What other shooting do you do

Started by Anvil Dave, October 02, 2004, 09:23:54 PM

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Anvil Dave

Howdy to ya all...........I sign up today, and I was just wounding what other kind of shooting do you do. Like myself, been around horses all my life, became a farrier (retired) and always a littel cowboy in me. But, I also shoot trap. What other shooting do you do? I just like to know. :)

Marshal Will Wingam

Howdy, Gimpy. I just signed up today, too. Gotta get my fix since TFS is not available. I also shoot informal automatic pistol with a local bunch. We do different scenarios, similar to stages, but with one pistol. Reloads and such. Great fun, and they're mostly the same pards I shoot CAS with.

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446

Uncle Eph

gongs, buffalo, BP sillywets and long range paper. 
WARTHOG, GAF #364, SASS #53354, BOLD #549, SBSS #1483, STORM #5, NRA, CRSO, ASSRA, SDOP, SUV, GOFWG #19, 7-7-79 SNL WINNER

Jax Orebetter

Not Nearly enough!!  Though I am planning to take my son out again soon to practice with his new to him bolt action single shot .22. He has just move up from his BB and we need to get some more range time in!!
Time to fold,
Jax Orebetter

Marshal Will Wingam

Oh, almost forgot. I also pick avocados with a .22. Great way to get the ones way up in the top of the trees where a picking ladder won't reach. You have to nip the stems without hitting the avos. Only three shots allowed for each one. If you don't have it by then you have to let someone else go for it. I use a Winchester 9422. My cousin's choice is a Henry Golden Boy.

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446


That's the trouble, so many guns and ammo, so little time!
BPCR ( silly wet stuff) .
Hunting ( Dove, deer, hogs)
I got to shoot some class 3 stuff the other day, what a blast, dat-dat-dat-dat-dat....
My favorite is the BPCR, it does take away from the cowboy shooting, there are only so many weekends in the month , and latley the buffalo rifles have been smoking the most.
Black powder shooting is like holding history in your hands.


Howdy Gimpy,
I'm hoping to do more IPSC shooting in the coming months.....

Texas Lawdog

I shoot CAS occasionally on the weekends. I have firearms quals to keep up on with pistol,rifle, and shotgun for my job as a Deputy Sheriff. I don't get to do a lot of "fun shooting" anymore. I have about 5 yrs to go before retirement.  I am planning on buying a Mini-motorhome and shooting CAS on the weekends.  I hope it takes a long time to get tired of it. :) ;D 8)
SASS#47185  RO I   ROII       NCOWS#2244  NCOWS Life #186  BOLD#393 GAF#318 SCORRS#1 SBSS#1485  WASA#666  RATS#111  BOSS#155  Storm#241 Henry 1860#92 W3G#1000  Warthog AZSA #28  American Plainsmen Society #69  Masonic Cowboy Shootist  Hiram's Rangers#18  FOP  Lt. Col  Grand Army of The Frontier, Life Member CAF
   Col.  CAF  NRA  TSRA   BOA  Dooley Gang  BOPP  ROWSS  Scarlet Mask Vigilance Society Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company  Cow Cracker Cavalry   Berger Sharpshooters "I had no Irons in the Fire". "Are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie"?

Micheal Fortune

I don't shoot anything else competitively, but I do get a few rounds of trap when I get the chance.  Do a little hunting, deer, elk, birds.

I got 25 or so children locked up in the closet raging from .17 to 300winmag and they all want their turn in playground.
Saloon Keeper, Gambler, Shootist
Sun River Rangers Shooting Society / SASS 60159 / R.O.-1 / SBSS 1685 / G.O.F.W.G. 89 / RATS 58 / KGC 4 /

Cuts Crooked

Muzzleloading!!!!! ;D I compete and do my deer & turkey hunting almost exclusively with frontstuffers!
Dark Lord of the Soot
Honorary member of the Mormon Posse
NCOWS #2250
SASS #36914
...work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like you do when nobody is watching..

Birdgun Quail

I've been an avid upland bird hunter for many years.  Love those shotguns--especially the pretty doubles.  I do shoot some skeet and sporting clays from time to time but it is with my hunting shotguns and not with any dedicated target guns.  In fact, I don't own a single target gun of any type...hold it...are CAS guns considered "target" guns? :-\
God bless,
Birdgun Quail

Foothills Drifter

I like ta shoot the $h!t  :o  with other shooters.

Good shootin......
Vern... ;D


Do some deer hunting (with my CAS pistols)
Thinking of buying a Glock and taking-up IDPA, they won't let shoot my CCW (a Makarov) in the "DEFENSIVE pistol assosiation", oh well. ???
See ya,
ML Roak


  I have a friend who belongs to a nice firing range and we go there to shoot, when we can't find any matches.  My sister and I, will go the firing range and bet on who can hit the center.   
                  Blondetta  ;)
Miz Blondetta
Army vet, GAF #291, SASS #28760, NRA, GOA. Lady WartHog, RATS #102

Forty Rod


I shoot the bull a lot.  Not much else any more.
People like me are the reason people like you have the right to bitch about people like me.

Anvil Dave

Hey pards.........I was woundering what other shooting sports do you shoot, like myself, I also shoot trap. I sure like to know.

Uncle Eph

BPCR Silhouette, BP Buffalo and Gong matches, BP Schuetzen, and some CAS BP of course. ;D
WARTHOG, GAF #364, SASS #53354, BOLD #549, SBSS #1483, STORM #5, NRA, CRSO, ASSRA, SDOP, SUV, GOFWG #19, 7-7-79 SNL WINNER

Lou Graham

The first competition I did was CAS.  Almost didn't 'cause I was afraid of the shotgun.  I started shooting trap at my local gun club this spring.  I have 5 shotguns now.  I shoot BP for CAS.  I even shot skeet (man, that's hard) at a special cowboy event with BP.  Didn't hit many, but it was a hoot!  The regular club members were stunned to say the least at the crazy cowboys going after skeet with BP!  I love doing Wild Bunch, and I'd like to try something called "action pistol" next year with my 1911.  So many guns, so little time....... 
Soot Lady
You can never be too thin, too rich or have too much ammo

Doc Shapiro

Steel Challenge, Western 3 Gun, IPSC


Anvil Dave

Well...first off, I didn't know that I posted twice. The reson that I the question is that I love to do both, cowboy and trap. So I had this dumb ideal in my head, to be good, it's one or the other, not true. But one thing for sure, it's pricee. :-\

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