Comanche Moon

Started by Johnny McCrae, January 01, 2008, 12:50:30 PM

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Major 2

Though I'm  working some long hours right now..
I did managed to catch the first 25 or so minutes night 1 and the last 20 min or so of the last night...
In the scene, where David Mid-Thunder ( Famous Shoes ) kills Wes Studi ( Buffalo Hump)
and shortly there after shoots at Gus and Call ...

I had pointed out to Kelly & Ray (props) the Henry's were unloaded when Call's boot heel was shot off ... It was said "it would not read" ... well it did !

I'm have it being converted to DVD and I'll get to see it in total .... next week.
when planets the deal !


I think it was Blue Duck that killed Buffalo Hump
Masonic Cowboy Shootist
America's 1st Grey Sash Cowboy, GSC 006
SASS 5756 Life, Regulator
Dooley Gang, Virginia Chapter
Just a poor dumb cowboy, tryin' to do my best.
"If I could roll back tha years, back when I was young and limber..."

Fox Creek Kid

Major, I noticed the follower on Woodrow's Henry as well. Also, did you catch the conversion cylinders on some of the revolvers?  ::)


Well, I noticed the button on the Henry was against the receiver too, and either the guns were not loaded even with blanks or they only had enough to make a few shots.  Very poor, and rather ridiculous.  Typical of several of the recent Westerns I have seen. 

I must say, I enjoyed the Native American (Indian) Characters more than I did the Rangers.  While the actors made an honest effort at duplicating the Call and McCray...but really lacked the flavor of Jones and DuVall.   The ending of Comanche Moon suffered... I thought it lacked any form and substance.

Also, recently I read where McMurtry actually never intended to make icons out of these two, but was more in line with trying to debunk the idea that the Cowboys were our Knights etc. 

I guess I am not really a McMurtry fan, but did love Lonesome Dove. 
"I have, in my day, thieved cattle, your lordship. But none that were under my watch" ("Is that what passes for honor with a MacGregor", Earl of Montrose), "What passes for honor with me, is likely not the same as with your Lordship, when my word is given, it is good"
                     (Rob Roy)

Texas Lawdog

It was great to utilize Native American actors for the Native American roles. This was not done in most of the Westerns made in the last 60 years or so. These actors are talented, experienced, and they add authenticity to the production. I'm hoping that we will have some more movies or mini series in the near future.
SASS#47185  RO I   ROII       NCOWS#2244  NCOWS Life #186  BOLD#393 GAF#318 SCORRS#1 SBSS#1485  WASA#666  RATS#111  BOSS#155  Storm#241 Henry 1860#92 W3G#1000  Warthog AZSA #28  American Plainsmen Society #69  Masonic Cowboy Shootist  Hiram's Rangers#18  FOP  Lt. Col  Grand Army of The Frontier, Life Member CAF
   Col.  CAF  NRA  TSRA   BOA  Dooley Gang  BOPP  ROWSS  Scarlet Mask Vigilance Society Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company  Cow Cracker Cavalry   Berger Sharpshooters "I had no Irons in the Fire". "Are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie"?


Quote from: Henry4440 on January 17, 2008, 05:59:42 AM
On February 26th, Sony will release a 2-DVD set of Comanche Moon: The Road to Lonesome Dove - Extended Edition. :D
So, it's only 40 days i have to wait. ;D


I have pre-ordered mine. I could see from the very first that Zahn was using Duvall's mannerisms, and I thought doing a decent job, by the 3rd episode he had me convinced of a younger Gus. Love that Walker Colt!!  :D 

And Woodrow was a CS, SOB with "poor lil ol Maggie". >:(
"I hate rude behavior in a man. I won't tolerate it"  - Capt. Woodrow Call

"Proud citizen of CasCity since 2004." 
NCOWS 2492  SASS 22927   SCORRS     USFACS #28       GAF #267 Dept. of the Platte  AZ        STORM #178

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

Howdy Gents

                    Will I liked it , and I think those young actors did a bang up job , it makes me real happy that there still making Westerns , I've got a real hunger for them. I know this series will be even better on DVD, without all those commercials every 10 minutes.. ??? ::) :o

                                                  Ten Wolves  ;) :D ;D
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About

The Elderly Kid

While McMurtry has done quite a bit of movie work, he's not really a "Hollywood type" as someone referred to him. He grew up on his father's cattle ranch outside Archer City, TX and never left until he went to college in the mid-50s. He was a genuine cowboy for years. Problem was, he just didn't much like cowboying, though he loved to hear the stories from the old-timers. As for his fast and loose style with guns, I think he just wasn't much interested in them. He loved books.

Johnny McCrae

Bought the DVD yesterday. I finally got to watch this movie in it's entirety as I fell asleep during all three episodes when it was on TV.

Certainly not as good as Lonesome Dove but worth watching and owning the DVD imho.
You need to learn to like all the little everday things like a sip of good whiskey, a soft bed, a glass of buttermilk,  and a feisty old gentleman like myself

Deadeye Don

I finally got to see the last installment via Netflix.  I liked the series.   One thing I did notice that in the scene when Blue Duck is riding away after he kills Buffalo Hump and the rangers ride up  the Henries have the followers all the way down.  Nope not loaded just like Dances with Wolves.  Come on people in charge of such things on movie sets, get it right.
Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company

Capt, Woodrow F. Call

I think it was a great movie....... :)  but Val Kilmer.......what was that >:(.... do he play's a comedy or what, the hair and ears flyes all over, he look's realy cracy at the end of the movie. :P

I would say, Dead Man's Walk was better.
SWS # 1014
Grenland Gunslingers # 0001
Cowboy Mounted Shooters Norway #005
'The Cowboys' Trail Riding Society of Telemark 2009. # 003
Member of The Chuckwagon society, Sweden.

Deadeye Don

Quote from: Capt, Woodrow F. Call on March 26, 2008, 04:57:26 AM
I think it was a great movie....... :)  but Val Kilmer.......what was that >:(.... do he play's a comedy or what, the hair and ears flyes all over, he look's realy cracy at the end of the movie. :P

I would say, Dead Man's Walk was better.

If you had a wife like his your hair would be flying all over too!!   ;)   Yes there was mental illness in the old West.
Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company


I bought the DVD and just finished watching it last night. First off I gotta say the best part of the whole movie was watching the actor that played Gus. He had him pegged. Otherwise I found it to be pretty slow moving. They at least had the right kind of guns, whether they were loaded or not.... ;) I thought it ended pretty abruptly, of course the story goes right into lonesome Dove at that point. I thought they left alot out that should have been in there, like Gus' marriage. We never even got to see who he was married to. And what was up with that looney indian tracker? Couldn't somebody give him a damned horse? He s[poke better english than I do, not very convincing. Val Kilmer....interesting character and I thought he did a good job with the role he was given, but was any of that even necessary?  I guess I liked it but over all it was a pretty weak story.
Known to run with scissors from time to time
Citadel of Sin Social Club

Dirty Brass

I watched it twice already. I agree Val Kilmers role seemed a little far outish, but then I think - hey, the old west was comprised of a lot of different types of people, and many of them were a bit odd - even the famous gunfighters and lawmen.

I do like the way McGurty(spell?) ran a lot of his stories together and kept the characters from one to the next - to me, along with the several other movies along the Lonesome Dove saga, Comanche Moon fit in quite nicely. Now the wife - that was an interesting role! Gotta love the women of the old west!

Capt, Woodrow F. Call

Quote from: Deadeye Don on March 26, 2008, 06:28:03 AM
If you had a wife like his your hair would be flying all over too!!   ;)   Yes there was mental illness in the old West.

Wonderful.... ;D :D :D :D :D :D   i expect so..........  ;D  it's a hard life...even in the old west hahahahahaha ;D
SWS # 1014
Grenland Gunslingers # 0001
Cowboy Mounted Shooters Norway #005
'The Cowboys' Trail Riding Society of Telemark 2009. # 003
Member of The Chuckwagon society, Sweden.


Quote from: Deadeye Don on March 26, 2008, 06:28:03 AM
If you had a wife like his your hair would be flying all over too!! 

Rachel Griffiths

and as Inez Scull


Known to run with scissors from time to time
Citadel of Sin Social Club


Quote from: Silver Creek Slim on January 14, 2008, 05:07:14 PM
I think the highlight of the movie was Val Kilmer in a bird cage singing in German. ;D


Yip, he sings in german.
It's from ' Die Zauberflöte' by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Der Vogelfänger bin ich ja   --    Papageno's aria from Die Zauberflöte

Der Vogelfänger bin ich ja,       The birdcatcher I am indeed,
Stets lustig heissa hopsasa!      Always happy, heidi heh hey!
Ich Vogelfänger bin bekannt      I, the birdcatcher, am well known
bei Alt und Jung im ganzen Land.   To old and young throughout the land.
Weiß mit dem Lokken umzugehn      Know how to get around the bird decoys
und mich aufs Pfeiffen zu verstehen!   And be understood on the fife.
Drum kann ich froh und lustig sein,   Therefore I can be happy and funny,
Denn alle Vögel sind ja mein.      For all the birds are indeed mine.


Professor Marvel

Quote from: Lonesome Henry on March 26, 2008, 03:26:32 PM
Yip, he sings in german.
It's from ' Die Zauberflöte' by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Der Vogelfänger bin ich ja   --    Papageno's aria from Die Zauberflöte

Der Vogelfänger bin ich ja,       The birdcatcher I am indeed,
Denn alle Vögel sind ja mein.      For all the birds are indeed mine.

From The Magic Flute -
Quite appropriate, indeed,  to sing "The birdcatcher I am indeed" whilst caged himself and catching pigeons to eat.

And further, the old Mexican Curendera woman, warning the Bad Guy that KIlmer was calling in the birds and snakes to kill them all ....
and so they did....
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praeceptor miraculum

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Capt, Woodrow F. Call

SWS # 1014
Grenland Gunslingers # 0001
Cowboy Mounted Shooters Norway #005
'The Cowboys' Trail Riding Society of Telemark 2009. # 003
Member of The Chuckwagon society, Sweden.

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