Have traveling Musters been considered?

Started by Big Hext Finnigan, November 12, 2004, 07:51:00 AM

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Big Hext Finnigan


I got so fired up looking over Lone Gunman's Muster webpage.  Seemed like a great time.  Fun and inventive stages.  Great costumes..  And next year's match falls on my son's birthday.  Good weekend for the match, bad for me.

Now I'm wondering if the same format could be taken on the road, perhaps create some Regional matches.  I think our club could host a match down in Texas.


Major Matt Lewis

We have talked about it before and the idea has not been ruled out.  The benefit of Kansas is that we are centrally located and we will draw from a lot of local clubs also.  We do need to have this hosted by either a SASS or an NCOWS club so we are covered by liablity insurance.  It also is here because I am the guy that is putting it on.  At least for 2004 & 2005. 

The range we have choosen to work with here in Kansas is also good for reenacting.  Next year there is a plan to have a troop of Cavalry and some other reenactors there as well.  The range is big enough to accomodate all of that.

Now, for 2006 if somebody wants to step up and take over the Match Director duties and would be willing to put this all together...
Major Matt Lewis
Grand Army of the Frontier * SASS Life * NCOWS * Powder Creek Cowboys * Free State Ranges * RO II * NRA Life * Man on the Edge

Big Hext Finnigan

Um.. No!  I don't want that job. ;)

I think my idea was unclear.  Kansas is great for THE Muster, the big annual match.
I am wondering about holding GAF style matches, at other times and other places.

Great job by the way.. your ceaseless efforts really paid off.


Hext I'm gonna take ya ta task here (In a very friendly manner of course.)  I got's lots of "Old West" outfits, no "Costumes". ;D ;D ;)  costumes are fer Halloween. ;)  Last year on Halloween I went to a grocery store accross town cause I was there and needed some magic beans (coffee).  The checkout girl tolt me I had a nice Halloween Costume on, tolt her she did too.  She looked at me funny and said she had her regular clothes on, I tolt her so did I.  The guy behind me tolt her it was true cause he sees me all over town.  We had a big laugh and I explained it and she thought is was really cool that I dress this way all the time.

Have a nice day Hext, I hope it goes well and nobody else picks on ya. ;)
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

Big Hext Finnigan

Howdy Del,

Now having never met, I can't speak for your daily dress..
But if you don't consider the below picture a "costume" then I gotta make that trip a lot sooner.  ;)


I'd be right proud ta were any of those to the grocery store.   Got moved in the hospital once, the aide knew it was me comin' to her area when they brought my boots in and put them in the corner, she had took me to the car in a wheel chair months before.  She said in 15 years I was the only patient she hauled that wore black stove pipes. When they brought me up later she said she could not remember my name but remembered my boots.
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

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