Tired of singin' Kumbuya Part Deux

Started by Curley Cole, November 28, 2004, 05:56:13 PM

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Curley Cole

Ok, have you all got the words to "Plastic Jesus"
all I can remember is:

"i don't care if it rains or freezes just as long as I have my Plastic Jesus on the dashboard of my car...."

Del, I too read record backs, and watch movie credits. I have an old Gene Clark (from mid '60's) album that lists: piano: Leon Russel  guitar: Billy Strange and some newcomer named Glen Campbell.

curley, looking for my rowboat, and maybe something to row it with...is raining to beat the band..
Scars are tatoos with better stories.
The Cowboys
Silver Queen Mine Regulators
dammit gang


The plastic Jeus song, the words vary as much as Barnacle Bill the Sailor. 

I have a Wylon Jennings album made up in later years of some of his early 60's Nashville recordings, one of the tracks has some guy named Graham Nash playin' geeetar on the track.

Donald "Duck" Dun the pipe somkin' geeetar player in the 1980's Blues Brothers movie play's on "Saddle in the Rain" by John Prine and was the lead geetarist on "Green Onions" by Booker T and the MG's.

I got an early, before the Wildfire song, album by Micheal Marin Murphy, it has a nice cover of Hank Sr's "Mansion on the Hill" with Wille Nelson, Charley Danieals and John Denver doing background, and yes it is nice.

Rowboat, row me to the shore,
I don't have to be her frind no more. ;D ;D
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

Silver Creek Slim

Quote from: Curley Cole on March 22, 2005, 09:44:09 PM
Ok, have you all got the words to "Plastic Jesus"
all I can remember is:

"i don't care if it rains or freezes just as long as I have my Plastic Jesus on the dashboard of my car...."

QuoteI don't care if it rains or freezes
Long as I got my plastic Jesus
Sittin' on the dashboard of my car
Comes in colors, pink and pleasant
Glows in the dark, it's iridescent
Take it with you when you travel far
Get yourself a sweet madonna
Dressed in rhinestone, settin' on a
Pedestal of Abalone Shells
Goin' 90, I ain't scared
Cause I got the Virgin Mary
Assuring me that I won't go to hell

NCOWS 2329, WartHog, SCORRS, SBSS, BHR, GAF, RBCS, Dirty RATS, BTBM, IPSAC, Cosie-in-training
I love the smell of Black Powder in the morning!


I won't wory about no cop car
cause plastic Jesus has radar
sitting on the dashboard of my car.

Well plastic Jesus you have to go
cause your magnet  :o :P ??? my radio
Sitting on the dashboard of my car.

The songs dates to the early 1930's and ther has been almost 75 years for folks to make up verses.
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.


Just heard this on my local non-profit radio station.  John Prine does it and it is one two albums and it the title track for one of them.

One of the few songs he does that he didn't write.  The radio did it by the author, A.P. Carter, husband of Mama Maybell and father of June Carter Cash, Johnny's father in law.

Diamonds in the Rough
©A. P. Carter

While walking out, one evening,
Not knowing where to go
Just to pass the time away
Before we held our show
I heard a little mission band
Playing with all their might
I gave my soul to Jesus
And left the show that night
The day will soon be over
And evening will be done
No more gems to be gathered
So let us all press on
When Jesus comes to claim us
And says it is enough
The diamonds will be shining
No longer in the rough

A true classic, I thought I'd put it here for us Diamonds in the Rough. ;D
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

Uncle Eph

Del, I am going to borrow that frying pan from Miz AnnieLee and whack you myself.  Steve Cropper plays lead and Donald "Duck" Dunn is a bass player, they have played with everyone from Otis Redding to Levon Helm.
WARTHOG, GAF #364, SASS #53354, BOLD #549, SBSS #1483, STORM #5, NRA, CRSO, ASSRA, SDOP, SUV, GOFWG #19, 7-7-79 SNL WINNER

Silver Creek Slim

Quote from: Delmonico on March 23, 2005, 10:48:11 AM
Just heard this on my local non-profit radio station.  John Prine does it and it is one two albums and it the title track for one of them.

One of the few songs he does that he didn't write.  The radio did it by the author, A.P. Carter, husband of Mama Maybell and father of June Carter Cash, Johnny's father in law.

Diamonds in the Rough
©A. P. Carter

While walking out, one evening,
Not knowing where to go
Just to pass the time away
Before we held our show
I heard a little mission band
Playing with all their might
I gave my soul to Jesus
And left the show that night
The day will soon be over
And evening will be done
No more gems to be gathered
So let us all press on
When Jesus comes to claim us
And says it is enough
The diamonds will be shining
No longer in the rough

A true classic, I thought I'd put it here for us Diamonds in the Rough. ;D
Great song, Del.  :)

NCOWS 2329, WartHog, SCORRS, SBSS, BHR, GAF, RBCS, Dirty RATS, BTBM, IPSAC, Cosie-in-training
I love the smell of Black Powder in the morning!


Just got off the phone with the DJ of the local Oldies station, he was the local DJ when most of the songs were top 40.  I told him he was in trouble and he admited he mis stated a few weeks ago on Mr. Dunn's birthday.  Thought maybe he played both.  I guess you can't trust an old man. ;D ;D
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.


Ok, what a wierd night at word, the CD player was on random and played cowhand.com by Dan roberts, another fella writin' original western music, he's kinda popular with the rodeo crowd.  Well you can read about my misadventures with the butterfly in the new thread, but back at home Mr. Google came through with out leading me to no wierd sites like he sometimes does. ;D

Well I hires on to this brand new ranch,
it was owned by a bunch of fancy pants
but they did have several high dollar trucks and trailers
Well there was barns and pens that was under construction
and I was informed by phone I'd receive my instruction
in a video arriving in a padded mailer
It said sort the cows in pen 11,
and then bring us the tags so we can scan 'em
and I didn't have a clue but I took a sack full of 'em to headquarters
There was a lady at a computer typing in numbers,
and the more she typed the more I felt dumber
And she said "Yep 501's too old gotta go back and sort her" and I replied,
I ain't no cowhand, cowhand.com,
I don't know were I just landed scroll me back to were I'm from
Cause I don't need no print out telling me that its time to wean
never seen a calf pulled by a machine
and this information highway keeps my pony sore and lean
I ain't no cowhand.com
Well my security pass slash photo ID,
opened the gate and picked out a horse for me
and you punch in a code and it would start an automatic feeder
course you still had to step over what them cows are downloading,
and you did hair analysis with a digital modem
and put a cow up on a screen and it'd tell you which bull's gonna breed her
well then they give me this laptop for my saddlebags
and it got dusty out riding drag
and I knew the boss was gonna have my hide
well they said just boot it up, open the windows,
something about a mouse and a bunch of menus
so I hauled off and kicked it, I kept the windows closed,
cause it was freezing outside
I ain't no cowhand, cowhand.com,
I don't know were I just landed scroll me back to were I'm from
Cause I don't need no print out telling me which stall to clean
never seen a horse shod by a machine
and this information highway keeps my pony sore and lean
I ain't no cowhand.com
well then they start talking downsizin' and linkin' up
I told 'em I was heading for the tall and the uncut
they could stick that pentium right in their AOL
they was faxing emails and hazing the web,
and they even had a megabite ram and that sounds inbred
I recon' those people would'nt know the difference
between a hard drive and a paper trail
I ain't no cowhand, cowhand.com,
I don't need no information higway to get back to where I'm from
and I don't need no printout telling me which colt is green
never seen a bronc broke by a machine
besides this little cell phone just don't fit good in my jeans
I ain't no cowhand.com
I ain't no HTTP://all one word, all little letters, www.Cowhand.com
Yep that's what you get when you try to cross one of them computers
with a cowboy
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.


The old time cowboy and even some of the modern ones are know to try to rope anything that moves.  Charley Russel tells about the cowboys that roped a cougar and brought it to town and had it tied up outside a saloon, don't rember where and when right now, but he mentioned the cat was not real happy. 

Any way this is a poem called "High Chin Bob" set to music.  As a song sometimes it's called "High Chin Bob" somtimes it's called "Glory Trail" either name I love it.  Don Edwards does a good version on his "Saddle Songs" CD.

High Chin Bob

Away up high in tbe Mogollons
Among the mountain tops,
A lion cleaned a yearlin's bones
And licked his thankful chops
When who upon the scene should ride
A-trippin' down tbe slope,
But High Chin Bob, with sinful pride
And maverick-hungry mpe.

cho: "Oh glory be to me," says he,
     "And fame's unfading flowers,
     I ride my top horse here today;
     l'm top hand at the Lazy J-
     So, Kitty Cat, you're ours."

The lion licked his paws so brown
And dreamed sweet dreams of veal.
A big wide loop came circlin' down
And roped him round his meal.
He yowled wild furey to the world
And all the hills yowled back,
The top horse gave a snort and whirled
And Bob took up the slack.

cho: "Oh glory be to me," says he,
     "We'll hit the glory trail
     No man has roped a lion's head
     And lived to drag the bugger dead
     'Til I shall tell the tale."

Away up high in tbe Mogollons
That top horse done his best
Through whippin' brush and rattlin' stones,
From canyon floor to crest.
Whenever Bob he turned and hoped
The last remains to find,
A red-eyed lion, belly-roped
But healthy, loped behind.

cho: "Oh, glory be to me," says he,
     "This glory trail is rough,
     I'll keep this dally round the horn
     Until the toot of Judgment Morn,
     Before I holler 'nough!'"

Three suns had rode their circle home
Beyond the desert rim,
And turned their star herds loose to roam
The ranges high and dim
Yet up and down, andd 'round and 'cross
Bob pounded, weak and wan
But pride still glued him to his horse
And glory drove him on.

cho: "Oh glory be to me," says he,
     "He can't be drug to death.
     Those heros that I've read about
     Were only fools that stuck it out
     'Til the end of mortal breath."

Away up high in tbe Mogollons
If you're ever there at night,
You'll hear a rukus mid the stones
That'll lift your hair in fright.
You'll see a cow horse thunder by
And a lion trail along,
And a rider gant, but chin on high
Sing forth his glory song:

cho: "Oh glory be to me," says he,
     "And to my mighty noose,
     I took a ragin' dream in tow
     And tho I never laid him low,
     I never turned him loose!

Note: Folk-processed from a poem by Charles Badger Clark, 1908
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

Curley Cole

Very nice Del
Tonite was listening to Mike Nesmith's early stuff...especially "Silver Moon" and Joanne. Haven't listened to it for a while. Do ya all know what Mike's mother was famous for inventing?

Anyways, It was a rough weekend. Took a hit straight into the chest (right at the incision) from one of my inmates. Usually I am able to calm this guy, but this time he drilled me. The doc said I was lucky as often times a blow of that force can splinter a rib and puncture a lung....But it still hurt like hell all weekend..
Hope ya all had a nice Easter...
Scars are tatoos with better stories.
The Cowboys
Silver Queen Mine Regulators
dammit gang

Joyce (AnnieLee)

Well, I don't think she invented it, but she did give birth to a monkey!

Dang, Curley, I am glad you are ok. We've been wondering where you were.

With a hug,


Unrepentant WartHog
Heathen Gunfighter
Pepper Mill Creek Gang
Wielder of "Elle KaBong", the WartHog cast iron skillet
Nasty Lady


Dang that rib stuff hurts, as I found out earlier this year.

She invented white-out cause she was a lousy typist. ;D

To easy every mornin' DJ has used that as a triva question.  Along with playin' a snippet from the Lenard Nimoy Rock and Roll album and playin' gues the Artist. ;D ;D

BTW, I have a copy of that immortal record. :P :P

OBTW Did her brother say "Well I'll be a Monkee's Uncle."
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

Curley Cole

Ouch, now that made my ribs hurt....

do you have a copy of Leonard  or of Mike. I have vinal of both his early records...But I found most of his stuff on a cd....he wrote some cool stuff and being a Monkee wasn't all bad. I enjoyed their tv show, and their movie "Head" was a classic...and had a right special director too...

gotta go take some thing for the pain...don't make me laff too hard folks..

PS, Miz Lee, hugs are the kinda "healin pain" that makes gettin hurt worth wile...ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Scars are tatoos with better stories.
The Cowboys
Silver Queen Mine Regulators
dammit gang

Joyce (AnnieLee)

Gentle hugs then, Curley, not the big bear grunting kind! ;)


Unrepentant WartHog
Heathen Gunfighter
Pepper Mill Creek Gang
Wielder of "Elle KaBong", the WartHog cast iron skillet
Nasty Lady

Curley Cole

thank ye Miz Lee, will be up to the "hard kind" before ya know it...

Since you didn't pick up on the lead for the Monkee movie, will have to tell you that it was partly written and all directed by Jack....(as in here's Johnny..) Nicholson....the movie was a UA production so there was a whole bunch of cameos....i sure would like a copy of that...but it is really scarce...

anybody got a copy?
Scars are tatoos with better stories.
The Cowboys
Silver Queen Mine Regulators
dammit gang

Joyce (AnnieLee)

Unrepentant WartHog
Heathen Gunfighter
Pepper Mill Creek Gang
Wielder of "Elle KaBong", the WartHog cast iron skillet
Nasty Lady

Curley Cole

Way cool, gotta get me a copy of that...it is dumb but funny
thank you Miz Lee,
Scars are tatoos with better stories.
The Cowboys
Silver Queen Mine Regulators
dammit gang

Joyce (AnnieLee)

"Turn The Page"

That's it
Turn the page on the day, walk away
'cos there's sense in what I say
I'm 45th generation Roman
But I don't know 'em
Or care when I'm spitting
So return to your sitting position and listen it's fitting
I'm miles ahead and they chase me
Show yer face on TV, then we'll see
You can't do half, my crew laughs
At yer rhubarb and custard verses
You rain down curses but I'm waving,
Yer hearse is driving by
Streets riding high, with the beats in the sky
All stare, eyes glazed
Garage burnt down, the fire raged
For 40 days and in 40 ways
But through the blaze they see it fade
The sea of black, the beaming heat on their faces
Then a figure emerges from the wastage
Eyes transfixed with a piercing gaze
One hand clutching a sword raised to the sky
They wonder how, they wonder why
The sky turns white, it all becomes clear
They felt lifted from their fears
They shed tears in the light
After 6 dark years
Young bold soldiers, the fire burns
Cracks and smoulders
5 years older and wiser
The fires are burning on fire, never tire
Slay warriors in the forests and on higher
We sing, hear the strings rising
The war's over, the bells ring
Memories fading, soldiers slaying
Looks like geezers raving
The hazy fog over the Bull Ring
The lazy ways the birds sing
A new baby's born every day
Few men may be scorned today
But look at things the other way
Cos it may well be yer final day
And then the crowds roar, they slay, they all say
I produce this using only my bare wit
Gimme a jungle, a garage beat and admit defeat,
Use war and past injury as my metaphor and simile
Get all applications into me before the deadline
Cos it's a fine line between strifeful crimes
And a life of crime
But you will reach the day, and it's all mine
You can take it or leave it,
I shake and reveal stage tricks like Jimi Hendrix
In the afterlife gladiators meet their maker
Float through the wheat fields and lakes of blue water
To the next life from the fortress
Away from the knives and slaughter
To their wives and daughters
Once more before the Lord judges over all of us
Cos in this place you'll see me
Brace yourself, cos this goes deep
I'll show you the secrets, the sky and the birds
Actions speak louder than words
Stand by me my apprentice
Be brave, clench fists.



Unrepentant WartHog
Heathen Gunfighter
Pepper Mill Creek Gang
Wielder of "Elle KaBong", the WartHog cast iron skillet
Nasty Lady


But the one I was thinkin' of starts out:

On a long and loney Highway,
East fo Omaha

Then it says somethin' bout;

Ya walk into a Resteraunt,
Strung out from the cold
Sometimes you can here them talk
Other times you can't
That same old cliche
It that a woman or a man.

Something else about being to many and ya dare not take a stand.

Well ya can tell from my pictures I gots a bit of hair, and it is a thick under the hat as it was when I was 18.  Been 25 years or more and I heard that cliche again today.  Was wearin' a gathered shirt and hat my hat off eatin' and heard that behind me.  I think I could a whooped em, but I felt sorry for the guy, about 80 and his wife was askin' him that.  I think she was a bit senile and it didn't bother me, wish I could have had a chance to tell him that.  But it was ok, I was flirtin' with a cute 3 year old girl at the next table who thought I was more interesting than her food. ;D
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

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