Take back the Cowboy spirit. . . . . loose the clock

Started by Dick Dastardly, March 14, 2007, 08:36:16 PM

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Dick Dastardly

Howdy pards that shoot for the fun of it.

I posted about this before, but here is the URL to Thundercolt's Renegades.  Zeke has put considerable work and capitol where his heart is.  Now, we've got the makins of a working posse to take back the fun of the Cowboy spirit in our shootin'.

This is a good place for pards to gather that want to enjoy Cowboy shooting without the need to go with the gamers.  Let them enjoy SASS shootin' their way and we will enjoy it our way.  The Thundercolt's Renegades posse is dedicated to bringing back much of what has been lost trying to beat the clock.


Take a good long look at the web site.  There is plenty of room for those that want to enjoy the fun without the pressure to beat the clock.  For race shooters, this is not for you.  Enjoy your game.  We'll enjoy ours.  It's fun to watch you run.  We'll be enjoying each shot we take and all the fun stuff we can bring to each stage.


P.S.  I also posted this on the SASS wire.
Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies

Wymore Wrangler

Dick, I don't think the timer is the problem, it's the spirit of the club and those like minded individuals setting and maintaining standards, which has been lost in alot of CAS shooting venue, there is alot problems right now both in SASS and NCOWS with those that forgot this is all suppose to be about fun and not so much on winning or stitch counting.  I would say the match directors need to ensure everyone leaves with smiles on their faces, and the race mentality goes away....  just my two peso's worth
Fast horses for sale, Discount for newly minted gold coins, no questions asked....

Marshal Deadwood

Im fairly new at this,,but iv already said this on another forum,,,I wnat to take the guns I like, and just do the best I can shootin' and having FUN.
I perfer the bigger bores,,,,45LC and 44colt,etc,,,and will just do what I can do. I like to dress authentic to the max,,as much as possible,,the historic aspect is important to me.
I will never be a winnin' gamer, but im a happy boy right now, just shooting the guns I perfer, and forget the clock. Do the best I can to have fun and then,,,I WIN !
I like the ideas you guys have expressed,,,its bout fun. I wanna have fun, Im over 50 and life is too short for anxietys. What time i have left i wanna be a rootin' tootin' happy cowboy!

Take care guys,

Marshal Deadwood

Deadeye Don

Howdy Dick,   I have been reading your posts here and on SASS wire for the past few weeks about this topic.  I completely understand your basic ideas about CAS shooting activities and agree.   I am curious how this new group is going to be different from NCOWS and if you are planning on the new group being national or simply local.  Are there going to be organized reinactment activities?
I have read the content of the website and other than mission statements I am still in the dark about the specifics.  Perhaps the founding 15 havent got that far in the planning yet.  If that is the case, thats fine.  I am interested in the group and shall be following the progress a bit longer before deciding about joining.   Safe shooting. Deadeye.
Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company

Marshal Deadwood

I dont want to be a pestilence with post,,but,,,iv been an 18th century reenactor for 30 years. Not enough emphisis on shooting ,,ya just mostly carried ya flinter for looks ya know,,,although at home, I LOVE to shoot a flinter,,,,but,,back to my thoughts..
I like the rennactment aspect as much as shooting.  I like both. I think for maxium fun for some (like me) there needs to be a health balance of shootin' and history and campin' and such.
What I did in the 18th century area also was 'scouts.' We would take enough period food and gear to last us three or four days and meet somewheres and hit the trail and 'live in the dirt' so to speak...period style.
And of course we had camps at historic forts, trade faires, (I wasnt so much a standard 'rondyvooser' but more of a colonial type)
Now that im into the 19th century era,,,id kinda like to do the same formatte only with a new time frame to portray.
Does anyone ,,,just,,,pack in and camp, or have gatherings just to do some informal shooting perhaps, sit by the campfire, cook, shoot the breeze?
If this is kinda what ya'll talkin' about, it would be of utmost interest to me.
However, I live in VA,,im way off the beaten trail,,but still interested folks.

Marshal Deadwood


Quote from: Deadeye Don on March 15, 2007, 07:08:41 AM
I am curious how this new group is going to be different from NCOWS and if you are planning on the new group being national or simply local.  Are there going to be organized reinactment activities?


NCOWS is nowhere near me, so a non-timed, authenticity-informed, FUN-driven movement within SASS is appealing.

I've seen the informal demographics of the 18th-19th Century-based shooting sports, usually in the form of survey results on the sites I read.  There are young folks involved, but in the main, it looks like a bunch of old guys - like me.  I can't speak for the other old guys, but I long ago settled my personal questions as to performance and competitive ambition.  I savor and appreciate moments, and not the finish line. 

Changes wrought by age for me include:

- smokeless now sounds puny and is somehow unsatisfying; BP, cartridge or front-stuffed, lights up, booms, and gives a healthy shove;

- timed competitive shooting sounds like laid-down surpressive fire;

- there is nothing so gratifying as the well-considered, carefully-aimed, and nicely-placed shot.  The deliberate working up of a load and the refinement of technique to deliver it (not to mention the conquest of aged eyesight and diminshed strength) are a joy themselves.

No need any longer to fight for top place in the gene pool - that's the job of the young dogs.  In that contest, I may not be as good ad I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was.

Dick Dastardly

Thanks Pards,

I got flamed a mite over on the other wire, but mostly they were pretty civil.  It's not about me.  It's about a group, started by Zeke, that will shoot within the SASS framework, but without regard to time.  We want the comrade re, the palaver and the fun.  By putting quad 9s on our "score" cards for all stages we will be eliminating the timer.  All the safety rules apply.  We  still allow the "beep".  The RO is still just as important, only now he doesn't have to run around with that dumb clock so he can concentrate on safety more.

We intend to hoot and hollar and maybe sing a Cowboy song.  We will use cover when it's available.  We will try to make each shot count.  Our costume will be as authentic as we can get it.  Us TRs intend to be a positive part of any posse we are on by taking part in all the posse chores we can.  Nothing is really different except that we don't want the timer to be part of what we do.

Gone will be the careful staging of our guns so that we can grab 'em real quick, gone will be our planning on just how to run from position to position and gone will be our mouse phart puny gun loads unless that's whut we prefer to shoot.  Make it safe, keep it safe, have lots of fun.

Yup, this is a work in progress, but it seems to have wide general appeal.

Thanks for posting.

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies

Marshal Deadwood

Dick, W.T. ,,,maybe its cause im older too,,but I like ya thoughts boys.
Its OK to do a 'grab and shoot' saloon gunfight kinda thang...but,,really, from what I gather,,,more of them old law dogs and outlaws were 'shootin' from cover, makin the shot count the best they could. Would be super nice to see a think with some 'accuracy counts' in it....
And some good camps,,,dang boys, I LOVE cookin' on a fire and just sitting round chawin some 'bacca and spittin' in the coals.
Done a heap of this 18th century, but , after many many years the new area of 'cowboy thang' I find very appealin'
Me and  a pard were trying to get some guys on our 18th century board to get together this spring for an 'informal , plinkin' weekend,,,,but,,,out there in the east,,,,the 18th century seems to be very dominate.....
I might just have to move out west with yall !!

Marshal Deadwood

Silver Creek Slim

I really like the concept. I don't shoot FCD or FCG to win any matches. If I wanted to compete, I would shoot Nitro with both hands on the pistol. But, I would be too nervous and not have any fun. I don't enjoy hobbies unless they are fun. My finances are such at this time that I cannot join, but will adhere to the credo of the TR's.

NCOWS 2329, WartHog, SCORRS, SBSS, BHR, GAF, RBCS, Dirty RATS, BTBM, IPSAC, Cosie-in-training
I love the smell of Black Powder in the morning!

James Blue Lightnin

Like Marshal Deadwood, I also have been a long time 18th century re-enactor and trekker. I've seen that hobby change from fun, to flame wars and arguments over historical authenticity relating to clothes, goods and guns. The wife and I are now getting into C.A.S. as we are looking for the fun and enjoyment of shooting and socializing. I've been thru the pursuit and demands of strict historical accuracy, now that I'm getting older, I think this hobby is more to my abilities. I'll never be a speed demon when it comes to shooting, but I want the pleasure of hitting what I aim at, and being able to have good times with the Wife and friend I meet along the trail. For the guys in SASS that want to argue about being historically accurate ... Myself and Marshal Deadwood can tell them boys a few things !! Being exactly period correct lost it's appeal with me .... now it's time to enjoy life !! Give me a pair of open tops anythime .....
James Blue Lightnin'
BOLD #836

Col. Cornelius Gilliam


I'm kinda wondering why people are making such a big deal about not being timed??

If you don't care what your time is, don't look at the scores.

It reminds me of these two people I know who are both vegetarians. 

One guy, dosen't make a big deal about it, just dosen't order or eat meat.  No big deal.

The other loudly asks if they use animal products in the cooking oil, so everyone in the restraunt can hear that he dosen't eat meat.  Every time, every visit he asks this loudly, to make sure everyone knows he is above eating meat.

Again, why make a big deal out of this?  It is and always has been a timed event.  No one makes you look at the scores, it's up to each person.

Dick Dastardly

Howdy Col,

I suppose it's not so much a big deal as it is thumbing the nose at those that would make SASS shooting strictly a race game.  I'll put 999.9 down for my time on each of the stages and the RO can do what he pleases with the timer.  It's saying "love to watch you run and gun" but thanks, that's not why I'm here.  I'll enjoy watching your game, but I'm not in it.  I'm here to enjoy a different experience at my own pace.  Be safe.  Have fun.  There's room for both of us.

Probably the best gauge of how it works out is to see how it lasts and where it goes.  I have a pretty good idea of where the race gunners are going and I'm not going along.  They are great pards and I'll take nothing from their game nor throw rocks at their performance.  I'll help every way I can to keep the posse running as smooth as possible, but I won't be timed when I'm shooting.  I'll leave that to those to whom those precious hundredths of a second really matter.  I wish them well.

Thanks for asking.

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies


I've stated in your previous post that I support the idea, and still do. I think it has a lot of merit.
I can't figure why some folks feel so threatened by those of us that do not wish to be on the timer.
I have never understood why a miss is a 5 second penalty and a procedural is a 10 second penalty. To me, missing a target would be the same as missing a bad guy, that could/would come back and end the game for you. But you can miss fast and still win.
"I hate rude behavior in a man. I won't tolerate it"  - Capt. Woodrow Call

"Proud citizen of CasCity since 2004." 
NCOWS 2492  SASS 22927   SCORRS     USFACS #28       GAF #267 Dept. of the Platte  AZ        STORM #178

Marshal Deadwood

I think my 'game' will to make the target ding the loudest now! Id REALLY like to get with yall on the more laid back , less speed type of shootin', but alas, I live out of the loop so to speak out here in the east. But, perhaps it will even catch on here.
I like a challange, but not always speed. Speed and a good shooter to me dont equate to the same thing.
More 'camping, more campfires and more informal shootin', and doing it with a good level of historic authenticy also.

Just ramblin' guys, not really complainin', just seeing the different lines of thoughts between 'gamers' and 'cowboys' in this.

Marshal Deadwood

River City John

Quote from: Marshal Deadwood on March 19, 2007, 11:36:13 AM
I think my 'game' will to make the target ding the loudest now! Id REALLY like to get with yall on the more laid back , less speed type of shootin', but alas, I live out of the loop so to speak out here in the east. But, perhaps it will even catch on here.
I like a challange, but not always speed. Speed and a good shooter to me dont equate to the same thing.
More 'camping, more campfires and more informal shootin', and doing it with a good level of historic authenticy also.

Just ramblin' guys, not really complainin', just seeing the different lines of thoughts between 'gamers' and 'cowboys' in this.

Marshal Deadwood

I think you've just given the NCOWS blessing. . . . ;D
"I was born by the river in a little tent, and just like the river I've been running ever since." - Sam Cooke
"He who will not look backward with reverence, will not look forward with hope." - Edmund Burke
". . .freedom is not everything or the only thing, perhaps we will put that discovery behind us and comprehend, before it's too late, that without freedom all else is nothing."- G. Warren Nutter
GAF #275



Like the website, love the idea.  Competing is fun, but I'm more the reenactor type, just like some others who have posted.  Some may say "you non-timer users are taking up space" and such, but I think of it more as I'm one less competitor you have to worry about...I'm there to shoot, enjoy the comraderie, and hopefully learn something about that magical time that we lovingly refer to as the Old West.

Occasionally, I'll compete with my heart in it...and I'll still practice to try and develop my skills, but if I don't win, big deal.  The experience and fun is my everlasting trophy  ;D

So, good on you, DD.  Let me know if there's anything I can do to help out.
Silver Spur Spence (SASS #75055)
J.P. Spencer III
Houston, TX
USS Portsmouth (SSN-707)
USS Topeka (SSN-754)
PROUD Submariner

Crimson Jewel

Howdy to Dick Dastardly , Rawhide Rio, Wymore etc. from Crimson Jewel.
  Earthquake Jake asked if I'd register us on Cas City.com and give my thoughts regarding . . . . loose the clock.  We'd love to!!  Camping, comradary, shooting. Woooo WHo!!   Now, can a pard in a wheelchair participate along with you all ,as Speedin' Luke got a bad reception at his first match  and hasn't wanted to go back because of the rushing and confusion that occurred.   Unfortunately, it was the gamers that started the "hurry up" back at his first match; even though there was a great RO working with him through all the stages, it is that first impression that makes a lasting impression.  Meet and greet with respect to the new shooters before a few posse members start reading a stage scenerio to 3 others while the rest of 18 posse members are rolling up with gun carts and then rushing to catch up with a few who weren't even "marshalling" the posse, it was assigned to someone else that rolled in late, too.  Speedin' Luke said he'd be interested in trying this  without the clock.  He's a great kid; but then he's my son.    Earthquake and I would even offer to help with decor for the stages.   To be able to participate as a family woud be great!!
Thanks for asking to see who might be interested in playing in a new way.
Crimson Jewel

Knowledge plus experience equals understanding. In other words, don't judge me until you have walked a mile in my moccasins.   

Dick Dastardly

Howdy Crimson Jewel, Howdy Pards,

Zeke welcomes all that can honestly read and understand his credo.  It's pretty plain to understand.

The reception that CJ refers to is very mean spirited.  A shooter with a handicap ought to be able to enjoy our sport without worry about being hurried or hassled.  Please do this.  Talk it over with your local club ahead of time and make sure they understand that you are concerned that a new shooter ought to be welcome and made part of the posse, not hurried and made to feel like the odd man out.

I sincerely hope to have the opportunity to shoot with you and your son down the trail.

The whole reason Zeke Thundercolt started his posse is because we are going to get the fun back in our sport that's been taken away by the almighty clock and those that are a slave to the millisecond.  Shoot on the clock?  Heck, I'd rather shoot at it.

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies


Quote from: Crimson Jewel on March 22, 2007, 05:58:18 PM
Howdy to Dick Dastardly , Rawhide Rio, Wymore etc. from Crimson Jewel.
  Earthquake Jake asked if I'd register us on Cas City.com and give my thoughts regarding . . . . loose the clock.  We'd love to!!  Camping, comradary, shooting. Woooo WHo!!   Now, can a pard in a wheelchair participate along with you all ,as Speedin' Luke got a bad reception at his first match  and hasn't wanted to go back because of the rushing and confusion that occurred.   Unfortunately, it was the gamers that started the "hurry up" back at his first match; even though there was a great RO working with him through all the stages, it is that first impression that makes a lasting impression.  Meet and greet with respect to the new shooters before a few posse members start reading a stage scenerio to 3 others while the rest of 18 posse members are rolling up with gun carts and then rushing to catch up with a few who weren't even "marshalling" the posse, it was assigned to someone else that rolled in late, too.  Speedin' Luke said he'd be interested in trying this  without the clock.  He's a great kid; but then he's my son.    Earthquake and I would even offer to help with decor for the stages.   To be able to participate as a family woud be great!!
Thanks for asking to see who might be interested in playing in a new way.
Crimson Jewel

Knowledge plus experience equals understanding. In other words, don't judge me until you have walked a mile in my moccasins.   

Howdy Crimson Jewel!
Glad to see ya here in CAS City! Sorry to hear about Speedin' Luke's bad reception at his first match, I was not aware his first experience with CAS was like that. Shame on them!  >:(  I think that is evidence enough that something needs to change in this sport! Hopefully enough folks are starting to feel the same way, and we can see some changes for the better!
"I hate rude behavior in a man. I won't tolerate it"  - Capt. Woodrow Call

"Proud citizen of CasCity since 2004." 
NCOWS 2492  SASS 22927   SCORRS     USFACS #28       GAF #267 Dept. of the Platte  AZ        STORM #178


H'lo, DD, & All Posters to this thread -

Been wanting to ask if there are any limitations or ancillary membership requirements with this new posse.

Due to current circumstances, I am now unaffiliated with a club or posse, SASS or othewise.  Hope to see that change by the end of the year, but I'm wondering if I might be able to join just in order to support the movement. 

I also was interested in paying via any means not involving PayPal, but can't find a "contact" e-mail address to make an inquiry.  Will Zeke's outfit accept a check?



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