convention agenda

Started by Trap, February 07, 2008, 09:34:53 AM

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  I am starting this as an answer to Buffalo Red's ?? on another thread.
  I'm sure I will forget something but others can add as they see fit.

   Fri Showroom open noon - 5:00
   5:30 Pot luck social to ?? may be a couple of musicians on hand
   6:00 pm Congress cacus 6:30 Congress meeting (I think these times are right) Open to all members
   Seminars (Books, schedule??)
  Sat; Showroom Open 9:00 - 5:00
  Musicians scheluled all day. ("Zerf", Dave Boyd, Abe Reddekopp, The Free Staters)
  Evening Sit-down supper followed by Victioian Ball, Music by the Free Staters, Preceptor Jim Grey. Reservations Manditory
  Seminars all day
  Ladies Tea , Reservations Manditory.

  Sun. Surely there will be a Sun. AM Service
  Showroom open 9:00- 3:00 pm
  Impromptu Entertainment

Aggressive fighting for the Right is the noblest sport the world affords. T. Roosevelt
NRA Patron/Life Member
  NCOWS #851, Senator
Proud Member of the KVC
Hiram's Rangers, founder
GAF # 328
  TAPS #26

Captain Rob Page

  Perhaps I have missed it, but is there a schedule of the seminar times and topics? We plan to be there Saturday and for the banquet. It is a couple hour drive.Sure hate to miss a good seminar Saturday morning but I am sure they will all be very well presented.


  Books is scheduling the seminars, and I hope he can post that here soon. (hint)
Aggressive fighting for the Right is the noblest sport the world affords. T. Roosevelt
NRA Patron/Life Member
  NCOWS #851, Senator
Proud Member of the KVC
Hiram's Rangers, founder
GAF # 328
  TAPS #26

Captain Rob Page

   Thank you Trap1 And thanks in advance Books!(Hint Hint)

Books OToole

I don't have the schedual in front of me, so this may be a little off.

Fri. - 1:00 Wild & Wooly Ellswort on the Kansas Frontier

       2:15 Junk on a Bunk - Accesories and pocket items of a Victorian Gentleman & a mule packer.

       3:00 - Victorian Hair Jewelry(made from hair)

Sat. - 9:00 - Ladies Unmentionables
        10:00 - Ladies Outer Ware
        11:00 - Ladies Accesories

          1:00 - Model Three S & Ws                              1-3:00 Ladies Tea [Reservations required]
          2:00 - Buffalo hunting & Rifles
          3:00 - More Victorian Hair items
                 - Judges Q & A

Sun. - 9:00 Cowboy church service ???
          10:00 Women of the West
          11:00 Even more Vcitorian Hair items
            1:00 Gold Panning

There will also be an on going "Shooting Arcade" and probably Saturday sometine a Hiram's Rangers induction.


N.C.O.W.S. 2279 - Senator
Hiram's Rangers C-3
G.A.F. 415


  Entertainment Schedule
Fri; Impromptu music from Zerf, Dave Boyd,Abe Reddekopp
  At least a couple of these guys will drift into the Social

Sat; 9AM, Zerf
       10AM; Abe
       11AM; Dave
       12 noon; Zerf
       1PM; Abe
       2PM; Dave
       3PM; Zerf
       4PM; Free Staters

  Sun:  Impromptu From any or all of the above.
   These are all singers of old time music and will have
    CDs and tapes to sell so when you like what you hear, you can take
     it home with you.
Aggressive fighting for the Right is the noblest sport the world affords. T. Roosevelt
NRA Patron/Life Member
  NCOWS #851, Senator
Proud Member of the KVC
Hiram's Rangers, founder
GAF # 328
  TAPS #26

Black River Smith

Looks like you guys have a grand Convention planned out for everyone.

Black River Smith

O.T. Buchannan

Sounds good!  Can the men get into the Ladies Unmentionables at 9:00?? 8) 8) 8) :o
"If the grass is greener on the other side, water your OWN lawn."

Ol Gabe

OH MY!!!
O.T. asked "Can the men get into the Ladies Unmentionables at 9:00??"
Knowing full well there IS a joke in there someplace, I'm jumping in with the first of what will no doubt be more responses now that O.T. has opened the flood gates:
"Yep, but it's gonna cost ya!"
Best regards and always leave'em laughing!
'Ol Gabe

Grizzle Bear

Well, I was gonna say;

"Only if they fit!"


Grizzle Bear

Rob Brannon
General troublemaker and instigator
NCOWS Senator
NCOWS #357
"I hereby swear and attest that I am willing to fight four wild Comanches at arm's length with the ammunition I am shooting in today's match."

Silver Creek Slim

NCOWS 2329, WartHog, SCORRS, SBSS, BHR, GAF, RBCS, Dirty RATS, BTBM, IPSAC, Cosie-in-training
I love the smell of Black Powder in the morning!

Davey Ray

I'm looking forward to performing cowboy music for all of you.  You all be sure & say howdy.  I always enjoy meeting folks I've met here in person.

Davey Ray
aka Dave Boyd

Will Ketchum

Quote from: Davey Ray on February 09, 2008, 12:51:48 AM
I'm looking forward to performing cowboy music for all of you.  You all be sure & say howdy.  I always enjoy meeting folks I've met here in person.

Davey Ray
aka Dave Boyd

And I am looking forward to meeting and listening to you :D

Will Ketchum
Will Ketchum's Rules of W&CAS: 1 Be Safe. 2 Have Fun. 3  Look Good Doin It!
F&AM, NRA Endowment Life, SASS Life 4222, NCOWS Life 133.  USMC for ever.
Madison, WI

US Scout

I'm mostly disappointed I have to miss this year.  I was supposed to be overseas until this coming weekend - but we finished up earlier than anticipated.  Unfortunately, too late for me to make all the necessary arrangements (mostly work related). 

Well, there is always next year.

Ya'll have fun!

Dr. Bob


If'n yer smoooothe enough! ;) ;D :o
Regards, Doc
Dr. Bob Butcher,
NCOWS 2420, Senator
HR 4
GAF 405,
NRA Life,
KGC 8.
Motto: Clean mind  -  Clean body,   Take your pick

French Jack

O.T. -- you reprobate-- you know full well Stacy would peel your topknot right off if you were to try that.  Just think of this reminder as saving grace.   ::) ;) :P
French Jack

O.T. Buchannan

"If the grass is greener on the other side, water your OWN lawn."

Books OToole

I have udated the seminar schedual on the earlier post.


N.C.O.W.S. 2279 - Senator
Hiram's Rangers C-3
G.A.F. 415

Deadeye Don

One thing we might consider doing at future conventions is audiotaping the seminars.  I go to alot of professional seminars where this is done.  The tapes could then be sold for a nominal fee.  Personally,  I would buy them.   I know we are trying to encourage people to actually be there, but some pards simply are unable due to work or family responsiblities.  Some people who actually attend may also appreciate having an audio recording of the seminar.  Just a thought.   Regards.  Deadeye.
Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company


Don---Videotaping would be the way to go, with the permission of the presenter of course! The problem is, who has time to do that and how would the presentation be distributed?  You did miss an awesome seminar by Jim Supica on Model 3 S&W's. We got to handle all the models leading up to the #3 and at the conclusion, actually got to handle a large number of fully factory engraved Model 3's.  The engraving was almost beyond comprehension on a couple of them, and I'm not a big fan of engraving. I certainly appreciate the talent  and skill to produce these works of art, and actually getting them in my greasey little mitts was the highlight of the day. ;D
NCOWS 1437-Territorial Representative  -Great Lakes Freight and Mining Co.- NCOWS Representative and Delegate to the Executive Board
SASS 5847 Life
NRA Life

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