Rude Smokeless Shooter

Started by Grapeshot, October 02, 2007, 11:13:30 AM

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Last month I was tending the unloading table at a match up in PA.  From the soot and discoloration on this one shooters brass I wondered what he was shooting.  I asked him if he were shooting Black Powder, as most of us were on this particular posse.  That led to a lecture on how crazy we black powder shooters were and how he would never use it nor would he even allow it in his home. ??? :(

I realized at that point that there was no use arguing the point with this individual, so all I said was "Thank You." and left it at that.

He continued to vent about black powder shooters as he emptied his revolvers and them stormed off. :o

I probably should have asked him what loads he was shooting rather than assuming he was shooting the Holy Black. >:(

Anyone else ever been lambasted for shooting BP or Subs?
Listen!  Do you hear that?  The roar of Cannons and the screams of the dying.  Ahh!  Music to my ears.

Dick Dastardly

Howdy Grapeshot.

First, we shoot black powder at SASS matches because it adds to our enjoyment of the sport.

Second, we do the same because it increases depth of learning and appreciation of the reality that was the "Old West".

Third, we shoot Holy Black because we are free to do it.

Forth, we think that heathen fad smokeyless shooters are lazy and wear pink flowered underwear and are secretly envious of real men ;D ;D.

Ok, don't use point four, but don't apologize for what we do and don't worry that some jealous shooter that doesn't have a clue what black powder shooting is all about says or thinks of what you choose to do.  With proper handling some of these critics become our biggest advocates.

Good luck.  Yer in good company and the Darksiders are with you.  Enjoy the smoke.

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies

Adirondack Jack

Not so much lambasted as thought "weird" by a few dyed in the wool smokeless Type A speed freaks.  Smokeless or smokey, some folks just don't understand how anybody else can make choices that ain't the same as what they do.

The feller you run into is likely either a neat freak (afraid of a little soot or sulpher fumes) or been told BP will blow up in yer face if ya look crosseyed at it and nothin is gonna change that.
Warthog, Dirty Rat, SBSS OGBx3, maker of curious little cartridges

Forty Rod

Sometimes.....but never a second time by the same person.
People like me are the reason people like you have the right to bitch about people like me.

Sunwapta Haze

Fortunately I have yet to meet one of those rude folk.  Plenty of pards give me a hard time about my choice - particularily if they are my RO - but nothing mean spirited.  I just continue on having fun my way and they theirs. 

I keep on a smiling and a hootin' and a hollerin' and sending smoke and flames downrange.  I sometimes think I might even be partially responsible for the slowly growing number of Darksider's that are shootin' matches in this neck of the woods.  They sees me enjoyin' myself and wants to experience it for themselves. 
Vaya con Dios, Amigos

Sunwapta Haze
Darkside Acolyte


So far, no bad mouthing that wasn't meant in fun. I finished a stage once and when I turned around the RO was wearing a GAS MASK!! Got the picture to prove it. Most commonly folks say they'd shoot BP but just don't want to have to clean their guns every time. It can be a CHORE if you decide it or a MEDITATION on the joyous day just spent. I find the BP cleaning to be an excellent wife & kids repellent so as to not interrupt the "afterglow".    :D
"Frontiersman: the only category where you can shoot your wad and play with your balls while tweeking the nipples on a pair of 44s." Canada Bill

Since I have 14+ guns, I've been called the Imelda Marcos of Cap&Ball. Now, that's a COMPLIMENT!

Wolverton Mt. Peacekeepers
NRA Life
CASer since 1992

Paladin UK

Fer Grapeshot....

Tell those  `Pards` ::), they want ta count their blessings!  >:(
`Cos in the UK yer ONLY choice fer a pistola is a

Muzzle Stuffer, and unless ya kin afford `bout $900.00 yes thats NINE HUNDRED DOLLARS for a nitro conversion, you will be shootin it with the Holy Black.
Never ferget that you pards still have freedoms that we here aint!! They wanna wake up, n smell the roses `n jest ENJOY!!

Paladin (Whats gonna shuddup now  ;D ) UK
I Ride with the `Picketts Hill Marshals`..... A mean pistol packin bunch a No goods

The UK`s 1st Warthog!!... Soot Lord, and Profound believer in tha....`Holy Black` 
MASTER... The Sublyme & Holy Order of the Soot (SHOTS)
  BWSS#033  SCORRS  SBSS#836L  STORM#303

Real Cowboys Shoot with BLACK POWDER!!

 Paladins Web Site

     Paladins Very Own Shotshell Loader This is an animaton so it takes a while fer the 1st page ta go..


No ones ever said anything to me of that fashion.  If anything they ask about it.  Some say they wish they could bring themselves to try it.  Most don't say anything except what they'd normally say to anyone participating in the shoot.  It isn't an issue excepting the feigned coughs, waving the hats around to clear the air and laughs.

But with crowds as large as we draw to the various shoots there's going to be an ignorant jerk somewhere.  Unavoidable.

Sorry to hear it, Grapeshot..................
Honorary Life Member of the Pungo Posse. Badge #1. An honor bestowed by the posse. Couldn't be more proud or humbled.

All I did was name it 'n get it started. The posse made it great. A debt I can never repay. Thank you, mi amigos.

Ransom Gaer

At the 2006 Hell On Wheels before the match started there was a fellow who asked me if I was going to shoot BP like I had the year before.  We had been on the same posse in 2005 also.  I said yes.  He justed glared at me.  I just grinned right back. ;D  I wasn't going to let his attitude affect me.  And I didn't.  But boy did his bad attitude affect him.  He had a few problems during the first day of the match and being upset over my shooting BP aggrevated his problems.  I thought it was funny.

I get the occassional gas mask or the RO having to hold his breatrh bit, but that is always in fun.

Actually at the last match I was at there were three people reallyt curious about what I was doing.  That match I was shooting a couple of cap and ball revolvers.

Ransom Gaer
Pvt Ransom Geer Co D 34th Virginia Infantry Regiment
Soot Lord

Bristow Kid

Well I have only shot 2 actual cowboy matches.  I shot one with smokeless(hold the boos till after I am done) and the other with a BP sub.  Although I had alot of fun at both.  I had alot more fun shooting the BP Sub and have the pictures of my smoke cloud to prove it.  Its like the saying goes " Once you go black you never go back"  My cowboy guns shall never see the heathen powder again.

Bristow Kid
Prayer Posse
NCOWS #2540
Grand Army of the Frontier #437
Department of the Missouri
PWDFR #149
RATS #233
SASS #68717

Ol Gabe

Jist for the sake of discussion only...
I'm a long time BP feller, now shooting BPCR only. A few years back I did shoot that 'other powder' when I did a few CAS events. At one, a Posse of first-timer Newbie BP-only Ruger Shooters was ahead of us as we were winding down the long day. Since we were only 4 and they were 9, we kindly and gently asked if we "...could shoot through so they could enjoy the stage as long as it took them." Well, you'd a thought we had insulted the Grand Pooh-bah of BP, their political party and Sturm Rugers all in the same breath as they all said "Wait yer turn!" and other unprintable epithets.
Now, we were just trying to be polite and use the old axiom in most hobbys that take the field that allows a faster, gentlemanly player or players to 'play through' so you/they can enjoy the hobby/sport at your/their own speed. We were not in any kind of a rush but after following them all day and waiting an hour or more on each stage we thought we would ask politely if we could pass through on the last one. Obviously, we didn't get as positive a response as we thought and wondered if you all feel this is/was a single knee-jerk type of reaction or if it was simply a reversal of the Shooters mood from smokeless to Newbie BP Ruger Shooters and they were just a tad bit overwhelmed by it all and we happened to say something at the wrong time in the wrong place.
I dunno, they are all good folks, it was just one of those things on one of those days, interestingly enough, most went back to smokeless and none have ever shown any interest in BPCR...
Best regards and good shooting!
'Ol Gabe


When I had time back in the late 90's I used to shoot Bench Rest (for fun) at 200 yards in the State Games with the Sharps and black.  It was a hoot and I always finished above the bottom with my iron sights.  Only had one say anything but woow, thats cool.  One guy told me that if my smoke covered his targets I 'd know it from being whapped with his Dewey rod, therefore ruining my aim.  No not serious at all, a good friend who shot BPCR Sil and was funnin' me. ;)
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.


The few the Proud the Lords of soot ... ;D
Remington Americas Oldest GunMaker

You boys gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie

Driftwood Johnson

QuoteAnyone else ever been lambasted for shooting BP or Subs?

Nope, but I've been lambasted a few times for playing the banjo.
That's bad business! How long do you think I'd stay in operation if it cost me money every time I pulled a job? If he'd pay me that much to stop robbing him, I'd stop robbing him.

Ya probably inherited every penny ya got!

litl rooster

Quote from: Driftwood Johnson on October 03, 2007, 12:27:28 PM
Nope, but I've been lambasted a few times for playing the banjo.

while you shoot?
Mathew 5.9


Quote from: Driftwood Johnson on October 03, 2007, 12:27:28 PM
Nope, but I've been lambasted a few times for playing the banjo.

Driftwood, if yer drivin' down the road and a bajo player is on one side and an acordion player is on the other, which one should you run over? ??? ::) :D
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.


Ya slide the truck sideways 'n try'n take 'em both out?
Honorary Life Member of the Pungo Posse. Badge #1. An honor bestowed by the posse. Couldn't be more proud or humbled.

All I did was name it 'n get it started. The posse made it great. A debt I can never repay. Thank you, mi amigos.

J.D. Yellowhammer

Quote from: Delmonico on October 03, 2007, 05:16:10 PM
Driftwood, if yer drivin' down the road and a bajo player is on one side and an acordion player is on the other, which one should you run over? ??? ::) :D

That's what reverse is for!
Lunarian, n.  An inhabitant of the moon, as distinguished from Lunatic, one whom the moon inhabits. (Ambrose Bierce).  Which one are you?

J.D. Yellowhammer

more on topic...

A couple of weeks ago I was practicing with a long-time CAS shooter who only shoots thet new grey stuff.  Well, I did so as well, for the sake of harmony and community.  But I couldn't resist, so after a while I slid some bp shot shells into my belt and when I got to that part of the stage I lit 'em up.  When the smoke cleared, I could see that my friend and teacher completely missed the humor in my demonstration.  In fact, he took some umbrage to my small display of fire and brimstone.  Again for the sake of community and harmony, I returned to the new, faddish powder...
Lunarian, n.  An inhabitant of the moon, as distinguished from Lunatic, one whom the moon inhabits. (Ambrose Bierce).  Which one are you?


Of course you can play the banjo while shooting!  You simply use the front sight (between shots) as a pick.  If you want to increase the difficulty factor of the exercise exponentially, try playing a harmonica and shooting at the same time.  Sucking big clouds of BP smoke back through the reeds can cause hacking, coughing and probably reed fouling.

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