September 16th-Pistol Shoot at the Jesse James Farm, Kearney MO

Started by Mogorilla, August 28, 2006, 08:36:59 PM

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There is a pistol shoot (Cap and Ball or Single Action Cartridge, both require fixed sights).  It is in Kearney Missouri, registration is 8 to 9 am, shoot starts at 9, entry fee is $15.  It is pistol only, I think about 36 to 42 shots (I can't remember for sure).  That weekend is also the Jesse JAmes Festival in Kearney.  Come shoot in the footsteps of Frank and Jesse.

If you have questions, post them here.  I have a slow as molasses dial up at home, and Work is getting nasty about the internet, so be patient if you ask something.

Fox Creek Kid

Mo, just a FMI, how many shooters did you have in April & how many were shooting BP?  ???
I really want to come but not if it's a bunch of SASS yokels shooting tricked out "Roogers".  ;D

Sam Perfye

FCK, the ones I've been to run about 90-95% BP shooters. Some SASS, some NOWS, some with no affiliation. No dress code per se but most are above minimal. If you're goimg to the FDMR shoot on Sun. I'll bring the rules & guidelines with me. It's run alittle different than most shoots but the feeling you get standing on the ground is amazing. Al
Raise the Black Flag and ride hard boys, Our cause is just and our enemies our many.


I think last time there were about 8 cap and ball shooters and probably equal amounts of cartridge shooters.  I agree, shooting with the farm house just down the hill is pretty cool.  If you get a chance, stick around after the shoot and take the tour of the house and look at the museum.  Here is the website:

Tame Bill

Fox Creek Kid:

The shoot held at the James's farm is a fund raiser for the Friends of James Farm an organization dedicated promoting research about Jesse and Frank James.  The revolver match is open to fix sighted single action revolvers common on the frontier.  There are only two categories:  Cap & Ball and Cartridge firing revolvers.  The match itself recreates shooting feats attributed to Frank and Jesse.  All shooting must done one handed and the course of fire consists of:

•   Five steel knock over Wood Peckers shot at 15 yards.
•   11 rounds fired at a home-spun bull's-eye target - 15 yards
•   6 rounds shot at a candle target where you must shoot the flame only – 15 yards
•   6 rounds shot at a playing card (ace-of-spades) – 7 yards

The match is more a kin to a precision event than a CAS match.  Period dress is encouraged and everyone has a lot of fun even if the occasional Ruger revolver rears its ugly head.

Come out and join the fun!

Tame Bill
I never, in my life, took any mean advantage of an enemy, but I never allowed a man to get the drop on me either.

Books OToole

I'll be there.  I need to redeem my poor showing last time.

This time I'll shoot my 'Colt' instead of a Remington that I hadn't shot before.


N.C.O.W.S. 2279 - Senator
Hiram's Rangers C-3
G.A.F. 415

Dr. Bob

Howdy folks,

It was a real fun shoot!

NCOWS was represented by Shalaco, Books & Dr. Bob.  CAS City members MO Gorilla and Tame Bill were there too.  Shalaco shot both C&B and Cartridge and took 3rd in both!  Congrats!!  Dr. Bob was 5th and Books 6th out of 11 or 12.  Nice sunny day with a variable breeze.  Tame Bill took 1st in the cartridge category.  And he looked GREAT!  Congrats!!

Books & I stopped at James Country Mercantile on the way back and drooled over lots of stuff.  [Glad that Jean didn't charge us for the clean up! ;D ;D]

We got to tour the James farm house.  The first room that we entered was used by Frank James as his bedroom and has the original iron bed in which he died.  It has a quilt tha his wife made on it!

All in all it was a fun trip. [About 25 miles for us.]

Dr. Bob for NCOWS Senate
Regards, Doc
Dr. Bob Butcher,
NCOWS 2420, Senator
HR 4
GAF 405,
NRA Life,
KGC 8.
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