Need gunsmith in CT - Any recomendations?

Started by Flinch Morningwood, September 18, 2007, 09:56:36 PM

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Flinch Morningwood

Got a Pedretti Sharps that I got third hand that I think some-one tried to make into a 45-100...any one know a good gunsmith in CT/lower NY or western MA that may be able to finish the job...?

Background- <<From my post in BROW>>

Okay...I bought both 45-90 and 45-100 cases...the 45- 90 fit okay but the 45-100 wouldn't go in the last 1/16" of an inch...if I tap it in, the very edge of the mouth seems to curl in a little but it will fit after that...the diameter at the mouth of the case doesn't seem to change.

When I seat a bullet in either one (90 or 100), the cartridge won't go in the last 3/8 inch or so...the bullet must swell the diameter just enough so it won't fit...

Could the first owner have brought this to an in-experienced gunsmith who cut the chamber to fit a slightly short 45-100 case?...not taking into account the diameter with bullet...?

The cartridge legnth when the driving bands on the bullet contact the rifling is about 3.400, so I am assuming this is (or is supposed to be) a I need to get the chamber rebored by someone who knows what they're doing?
"I'll kill a man in a fair fight. Or if I think he's gonna start a fair fight."

- Jayne Cobb

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