BEWARE bad buyer/seller

Started by Hoof Hearted, February 26, 2008, 05:49:00 PM

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Sorry to hear of your unfortunate dealings, HH & General.
I personally have hade 2 bad experiances on Gunbroker, & 2 on Antiqueguns, but I was dealing with the public, and a few guys were dishonest.
I do have the opportunity to leave a message on the feedback page under their name.
I can rate them & post comments, so everyone can see. Of course it could all come back to me, with them giving me negative feedback.
I have also given a heads up to others I have dealt with & done bussiness with, about some suspicious users on both of these sites.   >:(
They appreciated the heads up from me, and I also appreciate the heads up from you.
As much as I have bought & sold, the percentage of decent buyers & sellers is higher. (so far)
                                   Thanks Guys,

                Hope future dealings are both good & fair for both parties.   ;)

The General

Quote from: Deadeye Don on February 27, 2008, 12:33:26 PM
What FCK said.   ;)

No harm, no foul Deadeye Don.  I just wasn't sure where you were coming from.  I'm not one to quickly judge a man, I was only trying to share my experience with this person to help you all out there should you decide to deal with the individual.  I realize we ALL take a chance when buying over the internet or phone because we just assume we are dealing with kind folk.  Once in a while you get a bad apple & I guess that was mine.  As one gentleman said on here, for the most part... all of my dealings have been good.  I too agree that it should be done in a manner that one is not held libel. 
"All you have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to you".

"You may be whatever you resolve to be". - General "Stonewall" Jackson
"Our God was my shield.  His protecting care is an additional cause for gratitude". - General "Stonewall" Jackson


The General

Quote from: Black Powder on February 27, 2008, 12:19:24 PM
There's enough competition out there that the rule of thumb should be who the recommended sellers are.  Frankly, mediocre customer service is becoming the norm in many sales transactions, so it's really pretty easy to stand out above the crowd.  Agreed that dissenting opinions or experiences that might be not representative can be handled via PM.

I certainly don't object to being given warning as HH & the General have done.  I also think that they expressed themseves with the proper amount of decorum, so as far as I'm concerned, they've provided a useful service.  It's not like it was the General's first post and his side of the story is good enough for me.  If this seller were to miraculously make things right, I'm sure the General would tell us.

I signed on here in November after investigating the SASS wire.  I found the tone and attitude there distasteful.  CASCity has been a real blessing.  Occaisional testiness, but we govern ourselves pretty well and patch things up darn quick.  No axes to grind in evidence here and everybody that's ever responded to me has done so with much consideration and generosity of their valuable time.  Now don't take this as an invitation to change!  ;)

Anyway, CASCity is part of my daily routine because the group is informed, fun-loving, good-natured and respectful.  Not a bad model at all.

Let's keep things positive and when there's a bad experience that one feels is important enough to share for the benefit of others, that's fine.  Do it without completely flaming the person who's not able to respond and we're grownup enough to sort it out ourselves.


I certainly don't object to being given warning as HH & the General have done.  I also think that they expressed themseves with the proper amount of decorum, so as far as I'm concerned, they've provided a useful service.  It's not like it was the General's first post and his side of the story is good enough for me.  If this seller were to miraculously make things right, I'm sure the General would tell us.


I appreciate your insight as usual my friend & I thank you for your kind words.  Just trying to make a small difference in a great big world is all.

"All you have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to you".

"You may be whatever you resolve to be". - General "Stonewall" Jackson
"Our God was my shield.  His protecting care is an additional cause for gratitude". - General "Stonewall" Jackson


Fox Creek Kid

QuoteI too agree that it should be done in a manner that one is not held libel. 

I don't think you understand me here. It's "libel" & not "liable".  ;)

Main Entry: 1li·bel 
Pronunciation: \ˈlī-bəl\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, written declaration, from Anglo-French, from Latin libellus, diminutive of liber book
Date: 14th century
1 a: a written statement in which a plaintiff in certain courts sets forth the cause of action or the relief sought barchaic : a handbill especially attacking or defaming someone
2 a: a written or oral defamatory statement or representation that conveys an unjustly unfavorable impression b (1): a statement or representation published without just cause and tending to expose another to public contempt (2): defamation of a person by written or representational means (3): the publication of blasphemous, treasonable, seditious, or obscene writings or pictures (4): the act, tort, or crime of publishing such a libel

The General

No Sir.  I understood you perfectly.  One should be very careful in one's public statements.  Thus the reason for me no giving an official birth name.
"All you have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to you".

"You may be whatever you resolve to be". - General "Stonewall" Jackson
"Our God was my shield.  His protecting care is an additional cause for gratitude". - General "Stonewall" Jackson


Hoof Hearted

In order to prove libel in a court of law the plaintiff must first prove that said statement was in fact false.....................

That ain't gonna be applicable in this situation and surely is my business and the Generals.

"nuff said :-X
Anonymity breeds bravado.......especially over the internet!
aka: Mayor Maynot KILLYA SASS #8038
aka: F. Alexander Thuer NCOWS #3809
STORM #400

Mulee Pete

 I purchased an 1860 Henry, 2 boxes of Winchester (collector) John Wayne 44-40 ammo and the stock sight and a tang sight.

Just an observation, the only John Wayne commemorative ammo I am aware of Winchester  making was for the commemorative rifle, in 32.40,  back in the early 80's.  Of course last year for Dukes 100th birthday, there was several caliers made.  Was this the  collectors ammo you mentioned.  I have a small shrine to Duke and like to keep up on the collectables.  I currently have the rifle and .22 Colt New Frontier.  Use to have the .45 Colt, but its in another collection right now.

Saddler Sargeant GAF Department of the Platte, #521
SASS Life #34368
USN Life (Ret.)

Keep track of your lustrums!

Fox Creek Kid

Quote...and surely is my business and the Generals.

Then why are you BROADCASTING it here?  ::) 

The General

Quote from: Fox Creek Kid on February 27, 2008, 07:27:39 PM
Then why are you BROADCASTING it here?  ::) 

FCK, I don't see the need to continue pointing out your opinion to HH.  You have made your view clear & I think we have all seen that.  You are either a very knowledgeable individual or you spend a lot of time researching the internet to share your views with us.  It's not that we don't appreciate your insight at all, it just seems that you go out of your way to make a point or push an issue at times.  I have read many of your posts (and there are many) & find some of them to be quite informative, while others appear lacking & having nothing to do with the thread at hand.  Again, HH was only attempting to share information that he deemed valuable & I simply chimed in because the same thing happened to me in dealing with this individual.  It comes across much better when you have more than one person sharing what they believe to be valuable information to assist their fellow shooters.  If this thread somehow offends you or upsets you, perhaps you should move onto other threads.  There are plenty to chose from here at this fine site that the Marshal of CAS City has provided for us ALL.
"All you have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to you".

"You may be whatever you resolve to be". - General "Stonewall" Jackson
"Our God was my shield.  His protecting care is an additional cause for gratitude". - General "Stonewall" Jackson


The Avocado Kid

Quote from: The General on February 27, 2008, 11:22:43 AM
Just because one or two pards had a problem with a seller doesnt mean the seller is "bad".  There are usually two sides to every story with the truth being someplace in between.

I'm not quite sure I get what you're trying to say here my friend?  I explained exactly what took place & it sounds as though you are questioning my word.  When a person makes a statement about his intent & does not go thru with it, I call that a bad deal.  When that same person does it twice with two people in a row, I call that a pattern.  That would be enough for me to shy away from that person.  My only intention here was to warn fellow shooters about dealing with this person, as I'm sure HH only attempted to do.  There is no malice intended in this thread.

If it smells like a Pollcat 9 times out of ten it is a Pollcat....if I pay money and get no goods after I send many e-mails and place more than three phone calls...I know I dealing with a Pollcat.
"Holy smokes thats a lot of Indians!!".....General George Armstrong Custer 7th Cavalry

The Avocado Kid

Quote from: Hoof Hearted on February 27, 2008, 01:56:05 PM
Hey I can accomodate! In fact this seller right now is trying to buy some 45 Colt brass and a bullet mould over on the SASS wire :D
My recommendation to all who disagree with being able to post about deals gone bad is this:

Sell this guy something. He's out there trolling for another chance.  Then come back here in 3 or 4 weeks and tell us about your experience. Heck I may be wrong..........maybe he's just a bad seller and a GREAT buyer ;)
"Heck I may be wrong..........maybe he's just a bad seller and a GREAT buyer" You see this on Ebay all the time....Bad seller,Great buyer...then you have the Professional Ebay thieves...another story but no different than some Cowboy Action dealers.
"Holy smokes thats a lot of Indians!!".....General George Armstrong Custer 7th Cavalry

The General

Quote from: The Avocado Kid on February 28, 2008, 01:04:49 AM
"Heck I may be wrong..........maybe he's just a bad seller and a GREAT buyer" You see this on Ebay all the time....Bad seller,Great buyer...then you have the Professional Ebay thieves...another story but no different than some Cowboy Action dealers.

I would have to agree Avocado Kid.  I am quite familiar with Ebay & you DO see that all the time.  Just because a person is a bad seller doesn't make him a bad buyer but personally, I would avoid him just the same.  I have plenty of brass that the gentleman is looking for but, after my dealings with the whole thing, I don't believe I could trust the payment method if you get my meaning, lol.
"All you have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to you".

"You may be whatever you resolve to be". - General "Stonewall" Jackson
"Our God was my shield.  His protecting care is an additional cause for gratitude". - General "Stonewall" Jackson



I`ve gotten some mighty good deals buying guns off Forums like this one...only been burned once . If we can`t voice what happened with a sale like this , there`s just no place to give the seller or buyer a rateing ..and when I buy off ebay or Gunbroker I won`t even bid if the seller has more than 2 bad rateings . Some times it`s good to know these things , sure don`t like makeing my life harder if I don`t have too ..Real sorry this happened to ya there General was almost me that ended up bitten again , and I know I`d a been hollering . >:(
Remington Americas Oldest GunMaker

You boys gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie

The General

Quote from: sundance44`s on February 28, 2008, 08:06:37 AM
I`ve gotten some mighty good deals buying guns off Forums like this one...only been burned once . If we can`t voice what happened with a sale like this , there`s just no place to give the seller or buyer a rateing ..and when I buy off ebay or Gunbroker I won`t even bid if the seller has more than 2 bad rateings . Some times it`s good to know these things , sure don`t like makeing my life harder if I don`t have too ..Real sorry this happened to ya there General was almost me that ended up bitten again , and I know I`d a been hollering . >:(

That's right my friend, you also were interested in the same six-shooter I purchased.  Well, I am happy to take the bullet for you & will be a bit more careful in the future.  It IS a nice revolver but, the hassle getting it took away all the fun.  It sure could have been worse though.  I could have wound up with nothing.  What I would have had to say then could not have been posted on this forum, lol.
"All you have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to you".

"You may be whatever you resolve to be". - General "Stonewall" Jackson
"Our God was my shield.  His protecting care is an additional cause for gratitude". - General "Stonewall" Jackson


Bull Schmitt

Everyone has made their point. People are getting agitated again. :o

Further discussion should be one on one off of the SCORRS forum!

This thread is closed!

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