Sidewalk ramblings

Started by Marshal Halloway, October 06, 2004, 01:34:16 PM

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Marshal Halloway

Howdy folks!

I don't have the time to walk the streets as much as I want to. Too much time on real life agendas these days, but it is time to drop in and at least say howdy and give a few comments.

First of all, a big welcome to our new citizens! I know many of you also came here because of the troubles over at TFS. As soon as TFS is up and running again, I hope you will visit and continue to support both sites and make both communities alive. When server problems occur, we are dependent on the ISP support team to handle situation like this. I am sure El Cajun is doing his best to solve this as soon as possible and he or I will update you on any progress. TFS is a part of the Internet Territory and every site promoting our sport is important for our growth.

A new Vendor is in town! A big welcome and thanks to Twnkltoz Katie for sponsoring this site. She has also said yes to moderate our Cowgirl Forum, so she is now also a new member of our "police force". You will find her products and services in the Classified section and by clicking on the banners linking her website. Sponsors are appreciated and keep the costs down running this site.

A big thanks to all the deputies walking our streets and keeping this a friendly place for all. I will also add a thank you to Beau Hooligan for keeping the cas-list alive.

SASS criticism
I receive a lot of personal emails from you and I try to answer as fast as time allows. Some of you air some concerns about SASS and the SASS wire and why SASS does not allow the promotion of CAS City on the Wire. Well, I cannot comment on the latter, since I have never addressed this question to the SASS office. What I can say, is that Cas City is linked from the SASS website and has been since day one. Cas City was the first on the scene promoting CAStm, SASS and other organizations and clubs on the Internet. I received my SASS Regulator badge mostly because of this back in '97. When it comes specifically to SASS Wire guidelines, my answer is that when registering as a member of the wire, you accept their rules whether you like it or not. Please don't challenge these rules, by posting topics you know is not allowed.

Comments about SASS on this site or among shooters also trigger some questions from newcomers and visitors planning on joining our sport and to become a SASS member. Some existing SASS members claim that every site who accepts criticism is an enemy of SASS. I disagree !!

This site has a different approach and based mainly on my own learning experience over the years. I am a big supporter of SASS and has been since the early 90's. SASS and what the Wild Bunch has achieved through the years has been a big booster for our sport and still is. But.... having established and actively run and promoted national and local shooting organizations the last 15 years, I have also become a firm believer in Free Speech. Tongue in cheek, as a consultant for years on running organizations and working in the marketing business, I have often said when founders open up for membership, the "problems start". Members have the nerve to criticize ...  Well, for me,  I have never ruled anyone out so far, even my worst "opponents" and I have been tempted many times. Some of my "old enemies" are today my best friends. In many situations, I have found that ruling out people is a no win situation. It is an easy and comfortable way, but in the long run, it comes back and bites me in the ass. Having said that, I want you to know that my support for SASS will continue as strong as ever before through Cas City. And yes, even this town has ordinances, but that doesn't mean we can't accept constructive criticism unless it is defamatory and plain rude.

To the newcomers out there, my advise is this: If you have a nearby shooting club involved in our sport, you do have the best starting point of all. Make contact, talk to the members, read all you can find about the sport and the organizations and make your own decision based on your very own judgement. So far, I have never experienced any organization that has been able to please all members 100%.

Another good starting point is Cas City's Getting Started section: .
In this section you will also find links to other organizations like NCOWS and WASA.

My final say on this issue: SASS is what SASS is in your local club and that counts more than anything else. You local SASS affiliated club is the front window of SASS. What the organization offer as membership benefits come extra.

Continue to have fun and don't get your spurs tangled up!
Editor & Webmaster of
Director - Digital Video Division - Outdoor Sportsman Group (OSG).
Digital Video Production & Post Production OSG
Owner of Down Range Media GP

Camille Eonich

Here here!!!  Thanks again Marshall for CASCity and might I add VERY well said.
"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood

Russ T Chambers

Could not have been said better!!!

Glad you started this outfit.
Russ T. Chambers
Roop County Cowboy Shooters Association
SASS Lifer/Regulator #262
SBSS #1441
CRPA Lifer 
NRA Benefactor Member
Brother of the Arrow

Will Ketchum

I would not participate in a forum that was truly anti-SASS.  That doesn't meant that I haven't on occasion criticized SASS, I have.   Any organization can stand improvement.  Heck I am an Endowment Life member of the NRA and criticize them all the time.

Some members of the Wild Bunch are not open to disagreement.  That says more about those individuals than it does about SASS. 

Most know that I am a strong supporter of NCOWS that doesn't mean I don't support SASS because I do.  When I hear one of my fellow NCOWS members getting on SASS I am as quick to defend them as I would if a SASS member did the same about NCOWS.

I am a moderator here and on the Frontier Spot it is unfortunate that The Chiz feels that the Frontier Spot is anti-SASS.  Perhaps he only reads those threads that take the Wild Bunch to task.

Will Ketchum
Will Ketchum's Rules of W&CAS: 1 Be Safe. 2 Have Fun. 3  Look Good Doin It!
F&AM, NRA Endowment Life, SASS Life 4222, NCOWS Life 133.  USMC for ever.
Madison, WI

Lou Graham

Thanks Marshal for makin' room in your town for us refugees from TFS.  But now that we've moved in, so to speak, you may not be able to get rid of us  ;D
I predict a geat deal of back and forthing between these two towns in the future.
Soot Lady
You can never be too thin, too rich or have too much ammo

Marshal'ette Halloway

I give you a HUGE bow of respect my dear Marshal ( aka..husband  ;))  As usual.. you try to, and do see, both sides of the issue in which you wrote and voiced your opinion on. I watch you pace the house and yard at times.. as you worry and stew over your work with the police dept, gun issues, CAS issues, SASS issues, plus all the personal issues that so many come to you with regarding their club problems and personal problems of every nature. You do not ever take any of it lightly or dismiss any of it. And you give 110% every single time.
  I know that there are times that you immediately react with a knee jerk emotional reaction ..getting angry..wanting to fire off a written letter to all who will listen... but... you don't. You always do more research.. talk to more people.. find out all the facts.. putting your own feelings and opinions on the back burner..and do what is in the best interest for the shooters and the clubs, and for the people as a whole in general.
   You are always fair and honest and shoot straight from the hip. For this I am so very very proud of you.
I know the hours upon hours you spend in front of the computer.. doing  gun law research and fighing behind the scenes, for the gun owners and shooters rights in Norway and also here in the United States. The shooters in CAS are lucky to have someone like you in their corner..and you in turn are blessed to have so many who support and work hard to help you in so many ways in CAS-City. From the workers to the readers ~~these are true friend's...and I personally am honored to be a part of it all.
I would like to say thank you~ to all of you out and women alike for your help, support and friendships. 
And once again... I give a bow of love and respect to my husband, Marshal Halloway

:-*I know that this is going to embarrass you, and I also knew you wouldn't want me to post this on here, because you never like to take any credit for what you do.. So that is why I am not telling you I am doing it.. I am just going ahead and doing it!!  :P~~( that's what you get when you married this sassy Kansas gal  :D .. )
SASS #56524, BCVC #26

The smell of heaven is Fresh Baked Bread and Gun Powder.

Marshal Halloway

Quote from: Marshal'ette Halloway on October 06, 2004, 09:26:16 PM
:-*I know that this is going to embarrass you, and I also knew you wouldn't want me to post this on here, because you never like to take any credit for what you do.. So that is why I am not telling you I am doing it.. I am just going ahead and doing it!!  :P~~( that's what you get when you married this sassy Kansas gal  :D .. )

Howdy Marshal'ette!

Now I know why you didn't say a word while hitting the keyboard on the other computer. No, honey, I am not at all embarrassed and I thank you so much for your support.

I love you!
Editor & Webmaster of
Director - Digital Video Division - Outdoor Sportsman Group (OSG).
Digital Video Production & Post Production OSG
Owner of Down Range Media GP


St. George tolt me about the Historic Society he was moderatin' so I came over and registared.  Been over here ever since, found some fella named Slim at the Historic Society, he made me fell welcome.   :)

Will still go ta TFS when it is up, but I like it here, it feels like home.  Thank ya kindly for the board. ;)
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

Stoney Pete

If it can't be nice, eaten, make money, create comfort or provide real pleasure.........kill it or trade it in on new one!

Micheal Fortune

Thanks Marshal, for everything.  You always learn a lot here.
Saloon Keeper, Gambler, Shootist
Sun River Rangers Shooting Society / SASS 60159 / R.O.-1 / SBSS 1685 / G.O.F.W.G. 89 / RATS 58 / KGC 4 /

Calamity Jane

QuoteI have also become a firm believer in Free Speech


What more (or less) could anyone ask fer! Thass what its all about Marshal, nuthin more, nuthin less!!

I nominate Marshal Halloway fer . . . . Marshal??

Birdgun Quail

Just some rambling thoughts from a "newcomer" to CAS.  I've learned that regardless of the organization there are going to be problems.  Many years ago I remember telling my dad all the reasons I wasn't going to go to church again.  He replied, "Son first of all, if you are looking for a perfect church, you'll not find one.  However, if you do happen to find a perfect church--the moment you join it, it's no longer going to be perfect."

I'm sure that SASS isn't perfect either and my membership will not make it so.  Marshal Holloway said many wise words and has given sound advice.  As the Marshal recommended, I have been to two local matches at two different clubs to just watch and ask questions.  The folks I talked to were friendly but I didn't feel comfortable enough to ask lots of questions about the sport of CAS and SASS because they were occupied with the match.  So in this age of information, I came to the internet to learn what I could.  I got my first impression of SASS from their website and based upon their website and the SASS Wire, it has not been a good first impression.  Although, I have had a very good impression of CAS because I found a place over at TFS and CAS City to have my questions answered and I have been made to feel welcomed.  Thanks to y'all. 

So where does this rambling post finally come to?  It is a fact that for many "newbies" and "maybies" the first impression of SASS and CAS is from the internet.  However, I'm old enough now not to trust first impressions too much--especially internet impressions.  I reckon when I get to know some SASS folks personally, I'll have a different impression of SASS.

Last thought.  I so anxious to finally get my stuff together, to actually be able to start shooting, to make some steel ring, and to get to know the folks that participate in this sport called Cowboy Action Shooting!  I'm still trying to get my stuff more ways than one.

Thank you for allowing me to say my piece. 
God bless,
Birdgun Quail

Major Attitude

Being one of your most recent citizens I would like to say this is the reason I joined. What I saw is a great place to go and relax with good people, and to have such a place you have to have someone dedicated to what they are doing. There is a positive attitude to this place. All I can say is congratulations Marshal on a job well done.

Col. Riddles

Well said Marshal.  :) I appreciate this site and all the work you put in. I was a member here before TFS was born, although an infrequent visitor. I will continue to be a frequent visitor regardless of TFS status.

As far SASS is concerned I have been a most vocal critic of the actions and attitude of one particular member of the WB  and as a life member I feel that I have that right. The vast majority of the posters on all CAS sites are SASS members and support SASS and what it has done,  and is doing for this sport of ours. Many have legitimate concerns and criticisms which cannot be expressed on the SASS Wire due to the reactionary & retaliatory  actions of one person and that is a shame.

I have to echo Birdgun Quail's statements about SASS & the net. Don't judge SASS by what goes on upon the net. They are very different. SASS is the members, the people. They come from all walks of life around the world and are some of the finest folks that you will ever meet anywhere.
God answers knee mail † ><>
SASS 7462 Life

Silver Creek Slim

I'm not sure what to say after all these fine words.

Thanks, Marshal, from the bottom of my heart for all you have done for the CAS community.  :)

NCOWS 2329, WartHog, SCORRS, SBSS, BHR, GAF, RBCS, Dirty RATS, BTBM, IPSAC, Cosie-in-training
I love the smell of Black Powder in the morning!


Well said, Marshal.  I also appreciatte all that you have done to promote CAS.   ;) 
Miz Blondetta
Army vet, GAF #291, SASS #28760, NRA, GOA. Lady WartHog, RATS #102

Danny Bear Claw

Marshall, I too would like to thank you for doing such a fine job with Cas City.  I used to come here way back before the town got it's "face lift".  I don't post here too often but I do come here to read when ever my computer is on.  I was a long time visitor to TFS as well but when all the disgruntled SASS members went there and engaged in months of SASS-bashing I stopped going there.  There were certain things going on at the SASS wire that were wrong and those who run things there felt they needed to do something about it.  It's a shame that the kids couldn't play nice in the sand box and some adult monitoring became neccesary.  I've noticed that some of the key bad boys from the SASS wire have come back and are posting over there again.  Nice to see they are behaving themselves.... for the most part.  Anywhere I post I try to make my posts informative, educational and fun to read.   I don't always agree with everything done on the SASS wire but I'm mature enough to understand that it's their back yard I'm playing in and I must play by their rules.  I've had a couple of posts pulled from the SASS wire, but I didn't whine about it.  I knew why they were pulled and in one case I even said in the post I knew it would be pulled.  During my "self-imposed exile" from the SASS wire I discovered I had a pretty good sized following of fans of my posts.  I recieved many PMs and e-mails begging me to come back to the wire.  I didn't intend to post anything anywhere but certain circumstances led me to finally relent and start posting again.

To those who were banned from the SASS wire and allowed back on, or left on their own and came back, I welcome you back.  I am glad you're back.  To anyone I may have offended on the SASS wire, here, TFS or anywhere else in cyber-space  I offer my most deepest, heart-felt appologies.  I was going through a very rough time in my life then and sometimes lashed out at folks who really didn't deserve it.  I am very sorry for that.

On a lighter note.... no one has mentioned it yet so let me.  Marshall.... your Marshallette is clearly quite a lady!  You are a very lucky man!  Hang onto her with both arms and tell her every day that you love her.  I too am blessed with a wonderful woman in my life.  (Maggie Three Feathers).  I can't even imagine what my life would be without her. 

God bless you both.... and all my Pards out there in the world of CAS.
SASS #5273 Life.   NRA Life member.  RATS # 136.   "We gladly feast on those who would subdue us".

Marshal Guinness Stout - Life SASS #3334

 ;D Marshal & Marshal'ette,

You both continue to exhibit the spirit of "the cowboy way", the wisdom of Solomon, and patience of Job.  We're all very blessed to have you both around here, and I'm more appreciative and honored to call you my friends than words can say.

May the good Lord continue to bless both of you and yours in every way.  You're the best.

Marshal Guinness Stout

john boy

To the shooters with no computer connection to the Internet and CAS City ... ya all are missing out on the fun and pleasure of Internet Shooting.
SHOTS Master John Boy

WartHog ...
Brevet 1st Lt, Scout Company, Department of the Atlantic
SASS  ~  SCORRS ~ OGB with Star

Devote Convert to BPCR

Foothills Drifter

On November 2nd I am going to 'write in' MARSHAL HALLOWAY for President!

Good shootin......
Vern... ;D

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