Whal if this ain't the sorriest bunch o' . . .

Started by Calamity Jane, November 07, 2006, 04:45:23 AM

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El Peludo

Miz Calamity, it's real nice to hear from you, again.  I was thinkin' 'bout checkin' your web site just the other day, to see if you were still a kickin', or hadn't broke sumpthin.  Have whatever you want; I'll buy.

Chance writes:

QuoteMe bein' kinda new here I gotta wonder why all you guys is treetin' this here purty lady like she's some kinda criminal or sumthin. Do you know somethin I don't?

Key words, here, Chance are -OR SUMTHIN".

Yep, she's sumthin', all right.
El Peludo (The Hairy Man)
Las Vegas, Nevada Territory
IBEW(Retired), Shooter since 1955.
             Roop County Cowboy (FF)
             Original Member: Grass Valley Rangers,
             Camp Beale Land and Cattle Company.

Calamity Jane

Quote from: El Peludo on November 08, 2006, 12:51:34 AM
Key words, here, Chance are -OR SUMTHIN".

Yep, she's sumthin', all right.

C.J. grabs El by the lapels and snarls in his face "Maybe ya oughtta be explainin' 'or sumthin' feller!"


Quote from: Frenchie on November 07, 2006, 06:23:22 PM
It ain't so much 'at Calamity Jane ain't afraid o' nuthin' - it's 'at 'most ever'thin' is afraid o' her! ;D

You mean there is something out there that aint afraid o' her???

Stump Water


Masonic Cowboy Shootist
America's 1st Grey Sash Cowboy, GSC 006
SASS 5756 Life, Regulator
Dooley Gang, Virginia Chapter
Just a poor dumb cowboy, tryin' to do my best.
"If I could roll back tha years, back when I was young and limber..."

Marshal harpoluke

Quote from: Bucksaw on November 08, 2006, 05:23:29 AM

You mean there is something out there that aint afraid o' her???

Yep,  Ah has a Cannon too!  N My shotgun is a 10ga.

In fairness to Clamey, She's One of Da Guy's. ;D

Marshal Who ducks swat again. :o

;D :D ;D
SASS 60019L
NRA Life
Straight Shooter
Army Veteran
Lookout fur da sheep, packs a 10ga.,
Ya loot, Ah Shoot,
Lord of the Dark Soot,
Prayer Posse,
GoofBall #12

Forty Rod

The only things that ain't afraid of Calam are extinct now.
People like me are the reason people like you have the right to bitch about people like me.

Ozark Iron John

Mornin' Ma'am.

How's thangs up there in the Great White North?  Shot yer cannon lately?

"Wrap my Body in a Bonnie Blue Flag and bury me with my Feet in the South!"
>:(    - Ozark Iron John cir. 1876

SASS #60933, CMSA #4406, Masonic Cowboy Shootist


Quote from: Bucksaw on November 08, 2006, 05:23:29 AM

You mean there is something out there that aint afraid o' her???

If there is, it's 'cause it ain't heard of her yet. Either that, or it figures it might stand an even chance, like the 1st Armored Division or the US Marine Corps, but that's only 'cause their training tells them they can whip all Hell. What they don't know is, Hell is afraid of CJ!  ;D
Yours, &c.,

Guy 'Frenchie' LaFrance
Vous pouvez voir par mes vêtements que je ne suis pas un cowboy.

W. Cyrus Tolman

... Cyrus tips his hat ...

Nice to meet you, CJ, I'm Cyrus.

10% off embalming on any body delivered with my card in their pocket.

El Peludo

QuoteC.J. grabs El by the lapels and snarls in his face "Maybe ya oughtta be explainin' 'or sumthin' feller!"

Uh, Er-r, gulp;  Chance said that ("or sumthin"), not me.  All I said was that you really are sumpthin' - like WOW!!!! :-\ ;) ;D
El Peludo (The Hairy Man)
Las Vegas, Nevada Territory
IBEW(Retired), Shooter since 1955.
             Roop County Cowboy (FF)
             Original Member: Grass Valley Rangers,
             Camp Beale Land and Cattle Company.


Good answer, Hairy Man; you may survive this encounter, with only severe bruising and a minimum of broken bones.  :D
Yours, &c.,

Guy 'Frenchie' LaFrance
Vous pouvez voir par mes vêtements que je ne suis pas un cowboy.


Hi, Calam, good ta see ya aain!!!  How's Burtha doing??  Got snow up  there yet??  (Snicker, snicker)

Here, have a drink of this, don't know just what it is, but it's got a bite to it.  That guy down there by the end of the bar, the one with the purple face that ain't breathing no more, he tried it and didn't like it too good, but I've had about half a bottle and it gets better with every drink.  Don't mind the rattlesnake head in the bottom, it's just for flavor.

Very few of life's problems cannot be addresed by a suitable application of high explosives

Never forgive, never forget

Calamity Jane

Keep snivellin El, I'm startin ta feel sorry fer ya  ;D

Rattlesnake head? Wonder if that's the one what bit me last week 'n' died  :o

Camille Eonich

Shoulda known when I heard all the commotion that SHE was somehow involved.  As if the smell weren't enough to give it away.

*Throws CJ a full jug*

Now stay away from the Still CJ.  You know nothin' any good ever comes of you gettin' close to it.

And take them dadblammed skates off and put yer boots and spurs back on.  You just look dang ODD in them things.
"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood

Calamity Jane

You mean them thangs?

I'll keep 'em on thankee - oughtta see what they kin do in a bar fight!  :o

Silver Creek Slim

NCOWS 2329, WartHog, SCORRS, SBSS, BHR, GAF, RBCS, Dirty RATS, BTBM, IPSAC, Cosie-in-training
I love the smell of Black Powder in the morning!

El Peludo

El Peludo (The Hairy Man)
Las Vegas, Nevada Territory
IBEW(Retired), Shooter since 1955.
             Roop County Cowboy (FF)
             Original Member: Grass Valley Rangers,
             Camp Beale Land and Cattle Company.

Marshal harpoluke

SASS 60019L
NRA Life
Straight Shooter
Army Veteran
Lookout fur da sheep, packs a 10ga.,
Ya loot, Ah Shoot,
Lord of the Dark Soot,
Prayer Posse,
GoofBall #12

Calamity Jane

. . . never knew a pair of 10" blades could be so much fun! And so verstile  ;D

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