Would you choose an 1873 lever gun or 1892

Started by Dead Eye Dave, February 05, 2008, 08:52:42 PM

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Dead Eye Dave

I am looking to buy a rifle.  I have heard pros and cons of both.  I have heard that the 1892 has a stronger action and is less prone to trouble.  But I have heard many good things here about the 1873 as well.  Its a puzzle.  Any thoughts?  Or maybe I should just get a Taurus Thunderbolt!

Irish Dave

For what we do in this sport, I'd vote '73.
Nothing runs a smooth as the toggle link rifles.
Lots of history and style points, too.

If I were looking for a hunting-type gun that I could load to higher pressures, I'd go with the '92 for strength reasons.
Dave Scott aka Irish Dave
NCOWS Marshal Retired
NCOWS Senator and Member 132-L
Great Lakes Freight & Mining Co.
SASS 5857-L
NRA Life



For cowboy shooting the 73 is the hands down favorite for speed and reliability.  The 92 simply will not run as fast and is more ammo sensitive than a 73.  The T-Bolt's generally don't run at all, so forget about that one for competition.

Black Powder

I'm savin' up for a '73 in 44/40 for all the replies so far and then some.

I've got my excuses and I'm stickin' to 'em.

Dakota Dan from OZ

I own 73's,66's and Marlins in both 38/357 and 44-40,and my main match rifle is a Marlin Cowboy in 38/357 which is taken everywhere I go shooting what we do best CAS ;D

Dakota  8)

My Pa once said "Son never take a knife to Gun Fight"  He told the truth.
SASS# 28875
SASS State Governor
SASA  Aust #2715
SASA State Discipline Chairman
RATS 239
GSC 001

Long Johns Wolf

Second Irish Dave. I have a couple of toggle-link rifles and carbines (Henries, 73s) and still have 1 AS 92.
For CAS purposes I'd go for a Henry, 66 or 73 because of the easy handling/smooth action but particularly reliability.
I never got my previous ASM 92 and also the current AS 92 function reliably. In my experience 92s require some "finesse" in the handling department. On the other hand if high pressure rounds like for hunting are an issue and I want a light rifle or carbine I would go the 92 route.
Long Johns Wolf
BOSS 156, CRR 169 (Hon.), FROCS 2, Henry Board, SCORRS, STORM 229, SV Hofheim 1938, VDW, BDS, SASS

Camille Eonich

"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood


Well, I don't have a '66 or a '73, so I can't comment on them.  I do have a '92 that I've been very happy with and I also have a Thunderbolt, which is what I use as my main piece.  The Thunderbolt is really fast, and I don't slam fire it, but I do make sure I fully rack the slide and I don't baby it.
SASS #48097
NRA #2008175
Gateway Shootist Society
Member of The Torque and Recoil Club
B.O.S.S. #19
RATS #130

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

Howdy Pards :D

                 I've got a 73, 92 , and a 94, and I like them all , but I love--sss my 73

                                         Ten Wolves  ;) :D ;D 8)
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About

Wymore Wrangler

Fast horses for sale, Discount for newly minted gold coins, no questions asked....

Kidd Krystin

 ;D  If I had to choose between my .38 Special '66 Yellow Boy and my .38/.357 caliber '73 the Yellow Boy would win every time.  Both guns have had action jobs by the same 'smith but the '66 is slightly smoother and not as finicky when it comes to ammo.

The Avocado Kid

Well,between those two I would take the "73"
"Holy smokes thats a lot of Indians!!".....General George Armstrong Custer 7th Cavalry


Ntae Kiowa Jones '92. It's a slicked up EMF that will cost you half of what a slicked up '73.

IMHO, just as fast as a '73. Once upon a time, not too awful long ago, all the big name shooters like China Camp, Claudia Feather, San Juan, Bounty Hunter, and even Evil Roy used '92s. Of course that was before the short stroked '73 became the "thing".

I've used nothing but the Rossi/EMF/Puma '92s for the past 10 years. Never a problem.

"I hate rude behavior in a man. I won't tolerate it"  - Capt. Woodrow Call

"Proud citizen of CasCity since 2004." 
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slap happy

hi pards! i just bought a new puma 92 in 45 colt, i've shot 66, 73's, and marlins. I like them all. I couldn't pass up this 92 for the price,  i'm goung to use my thunderbolt as a spare. later m_bobey


I bought my first Rossi .357 '92 in 1978, and have owned at least a half a dozen since.
Been shooting with one in SASS matches from the beginning when I joined in 1998. I have an EMF Hartford SRC in .45 and a LSI Puma in .357 that I use regularly in matches. Never ever had a bobble in either one. Neither have had an action job - straight out of the box.

I also have a big loop trapper in .38/.357 that I do not use in matches, and mostly hangs in a rack in my office.

The whole trick with a '92 is you can not "baby" it. Work that action like you mean business.

I prefer my '92s over my '66 or over a '73, and I believe I am just as fast with them as some folks are with a '73.
"I hate rude behavior in a man. I won't tolerate it"  - Capt. Woodrow Call

"Proud citizen of CasCity since 2004." 
NCOWS 2492  SASS 22927   SCORRS     USFACS #28       GAF #267 Dept. of the Platte  AZ        STORM #178

Four Eyed Floyd

First I got the Marlin Cowboy 94 sweet, then the LSI Puma 92 love it too, then a 73 sweet and style and shoot only Black in it. Next a 66 then a 60 and the set will be complete.
Four Eyed Floyd
SASS #75002
RATS #391
BOSS #186
STORM #311
Scioto Territory Desperadoes


I am going to be blaphemous here as I have both BUT I would go for my Whitney Kennedy as I find it smoother to operate than either a 73 or a 92. Not only that but it is also more of a 'conversation' piece as most have never heard of one out here let alone have seen one!

boot strap jack

I have 2 73's and 1 92 all 3 are slicked up.  The 92 runs just as good for me and was cheaper, the 73's are a little smoother, and I will keep all three. ;D

Marshal Will Wingam

I started CAS with a Rossi '92 that was slicked up by Steve Young. It was a great gun, but as I got faster, it started misfeeding. When I found out that the cartridge was actually hopping above the carrier when I closed it, I got a '73. End of problem. The '92 is a super gun but it just can't go as fast as a '73. For non-CAS shooting, I'd take the '92 for strength and weight. For CAS, well, there just isn't anything as smooth and fast as the '73 or other toggle-link rifle.

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446

Camille Eonich

Quote from: Marshal Will Wingam on April 27, 2008, 07:37:47 AM
I started CAS with a Rossi '92 that was slicked up by Steve Young. It was a great gun, but as I got faster, it started misfeeding. When I found out that the cartridge was actually hopping above the carrier when I closed it, I got a '73. End of problem. The '92 is a super gun but it just can't go as fast as a '73. For non-CAS shooting, I'd take the '92 for strength and weight. For CAS, well, there just isn't anything as smooth and fast as the '73 or other toggle-link rifle.

My experience almost exactly.
"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood

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