Started by h c ramrod, February 20, 2007, 06:56:58 AM

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h c ramrod

keep yur powder dry.

Cuts Crooked

Quote from: h c ramrod on February 20, 2007, 06:56:58 AM

The Keebler elves makes them! :D

Now, on a more serious note.......A grease cookie is usually a couple of thin wads with a disk of lube, or bees wax, sandwiched b'tween them and loaded over the powder/under the bullet in a black powder cartridge. The effect is to add more lube to your loads in order to avoid lube starvation in rifles. That leads to hard powder fouling building up in the last few inches of the bore and destroys accuracy quickly. Original style bullets and later smokeless designs didn't carry enough lube in the grooves to get a rifle through a lot of stages and pards would have to clean their bores frequently during a match. Also, some six guns needed more lube to keep functioning properly during long strings of shooting encountered at CAS matches.  I used to see a lot of pards using them b'fore the advent of Big Lube Boolits.
Dark Lord of the Soot
Honorary member of the Mormon Posse
NCOWS #2250
SASS #36914 like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like you do when nobody is watching..

Dick Dastardly

Ho the fire,

"Rippin' Good" also makes some fine cookies up by Rippon, WI.  They'd not want to have 'em called Grease Cookies tho. . ;D

Grease cookies are a work around for bullets that don't carry enuf lube.  Cuts hit that nail rite on the head.  Big Lube™ bullets don't need cookies or any other lube adjunct to keep on shootn' indefinitely.

For more information, send me an emule.

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies

h c ramrod

keep yur powder dry.

Stacey Lee

My Mom used to bake those I thought ? Even my dogs turned thier noses, God she was a terrible cook. No wonder I am a Chef grade cook now.

Sincerely, Stacey Lee.

I used to make my own cookies for Cap and Ball too, my own hard felt wads, two of-em packed in bore butter then jambed over the ball. I never let anything greasy or wet touch my powder anymore. I just lube over my balls. No laughing here !!!
Don't care what you say, greasey or wet wads aint good for dry powder. Especially in the heat.

Dick Dastardly

Certainly not good under my balls. . . ;D ;D ;D

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies

Stacey Lee

Hee hee hee Dastardly,
your an evil man aren't you ? Ha ha ha.
Snicker snicker snicker.
At least someones got a sence of humor around here.

SL. :P

Dick Dastardly

I guess I was a mite jolly last nite :-[

What I meant was, . ? . Oh to heck with it.  I'm too late now to take it back.

Dastardly really is a Gentleman, ya know ;)

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies

Cuts Crooked

Quote from: Stacey Lee on February 21, 2007, 06:43:14 AM
At least someones got a sence of humor around here.

SL. :P

You really wanna be around when we get started talkin' about nipple picks!!!!!! :o :o :o :o :D
Dark Lord of the Soot
Honorary member of the Mormon Posse
NCOWS #2250
SASS #36914 like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like you do when nobody is watching..

Wills Point Pete

 The idea of a glob o' bullet lube betwixt two wads is not much of a grease cooke, the lube can leak around that bottom wad and contaminate the powder.
Much better is a beeswax wad, then the lube and then a card wad. A layer of beeswax an eighth to a quarter inch thick will be plenty to trap the lube. The beeswax doesn't melt until you get to temps that we don't much run around in. Then any old ball of BP lube, truth be told I just use a screwdriver end and scoop some into the case mouth and then a fiber or waxed cardboard wad.
I do not have powder comtamination even during an August shoot in Texas with that setup, I had some contamination with card wads.
The only reason I still use grease cookies is that I am out of Big Lube Boolits. Having said that, my loads with Remington's swaged lead 250 grain .45 bullets over a grease cookie are slightly more accurate than my loads, so far, with the 250 grain PRS Big Lube Boolit. I would suspect that once I get my own mold and can cast enough to experiment and practice with that will change. At any rate, the difference isn't enough to make a difference with main match ammo.
The main thing is that it is so much faster to load the Big Lube Boolits instead of the grease cookie.
Melt the beeswax and pour it into a pan of hot water, let it cool and see if I've poured a layer of the right thickness, keep trying until I do.
Repeat until I have a dozen or so sheets of wax, dried and ready.
Charge the primed cases, then use each case like a cookie cutter. Then press the beeswax wad down hard on the powder. Add the bullet lube. Add the fiber or waxed cardboard wad, these are cut out of milk cartons or bought from Walter's Wads.
Now seat and crimp the bullet. I am retired and the process is too slow.
Still, and this is not a complaint, the only reason the Big Lube Boolits are better than ordinary cast bullets for me is the speed of the loading process. I prefer the old Cavalry powder charge, 28 grains of GOEX makes a good enough boom and plenty of smoke for me. Since I cut back from a full case of GOEX I don't have the rangemaster and the blacksmith who makes our steel targets complaining, a pound of expensive powder goes a third farther and my sixty year old wrists have fewer aches and pains. With the Reminton bullets I fill the space with the grease cookie, with the PRS I fill the space with grits.
Grits is quicker. With the PRS I can use anything from 25 and grits all the way to about 37 and lots of bohemous on the handle.
I mailed off the check for a PRS mold yesterday. I would not be surprised to find myself still making bets on the Remington Bullets for one hundred yard groups a year from now though I might find the secret with the Big Lubes, too.
Nothing wrong with lots of different kinds of bullets.

john boy

Ramrod, what the gents haven't told you thus far ... is how to make your own.

Old cake pan (salvation army) with 1" water, in a frying pan with 1" of water.(poor man's double boiler)
Heat a little, drop lube in cake pan, let it melt and cover the surface of the water in the cake pan.
Turn off the heat, let it all cool and lube harden.
Extract the hardened sheet of lube from the cake pan.
This will give you a sheet of lube to make grease cookies from.
Clean Up!!
If too thick, wax paper, sheet of lube, wax paper, 2 paint stirrers on left and right of the pile. Rolling pin on paint stirrers sets height = thickness. Roll it!
It's easy and fast and not messy.
On the Cast Bullet Association forum, FILES, see "How to Make Sheets of Lube" for pictures!!
Place a penny, nickle, dime, etc......depending on how thick you want your wads......on a piece of wax paper in a flat bottom pan.  Pour in melted lube to the height of the coin and let cool.  When loading, place the sheet of lube over the case mouth and thumb press it into the case.   Make sure you have a wad in place to separate the lube from the powder charge.
SHOTS Master John Boy

WartHog ...
Brevet 1st Lt, Scout Company, Department of the Atlantic
SASS  ~  SCORRS ~ OGB with Star

Devote Convert to BPCR

Mick Archer

  Howdy Pards!

  Just an historical aside...
  The very early cartridges were made with "heeled" bullets with a "ringtail" that fitted into the cartridge case.  They were "externally" lubed (like modern .22 bullets still are).
  That was messy, and the lube picked up dirt and grit.
   When Smith & Wesson came out with the No. 3, the Russians wanted it but not the externally lubed ammo, and had S & W design a new bullet, the .44 "Russian."
  Buffalo Springfield
Mick Archer and his evil twin brother Faux Cowchild

J.J. Ferrett

My workaround on the powder contam problem is to load powder, cork wad, lube pill, card wad, lead. Works well in my C&B, my 45 Remmies and the 44-40 1873! I stamp my wads out of cork tiles and the card from 12 pack soda cans. This stuff is teaching me that very few things have to be 'shop bought'

I aint tried DD's stuff yet, as I am waiting until i start casting, but I am looking forward to tryin 'em.

Edit - I make the lube from 1lb beezwax/1lb Crisco/8oz peanut oil, heat and serve. To make the pills I lay a sheet of the lube about 1/8" thick on a cookie sheet, let it set and then stamp them out with my ultra technologically advanced gadget. To make such a gadget, take one 45 Colt shell, take one nail (of your choice, 8d work nicely). Drill out primer hole to accept shank of chosen nail. Put nail through hole so that flat head is inside shell. Snip off excess shank so that you have a handle. This will stamp out nice pills for 44 or 45 cal.
"There are two types of people in this world:
Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig."

Dr. Bob

Dang JJ,

That sure is hi-tech!! ;) :o ;D
Regards, Doc
Dr. Bob Butcher,
NCOWS 2420, Senator
HR 4
GAF 405,
NRA Life,
KGC 8.
Motto: Clean mind  -  Clean body,   Take your pick

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