Started by Pony Racer, August 22, 2007, 04:29:48 AM

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Pony Racer

LR, it is all good.

See you in a few hours.

Dang I is nuts about this sport!

GAF 239
Pony Pulling Daddy
Member Fire & Brimstone Posse
Having fun learning the ways of the cowboy gun

litl rooster

PR good luck with that front stuffer.
Mathew 5.9

litl rooster

Hey you guys let me know if you need more. I may go back up in a week or so pick up some more. I want to get some caps also. Make the trip worth while. I guess saving 40.00 on caps alone not quite worth it. Unless I have and wont had a smart car. Let me know sounded as if goosefoot would need a pile of it. I may try to plan it around my next doctors trip to Martinsburg.

Wildcat Will great job on the Tee's
Mathew 5.9

Pony Racer

WW and Goosefoot, I have the powder.

WW, if you want i can shoot over the overpass and deliver yoyurs tomorrow.

Goosefoot are you going to the "pink" shoot sunday at west point? If not no biggee - I will be at the Sussex shoot a week after that.

LR, I had a doe in my sughts but her yearlings were with her. One even seemed to still have spots - I decided to let the mom live another day!

Daughter rocked her horse show this weekend but i ended up with chest cold from all my outdoor activity and the temp drop.

GAF 239
Pony Pulling Daddy
Member Fire & Brimstone Posse
Having fun learning the ways of the cowboy gun

Wildcat Will

PR,  If you are going to be around next weekend, we can meet up then.

Had a productive weekend at my property over in Halifax, Va.  Saw the doe and her youngins again.  Enjoy having them in the wooded part.  Was working on clearing out the area for my shooting area.  I have the long range area cleared and may have to work on a shorter range area. 

Probably won't make the match next weekend but it is only two weeks until Range Wars.  Think we a have a good match planned for everyone.  One think I do know is the food will be fantastic.  Got a sampling at Star City. 
Smoke makin', fire belching gunfighter of the VA Fire and Brimestone Posse    Blackpowder or No powder!

Courage is being scare as heck and still getting in the saddle.


pony    i plan on being at both the pink shoot and range war. any time is ok

thanks goosefoot

Pony Racer

OK - WW and Goosefoot!

I will get up with both of you next weekend.

It is 70.00 for the 5lbs of powder!

Chest cold still hammering me - thankfully i tyook an extra day off today and will get some rest after the kiddos run off to school.

GAF 239
Pony Pulling Daddy
Member Fire & Brimstone Posse
Having fun learning the ways of the cowboy gun

Wildcat Will

Only a week until Range Wars.  Need to load the 10g so I have it available for the night shoot.


PR hope your feeling better.  PM me with your address if you still want to get together this weekend.  Also let me know which day and time would be best for you.
Smoke makin', fire belching gunfighter of the VA Fire and Brimestone Posse    Blackpowder or No powder!

Courage is being scare as heck and still getting in the saddle.

Pony Racer

WW, we think alike - I just reloaded 25 more 10 guage shells ;D! I also loaded up all of the 44 ruskie shells i had cleaned, resized and reprimed.

I am officially out of 44 ruskie bullets but will wait to order any due to how rounds I have loaded.

This chest cold/flu really has kicked my but, I am going in for at least a half day today - but not sure i will last longer than that.

I may decide not to shoot sunday due to feeling so poor - we shall see how the next few days work out.

Will chat with you later!

GAF 239
Pony Pulling Daddy
Member Fire & Brimstone Posse
Having fun learning the ways of the cowboy gun

litl rooster

we both work late saturday but are going to attempt to make Sunday's match at West Point
Mathew 5.9

Wildcat Will

I've got a long honey-do list so no shooting for me this weekend.  Looked at the long range forecast and Range Wars should have beautiful weather.  Hope to see ya'll there.
Smoke makin', fire belching gunfighter of the VA Fire and Brimestone Posse    Blackpowder or No powder!

Courage is being scare as heck and still getting in the saddle.

litl rooster

my honey do's are not getting struck off the list very fast.  I need 3 of me to keep up
Mathew 5.9

Pony Racer

Well Sarah missed two days of school and I feel better but still feel weak.

We are going to not shoot this weekend to make sure we are both good to go for the Sussex 2 day.

She is into this cowgirl stuff...she was invited to a Halloween party saturday and i told her it was ok to go to the party and she could still play cowgirl with me next sunday.

She said nope she wants to play cowgirl! Yeah Sarah:)!
GAF 239
Pony Pulling Daddy
Member Fire & Brimstone Posse
Having fun learning the ways of the cowboy gun

Wildcat Will

Got the list for the posses for Range War.  We are going to have a smokey and loud posse!!!!  Potter, Powder Puff, Sodbuster, Poney Racer and myself.  We have 21 on our posse.  Should be a good group.

Smoke makin', fire belching gunfighter of the VA Fire and Brimestone Posse    Blackpowder or No powder!

Courage is being scare as heck and still getting in the saddle.

litl rooster

make sure ya burn some charcoal for me... Just loaded ammo and holster and such for tomorrow. I will guns in in the morning. Mucho smoke to rise off the banks on the Mattaponi, mana.
Mathew 5.9

Pony Racer

WW - not sure....we will be such an introverted and quiet posse.... ;D

Cardinal Wind is really looking forward to it!

LR tell everyone Cardinal and I say hello - we really wanted to shoot that one but to be on safe side are sitting it out.

GAF 239
Pony Pulling Daddy
Member Fire & Brimstone Posse
Having fun learning the ways of the cowboy gun

Sod Buster

Quote from: Wildcat Will on October 10, 2012, 04:43:03 AM
LIT, SB, and LR I still have your shirts waiting for you when we get together again.  Are ya'll gonna be at Range Wars the weekend of the Oct 26?  I'll have them with me if you are. 

WW, sorry I been out ot touch.  I am planning to be at the Range War & can get the shirts then.
ROII, NRA RSO, NRA Benefactor, VSSA Life

Sod Buster

ROII, NRA RSO, NRA Benefactor, VSSA Life

Pony Racer

SB, LR has your shirt bag.

How ya doing pard? I heard you have putting in some heavy over time for the family!

Wishing I could shoot tomorrow - I have that 1897 crancking good with some brass shells.

I suppose I can test shoot her good this friday before the main match starts.

GAF 239
Pony Pulling Daddy
Member Fire & Brimstone Posse
Having fun learning the ways of the cowboy gun

Wildcat Will

Got the chores done today and loaded about 40 rounds of 10g.  Found out somewhere I managed to loose one at Mason Dixon.  I'm now down to 49 unless it shows up in another batch somewhere.  Oh well, still plenty of BOOOOOOOM left.

Only five days and then I hitch up the little house on wheels and head to Waverly for some seriously fun smokin'.
Smoke makin', fire belching gunfighter of the VA Fire and Brimestone Posse    Blackpowder or No powder!

Courage is being scare as heck and still getting in the saddle.

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