Cap and Ball riggins and persona....?

Started by Marshal Deadwood, March 21, 2007, 08:49:05 PM

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Marshal Deadwood

I know more than just gathering up 'stuff' is involved here,,ones chosen persona as to time and place,,but,,in general,,,

What would one carry to be proper with a c and b revolver,,,a belt bag,,,? in which would be what?
Where did one carry their flask?
Cap pouch was seperated from the others?
Just musing how ya set up good rig for c and b revolver....

Thanks folks,

Marshal Deadwood

SGT John Chapman

Howdy Marshal,....SGT Chapman Here,......I shoot a pair of '58 Remingtons,...I carry them in a pair of Slim Jim holsters, made to look like cut up issue flap holsters,...I carry a cap pouch with a pick, a can of Issue Caps, and a 8 cap in-line capper. On the back of my belt I carry two cylinder pouches with my fast reloads all set to go. The rest of my loading will be carried in saddlebags as soon as I make or buy them, right now it's all in a haversack on my cart.

Sgt Chapman

            ~~GAF #143~~
             ~*RATS #165*~
Courage is being scared to Death,...But saddling up Anyway." -John Wayne

CAS City Profile For Sgt John Chapman

Marshal Deadwood

Hey hoss ! Ya looking shapre there !

My persona woulda been from CW, post war wanderer,?? still working out the details,,,,,

I'll be carrying a brace of '60s,,,and just kinda need the 'period proper' riggins' and accouterments.
Any knowledge I can steal from you guys that are on top of ya game is most appreciated.

I died a slow and painful 18th century reenactors death and now I am 19th century all the way,,,,

Thanks for the reply sir,

Marshal Deadwood


Howdy Marshal,
Are you planning on having one set of kit for shootin' one one for wanderin' around? Just curious. I used to do the reenacting thing as well (A bit earlier date though) and have settled on some sort of pre-1870 persona as well. Considering the requirements of a SASS match it looks like one might need a seperate set of shootin' leather. I plan on using a pocket for shotgun shells and haven't worked out the details of the rifle ammo. Of course I guess at some point I'll get this switched over to the CAS City Historical Society forum but here goes, how early did they have the cartridge loops? When Kit Carson was at the 1st Battle of Adobe Walls for example what kind of kit would he have used, just a cartridge box? By the second battle would Bat Masterson and Billy Dixon have had belt loops? It looks like I am going with a pair of C&B 1860 Armys as well so I was thinking of going without cartridge loops on the belt but then do I use a pouch for the rifle rounds? Oh well, I would love to talk gear choices with ya sometime Marshal, it's always good to compare ideas with someone else attacking the same problem.
Take care,
Sharps 54 (waiting for SASS to approve my alias of Mild Myles)

SGT John Chapman

I'm figgerin' on gettin or makin a Blakslee Box for the Henry,.....

Had thought about the ol' Enfield Cartridge Box though,.......
Page Down here,......
Sgt Chapman

            ~~GAF #143~~
             ~*RATS #165*~
Courage is being scared to Death,...But saddling up Anyway." -John Wayne

CAS City Profile For Sgt John Chapman

Marshal Deadwood

SGT,,,Ill ask my bud Chuck Burrows of Wild Rose Trading abotu shell not just not sure.
SASS and my historical thing might not run parallel either.  Right now im shoot '72OT and a model P,,,that will change thought.....
our SASS group is kinda small and no one shoots the plainsman,,so,,,id have to  just do it for my 'own good and shoot the armys....
but i tell ya,,personally that is,,i think ol' Sam Colt reached the top of his game with the 1860 Army,,and thats comming for an old south boy even !

SGT,thanks for the links,,,,I might be in contact with them folks.
take care

Marshal Deadwood

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