Started by Pony Racer, August 22, 2007, 04:29:48 AM

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Pews? Ain't that PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-UUUUUUUUUUUUUs fer the Holiest of powders, cuz?

Welcome to the lower right hand corner, PR. Hope ya can hack it. My oldest daughter 'n her husband, both of which grew up here in Kempsville, moved to King George four er five years ago. They look down their noses at us now. Reckon the closer ya get ta DC the more of a false elitist attitude ya develop.

Just ta let ya know, 'Tidewater' is passé. We be's 'South Hampton Roads' these days. Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake 'n Suffolk. We try ta ferget Portsmouth (native pronunciation 'Porch-muff') is there. We think of it as a third werld country.


Damn. These cabin fever days iz causin' my feeble ole mind ta wander ta cap 'n ball revolvers................
Honorary Life Member of the Pungo Posse. Badge #1. An honor bestowed by the posse. Couldn't be more proud or humbled.

All I did was name it 'n get it started. The posse made it great. A debt I can never repay. Thank you, mi amigos.

Sod Buster

ROII, NRA RSO, NRA Benefactor, VSSA Life

Sod Buster

Quote from: Arcey on February 03, 2010, 01:02:06 PM
Reckon the closer ya get ta DC the more of a false elitist attitude ya develop.
Watch what ya say there, pard. ;D ;D ;D ;D
ROII, NRA RSO, NRA Benefactor, VSSA Life

Pony Racer

No worries pard you may live in these parts but we is pards!!:)

AMEN HALLEJUYAH to the Posse!!

I saw the smoke, LORD I saw the SMOKE, well an then there was this BOOM, and yes yes LORD I saw the FIRE and BRIMSTONE!!:)

And it was GOOD

and the LORD called it Black Powder!!:)

The one true powder ;D

GAF 239
Pony Pulling Daddy
Member Fire & Brimstone Posse
Having fun learning the ways of the cowboy gun

litl rooster

Mathew 5.9

Lucky Irish Tom

If ya can't be fast it's good to be Lucky!
Official Irish Whiskey Taster
SASS 40271, WARTHOG, Darksider, Dirty RATS, RO2


Quote from: Sod Buster on February 03, 2010, 09:33:57 PM
Watch what ya say there, pard.

Present company excluded, SB.
Honorary Life Member of the Pungo Posse. Badge #1. An honor bestowed by the posse. Couldn't be more proud or humbled.

All I did was name it 'n get it started. The posse made it great. A debt I can never repay. Thank you, mi amigos.

litl rooster

TelE-grapf from Virgil looks like he pulled the plug on Sunday

I see from another TelE-graph that Ridgeback Jack, is responding better.
Mathew 5.9

Pony Racer

Yep it is a reloading weekend for certain.

Snow starting to stick to driveways and back roads in Manassas.  The temp at 1300 was 34 and weather dude said that is highest it will be for 3-4 days.

LR you see how they are calling for the possibility of more snow tuesday!!

This is getting a bit nuts - global warming my ass!

WW and LIT - wife and I are sked to be down in Williamsburg for Valentines weekend.

As the week progresses lets see if we can finally deliver you that powder!

Virgnia Diner or Nates shop works good for me

GAF 239
Pony Pulling Daddy
Member Fire & Brimstone Posse
Having fun learning the ways of the cowboy gun

Wildcat Will

Lemme jus say....enough of this wet white stuff fallin' from the sky.  What I need is to see is gray smoke, fire and hearin' lotsa BOOOOOM  and I aint in a heck of long time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(
Smoke makin', fire belching gunfighter of the VA Fire and Brimestone Posse    Blackpowder or No powder!

Courage is being scare as heck and still getting in the saddle.

Lucky Irish Tom

They scraped up tha last a that white stuff from our work parking lot and got lose asphalt n dirt a plenty in it.  When they were done it looked like a giant pile of FFG. As litl rooster would say, "I needs ta shoot something!"  I also need the odiforous scent of Holy Black wafting through the air.

PR we'll see what up when we get closer to the time, I aint takin nothin fer granted with this crazy winter.
If ya can't be fast it's good to be Lucky!
Official Irish Whiskey Taster
SASS 40271, WARTHOG, Darksider, Dirty RATS, RO2

Sod Buster

Quote from: Lucky Irish Tom on February 05, 2010, 03:49:10 PM
As litl rooster would say, "I needs ta shoot something!"  I also need the odiforous scent of Holy Black wafting through the air.

Yup!  Maybe we should put some in a baggie under the piles of snow we are collecting and light it off! :o :o :o
It sure would make the air smell right...and get rid of some snow.
ROII, NRA RSO, NRA Benefactor, VSSA Life

Sod Buster

Anyone going to the Gunshow in Richmond this weekend?
ROII, NRA RSO, NRA Benefactor, VSSA Life

Pony Racer

You can get out of your neighborhood?

Or seeing if some of our southern va prads are going?

GAF 239
Pony Pulling Daddy
Member Fire & Brimstone Posse
Having fun learning the ways of the cowboy gun

Sod Buster

Nope, I can't get out of my neighborhood.  I am not sure I will make it out by Monday.  Then we are scheduled for more snow on Tuesday-Wednesday.

I was planning on going to the show....if it hadn't snowed.  I was curious if anyone from the Richmond or Tidewater area went.
ROII, NRA RSO, NRA Benefactor, VSSA Life

Pony Racer

Roger that.

I told my wife with the temps we are expecting monday that I do not see how I will get out of my cul de sac for work monday either.

Evidentlly Loudoun has already closed schools for monday and tuesday.

Manassas has the largest snow total based out of the local weather with 29 inches - wahoooooooooooooo

I think tonight I will reload the 43 spanish empties I have and then maybe do the dozen brass shells i have that are empty.
GAF 239
Pony Pulling Daddy
Member Fire & Brimstone Posse
Having fun learning the ways of the cowboy gun

Tricky Trina

Well, I had to werk last night (sorry about the cussin') and just drove home.  Luckily, the roads here are pretty clear with only minor patches of ice (at least in the three miles I had to drive).  I saw some of the weather bulletins we get through NCIC and I saw that Fairfax got 28 inches of that damned white stuff.  Lord, Thank you for sparing us here.....  Mom said she got nuttin up in NY and my brother didn't have to go out and plow the town streets.  Now it's time to hit the rack - we were pretty busy last night.  Have a good day and keep warm!!
...and she rides into the SMOKEY sunset on her favorite, half-fast horse, Totally Clueless    Thanks Arcey, Tensleep, Wildcat Will and Querida Kate!!!

litl rooster

Quote from: Lucky Irish Tom on February 05, 2010, 03:49:10 PM
They scraped up tha last a that white stuff from our work parking lot and got lose asphalt n dirt a plenty in it.  When they were done it looked like a giant pile of FFG. As litl rooster would say, "I needs ta shoot something!"  I also need the odiforous scent of Holy Black wafting through the air.

PR we'll see what up when we get closer to the time, I aint takin nothin fer granted with this crazy winter.

Yes I would! and I really do needz to shoot something

Work over the weekend kept me away from the loading bench
Mathew 5.9

Pony Racer

Between shoveling duties, playing games with kiddos and cleaning the house (man salt and grime build up quick) - I never got to the reloading bench.

Fed Gov't is off today and even the kids seen uninterested at the moment in playing in the white stuff for now.

We will venture out for some minor errands and probably hit chic-fila for lunch later (kids favorite).

Then brace for next onslaught of snow tues afternoon/wedns day - heard everything from 6 inches to getting hammered again.

We are scheduled to be down in Williamsburg this weekend - I will let WW and LIT know for sure friday.  I will drive down early saturday am - but will stay through monday am (fed holiday).

GAF 239
Pony Pulling Daddy
Member Fire & Brimstone Posse
Having fun learning the ways of the cowboy gun

Pony Racer

Found a 44-40 1873 for under 600.00

Thinking about buying it and then getting the carrier changed and having it sleeved for 44 russian.

I figure that it will end up costing me close to another 200-300.00 to get the parts and work done - but that is still at cost of a new rifle and you can't buy them in 44 russian.

The only better alternative is a 1866 in 44special (only would require a 44 russian carrier) and you don't see many of those anymore!

Decisions, decisions

GAF 239
Pony Pulling Daddy
Member Fire & Brimstone Posse
Having fun learning the ways of the cowboy gun

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