Heee.... Heeeeeeeee!

Started by grymster2007, October 18, 2007, 09:15:28 PM

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My favorite UPS driver left this on the porch today. ;D ;D ;D ;D
And tomorrow she should be dropping off the conversion cylinder. ;D ;D ;D ;D

Major E A Sterner

What...No chips? ;D ;D ;D

Nice lookin pistol ya got there, I like tha shorter barreled Remingtons
Respectfully,Major E.A. Sterner
G.A.F #118
"If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore what he must be taught to fear is his victim." - Jeff Cooper


QuoteWhat...No chips?

Sorry.... got in a hurry! Not to mention the Scotch and Macanudo were probably not often enjoyed by the same folks carried a Remington... oh well....their loss!!!! ;D


Quote from: Major E A Sterner on October 18, 2007, 09:18:38 PM
What...No chips? ;D ;D ;D

Chips, Schmips!  ::)   ;)

My initial thought on viewing the first picture was: "Now that musta been a very enjoyable 'first fondle' seession!"  ;D
Rattlesnake Jack Robson, Scout, Rocky Mountain Rangers, North West Canada, 1885
Major John M. Robson, Royal Scots of Canada, 1883-1901
Sgt. John Robson, Queen's Own Rifles of Canada, 1885
Bvt. Col, Commanding International Dept. and Div.  of Canada, Grand Army of the Frontier

Steel Horse Bailey

I'm with the esteemed Rattlesnake Jack on this one!  ;D

First Fondle, indeed!!!  ;)
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

Cincinnati Slim

Some mighty purdy grain on those grips !

Is that a Uberti or a Pietta ?

Are you going R&D or Kirst Konverter ?

Cincinnati Slim


The first fondle was indeed a pleasurable experience... at least for me. I think she enjoyed it too, because while there may have been lust in my heart, my caresses were very gentle and the huskily whispered sweet nothings uttered from my lips were not lewd or crude, but pure and innocent and heartfelt! :-*

I think she plans to whisper her feelings to me, next week at the range. :o

It's a Pietta and BTW, I'm a manufacturing guy who appreciates finely machined products and I can say this thing is very well made. The fit and finish are excellent, there is nearly zero axial and rotational play in the cylinder. The action is extremely smooth and the trigger is surprisingly light. The only issue I've found so far is the sight does appear to be canted to the right, just a tad. A visual suggests that it is not the barrel facet out of rotational square, but maybe the sight itself is funny or maybe the way it's mounted is the issue. I'll check on that at some point.

For what it is, I have to say I can't believe they could make these things and retail them for $220 and make a profit!!! Especially with the current strength of the Euro.

Just checked... UPS says the R&D cylinder is "out for delivery" ;D

J.D. Yellowhammer

Here's what I don't understand.  How in the world can you wait until next week to shoot her!?  ;D

I have a Pietta with the 5 1/2" barrel.  It's solid as a granite rock and a ton of fun to shoot.  I put tresso nipples on it, you might want to do the same.  I also have an R&D conv. cylinder, but I usually shoot cap & ball 'cause it's such a hoot.
Lunarian, n.  An inhabitant of the moon, as distinguished from Lunatic, one whom the moon inhabits. (Ambrose Bierce).  Which one are you?


QuoteHow in the world can you wait until next week to shoot her!?

I assure you sir, it is not from lack of desire. As much as I'd like to take her out tonight, there is another woman in my life and she would take a dim view of that indeed! I well remember the conversation from a couple of weeks ago:

...early morning at the Grymster residence...

Mrs. Grymster: "I'm going dress shopping"
Grymster: "OK, have fun honey! If you need anything, I'll be golfing"
Mrs. Grymster: "No you won't, you'll be here tiling the shower, or else."
Grymster: "I'll go golfing any time I damn well..." stops mid-sentence as the two wires that completely describe his primitive little brain stem bump together :o...shuffles a little...looks at feet :-[ "Yes ma'am"

Mrs. Grymster's threat was merely implied, but Grymster, born of sound genetic stock, correctly deciphers the implication as not idle and survives to golf (or shoot) another day! ;D

Major E A Sterner

Quote from: RattlesnakeJack on October 19, 2007, 11:39:03 AM
Chips, Schmips!  ::)   ;)

My initial thought on viewing the first picture was: "Now that musta been a very enjoyable 'first fondle' seession!"  ;D

Well Now RJ, It's just that I saw the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearm and I  thought of a couple popular bumper stickers down here

"Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms...Who's bringing the chips"
"Alcohol,Tobacco & Firearms should be a convenience store, NOT a Government Agency"
Respectfully,Major E.A. Sterner
G.A.F #118
"If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore what he must be taught to fear is his victim." - Jeff Cooper

Steel Horse Bailey

Quote from: Major E A Sterner on October 19, 2007, 03:07:28 PM
"Alcohol,Tobacco & Firearms should be a convenience store, NOT a Government Agency"

What fine sentiment!  I'll drink to that!
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

litl rooster

Quote from: Steel Horse Bailey on October 19, 2007, 11:30:51 PM
What fine sentiment!  I'll drink to that!

Your ez though, you'd drink to enny thing....... Me.... I'll drink to grymster's new pistola
Mathew 5.9

Steel Horse Bailey

Haw - Haw, Litl Rooster!  Yer Late!

I already DUN drunk to his new pistola ... and smoked a celebratory (virtual) cee-gar to him, too also!!!  ;D

'Course, Roo - I'll be happy to join YOU in toasting HIS new baby, too.  ;)
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"


Ya sure are a friendly crowd.... all goin' outta yur way an offerin' to drink to my new pistol.  ;D

Thanks.  :)

The R&D cylinder did show up yesterday, but the cylinder rod will not pass all the way through it. I found that the rod would pass through the cylinder alone, but not through the end cap. A little careful honing and now it will pass through both separately, but not together. There appears to be a mis-match between the bore in the cylinder and the end plate. I'll have to go back in and do some more work.

BTW: When my brother saw one of the pics he pointed out that despite many a visit to my house, he couldn't recall anyone cutting a Macanudo or pouring a 12 year old single malt for him! :o

Ooops.... Guess I shouldn't have let him see that one! I did point out that he was special and that's why I always offer him a half-smoked White Owl and a warm Coors Light. ;D

Steel Horse Bailey

SOME folks would gripe if ya hung 'em with a new rope!

White Owl and a Coors?  pshaw!  Them's the GOOD stuff!  :o   ::)

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"


Took the 1858 to the range on Friday. Went with a friend who has an old Uberti copy in 8" stainless.

After loading up with 30gr Pyrodex, I let her rip. The flash, the distinctive report, the huge white cloud of smoke and the smell of sulfur were awesome!

After my first shot, the guy next to me coughed, set his semi-auto down on the bench and walked away. He figured it out pretty quick and he'd spend the first ten minutes of the 15 minute firing periods shooting, while I cleaned and loaded, then he'd take a break. I actually thought I saw him grinning once as my friend let off with his gun.

On loading it seemed that the balls were seated well down in the cylinder, so after the first cylinder, I went to 35gr. Excellent; more fire, smoke and noise! ;D ;D

My target was at 15 yards and my friend's at 25. I kept mine in about a 4" circle, about 3" right and 4" down. My friend's been doing this a long time and at 25 yards, he was punchin' 'em in a 2" circle in the middle of the black.

I was not real pleased with the loading lever coming unlatched every couple of shots. Seems the latching mechanism at the muzzle end has a funny angle on it. But I think I can fix that with a little careful file work.

We only had 'bout an hour, so with all the jabberin' and cleanin' and comparin' guns and such, we only got off 18 rounds of BP each. Toward the end I put the conversion cylinder in and let loose with some 45 Colt. That was fun, but shooting BP was about as much fun as I've ever had with a gun in my hand! I'm pretty sure I chuckled or outright laughed every time either one of us pulled the trigger! ;D ;D

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