:52 PM

It really burns my butt that cross draw holsters get such a bum rap in CAS. That's just plain wrong, somebody being intimidated from using a cross draw because a few poorly trained ROs keep saying that they are inherently more dangerous than straight draw holsters. Really burns my butt that anybody should feel so intimidated by such a load of bull hockey!

I have been using a cross draw holster on my weak side since day one in CAS. And I don't wear it way up front on my belly, I wear it all the way around on my left hip. I have no trouble at all unholstering my 7 1/2" Colt from that side without breaking the 180. I take a step and swivel my hips, to draw and return it to leather. You just have to pay attention and be conscious of your muzzle. This is not a big deal, despite what some straight draw shooters think. I wish some of these guys who have nothing better to do than criticize cross draw holsters would find something better to do, like inspect shooter's clothing to make sure they have the regulation number of stiches per inch! Next time one of these clowns remarks on your footwork, rather than your muzzle direction, ask him to show you exactly where in the shooter's handbook it says you have to do a stupid 'dance'.
Howdy Driftwood  :o

                                               There will always be HALL MONITORS,  :-\ :-X :-[ :-\ >:( It's a CURSE  ???

                                                                 tEN wOLVES   ;) :D ;D
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About

Daniel Nighteyes

I regularly shoot with five SASS champion shooters -- Lead Dispencer, Badlands Bud, Tex Fiddler, Frederick Jackson Turner and Lefty Longridge.  All of 'em use crossdraw holsters.

Yup, crossdraws get a bad rap that they don't deserve.

Black Powder

Next year's Hollywood blockbuster: "Cross Draw Dance" starring Patrick Swayze.
I've got my excuses and I'm stickin' to 'em.

Daniel Nighteyes

Heh-heh-heh!  Betcha I can do a completely SASS-legal cross-draw without "dancing"! ;D ;D ;D ;D

Sir Charles deMouton-Black

Yeah Danny Peepers;  Just do the TWIST!
NCOWS #1154, SCORRS, STORM, BROW, 1860 Henry, Dirty Rat 502, CHINOOK COUNTRY
Those who are no longer ignorant of History may relive it,
without the Blood, Sweat, and Tears.
With apologies to George Santayana & W. S. Churchill

"As Mark Twain once put it, "History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."

Daniel Nighteyes

<GRIN!>  Don't even have ta do that! Squarely facing the target, I can execute a safe and SASS-legal cross draw without dancing, twisting, jigging, etc.  Many folks and many well-qualified RO's have seen me do it many times.

Thing is, I don't use a "crossdraw holster".  I use a reversed straight-hang holster.


We have an RO that has a pet peeve against cross-draw. He makes such a big thing out of it, that before ever match he looks at the shooters and calls them to the front. He then verses them about the "DANCE". When I first was putting my gear together I wanted to do off side cross-draw as the real guys did. This RO talked me out of it by telling me I would be Match DQ if I broke the plane. Scared me into the one on each side which I hate. Someone needs to soap box this to SASS HQ.
Deadwood Marshal  Border Vigilante SASS 81802                                                                         WARTHOG                                                                   NRA                                                                            BOLD So that His place shall never be with those cold and Timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat

Charlie Bowdre

I think ya need to soap box the RO. It is one thing to be helpful and constructive but when it turns into a personal display I would pass on shooting with that person .
In fact I have  in similar circumstances , And as far as I'm concerned any Range which allows this type of instruction is not worth its salt..
We talk about the Cowboy Way  ::)
My opinion only ...don't pistol whip me for it.

OK have at me...
"I'm too old to go soldiering any more , too stiff in the joints to ride point and too dam fat to wrestle drunks Any day they don't pat you on the face with a shovel is a good one"

BOLD 887 
Bvt.Major  Chaplain  GAF  502 
STORM 271 
SASS 87747


Yep, I started out my CAS shooting with one strong side, and one cross draw, shooting duelist.  I didn't mind twisting a little to prevent breaking the 170 rule.  Then came the day I pulled the same pistol, click, click, click, click, Hey somethings wrong with my pistol!  Did the dead pistol hand off, and continued the stage.  At the  unloading table, problem was found, much to my embarasment!  So, I purchased a left strong side and shoot double duelist, which led to the next normal progression, Gunfighter!  So what if I'm not as fast as those two handed shooters, I love the feeling of filling my hands, and shooting the way of my hero's!
SASS #48097
NRA #2008175
Gateway Shootist Society
Member of The Torque and Recoil Club
B.O.S.S. #19
RATS #130

Paladin UK

Fer LG.......

Quote I love the feeling of filling my hands, and shooting the way of my hero's!

   Amen ta the pard  ;)

Paladin (What jest lurvs ta make smoke) UK
I Ride with the `Picketts Hill Marshals`..... A mean pistol packin bunch a No goods

The UK`s 1st Warthog!!... Soot Lord, and Profound believer in tha....`Holy Black` 
MASTER... The Sublyme & Holy Order of the Soot (SHOTS)
  BWSS#033  SCORRS  SBSS#836L  STORM#303

Real Cowboys Shoot with BLACK POWDER!!

 Paladins Web Site

     Paladins Very Own Shotshell Loader This is an animaton so it takes a while fer the 1st page ta go..

Daniel Nighteyes

Quote from: Fairshake on December 07, 2008, 08:08:52 AM
We have an RO that has a pet peeve against cross-draw. He makes such a big thing out of it, that before ever match he looks at the shooters and calls them to the front. He then verses them about the "DANCE". When I first was putting my gear together I wanted to do off side cross-draw as the real guys did. This RO talked me out of it by telling me I would be Match DQ if I broke the plane. Scared me into the one on each side which I hate. Someone needs to soap box this to SASS HQ.

He would probably have a pure-dee conniption when he saw that I wear both pistols butt-forward and do the reverse draw with either hand or both hands!!!!

Thing is, the rules and requirements are not open to personal interpretation, personal preference or personal peeve.  Requiring all cross-draw shooters to "do the dance" is neither a rule nor a requirement, but a personal interpretation/preference/peeve.  The applicable rule/requirement is "thou shalt not break the 170".  Plenty of shooters use a cross-draw holster without doing the dance, and still don't break the 170 any more than anyone using a "regular" draw.

IMO,if the R.O. in question insists on this course of action, it should be taken up with the MD (in a kind and respectful yet assertive way, naturally).
Period.  Paragraph.  End of story.

Buffalow Red

i just went through ro training 1 & 2 and doing  the dance was part of the subject matter
its in the training
No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.
Thomas Jefferson
Warthogs rule
Life NRA
SCORRS/ rugers/ 66 in 44-40  , trap door shooter
Southern Mo. Ranger

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