What are you coming to the Muster as???

Started by Major Matt Lewis, August 12, 2006, 11:49:11 AM

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Major Matt Lewis


So this years Muster theme is the Civil War.  I will be wearing the uniform I won the EOT Contest with, as well as my Civil War Marine Outfit.  May shoot the main match as one of Teddy's Rough Riders or in the standard Major Matt Lewis look.  So, what will you be wearing?
Major Matt Lewis
Grand Army of the Frontier * SASS Life * NCOWS * Powder Creek Cowboys * Free State Ranges * RO II * NRA Life * Man on the Edge


Got me some new SAW outfits to go with the Krag.
Civilize them with a Krag . . .


Gonna stick with the Confederate uniforms I already have. Have taken two Best Dressed already this year with 2006 NCOWS convention and 2006 Iowa State Championship so have no reason to change at this point. Will shoot as Confederate Capt. Montgomery Little  and maybe as former 7th Cav. military scout but don't see how that one relates to the Uncivil War.


Well let's see . During the day just some plain old dresses that I have, in the eventing depending what the Social club decides on, probably some old saloon dress and to the formal yet another old ball gown of some dull color. Yeah that it, my new quiet look. The new me, right?
Wrong, I will be wearing a new ball gown to the formal color yet to be determined. I am leaning towards purple. On Friday evening theSocial Club gals will be attending as ladies of the evening.
I know they are working on dresses for the formal, so time will tell what they get done.
What ever we come up with FUN will be the key  to everything.

Bristow Kid

I will be attending as a bullwhacker or a stage driver.  Maybe by next year I'll have a uniform.
Prayer Posse
NCOWS #2540
Grand Army of the Frontier #437
Department of the Missouri
PWDFR #149
RATS #233
SASS #68717

Silver Creek Slim

NCOWS 2329, WartHog, SCORRS, SBSS, BHR, GAF, RBCS, Dirty RATS, BTBM, IPSAC, Cosie-in-training
I love the smell of Black Powder in the morning!


If I can make it (and I am going to try), I'll be appearing as an infantry sergeant and (if the outfit gets here in time) as a navy petty officer. I toyed with the idea of getting a lieutenant commander outfit together since I'm the CO of the GAF's Dep't of the Atlantic Navy Detachment, but that's the only thing I could use it for. Besides, we don' need no more steenkin' officers  :D
Yours, &c.,

Guy 'Frenchie' LaFrance
Vous pouvez voir par mes vêtements que je ne suis pas un cowboy.

US Scout

Probably Civil War era Marine.  Uniform was in effect from 1859-1875.

US Scout
Bvt Brig Gen

Sam Perfye

Having recieved permission from Richmond, I'll be recruiting for the Partisan Ranger service. All persons of unflinching courage and sterling character are encouraged to gather under the black flag and help stem the tide of nothern aggression. Al.
Raise the Black Flag and ride hard boys, Our cause is just and our enemies our many.


Shalako,  It sounds as if I may need to alter one of my outfits and join up with Ya. This seems prudent since I am a descendent of one of the most famous families of Scotish Reivers (brigands, robbers, cutthroats, guerillas) and light cavalry who ever rode with Sir William Wallace (his nephew was my great, great, great [ad nauseum] something or other). There may be a slight problem with the unflinching courage and sterling character things though. I do flinch at loud noises and even though I am quite a character, I prefer gold to sterling. Will these discrepancies create a problem?

Your sometimes respectful, seldom obedient and never a servant,
Capt. Montgomery Little, Commander
Forrest's Escoort, Army of Tennessee, CSA


It seems there may be a possibility of... enlightening discussions centering around certain issues arising from the Late Unpleasantness.  ;D  I'm looking forward to the trivia questions as well.
Yours, &c.,

Guy 'Frenchie' LaFrance
Vous pouvez voir par mes vêtements que je ne suis pas un cowboy.

Guns Garrett

"Stand, gentlemen; he served on Samar"

GAF #301

Ol Gabe

Quote from: Guns Garrett on August 16, 2006, 10:26:47 PM
Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines
G.G., Kind Sir,
Just a thought, but perhaps you'll want to reconsider your choice of 'Capt. Jinks' as you may be required to bring along a Piano-forte and enough original Sheet Music to perform the immensely Popular Song of that namesake. It has been rumored that the Beaver Creek Glee Club & Orchestra may be sequestered for a 'Command Performance' at the Saturday evening Banquet or as an 'Entertainment' after Friday evenings repast and the Song would be a most enjoyable addition to their Lists. You do Sing and Play the Piano-forte, don't you?
"Tapping my foot in time, to a tune I can't recall, we all stood up and waved our Flags as the Troop marched in the Hall." Anonymous
I remain, etc.,
'Ol Gabe,
Bvt. Capt.,
Dept. of the Missouri,
c/o Dunbar Station, Iowa Territory

Guns Garrett

No, you wouldn't want to hear me play piano-forte, or sing, neither.  I picked the name because because of its rather whimiscal, tongue-in-cheek reputation.  Actually, I shall be portraying a Captain of the horse artillery battery of the Mississippi Marine Brigade.
"Stand, gentlemen; he served on Samar"

GAF #301

Books OToole


You need a Mt. Howitzer to complete your outfit.  I know where you can rent one. ;D

Michael "Books" Tatham
Capt. 5th Kansas Battery
Acting Arty. Commander, Dept. of Missouri

N.C.O.W.S. 2279 - Senator
Hiram's Rangers C-3
G.A.F. 415

Major Matt Lewis

Just ordered a USSS uniform from James Country.  It should be ready for the Muster.....YAHOOOOOOO!

My Civil War duds include the Cavalry Uniform, the Marine Uniform and hopefully the US Sharpshooters uniform.....

aught to be looking pretty good at the Muster..... :D
Major Matt Lewis
Grand Army of the Frontier * SASS Life * NCOWS * Powder Creek Cowboys * Free State Ranges * RO II * NRA Life * Man on the Edge

Guns Garrett

I had considered the possibility of acquiring the Light Artillery Shako ("Ringgold Cap") for Dress wear - but, alas, I will only be bringing a field uniform.  Upon reflection, the appearance of the Shako, with all its cords, and plume, and bits of shiny metal, it just seemed so ..... Army.
The cord would be handy after the Match if I wanted to hang myself ....

Which reminds me of a bit of USMC Triiva/Lore...   A lovely green-and-red "rope", the fourragere, is presently worn over the shoulder by those members of the 5th and 6th Marine Regiments.  It is a dark green and red braided cord, worn over the shoulder (like the aiguellete), and has two metal tips on the ends of the cord, rather than the usual tassels or lozenges.  This is to commemorate the awarding of multiple awards of the Croix de Guerre by France to the members of those units in WWI.  The story of where the fourragere itself came into being is rather unusual, in itself.  Many years ago, perhaps in Napoleon's time, or the Franco-Prussian War, France was in desparate need of fighting men.  Supposedly a unit was made up of condemmed prisoners, to fight in the most dangerous parts of battle (i.e. - "cannon fodder"), with the promise that if they fought honorably and were victorious, they could earn pardon (Kinda like a 19th Century "Dirty Dozen", except, of course, there were more of them).  On the other hand, one display of disobedience, insubordination, cowardice, or any other sign of dishonor, would result in immediate execution.  To ensure the soldier/convict would remember this, he was required to wear around his neck a hangman's noose, along with two nails.  At the first sign of trouble, the guilty one would be marched to the nearest tree, pole, building, whatever, the rope nailed to it, and he would be hung then and there.  This outfit evidently took the threat to heart, and earned a reputation as both fierce and honorable warriors, for the symbolic rope (and nails) they wore is now considered the badge of highest honor and bravery.

Of course, I could be wrong ...
"Stand, gentlemen; he served on Samar"

GAF #301


Fourrageres, or foragers, definatly predate the Franco Prussian war, as they were commonly found on US Civil war uniforms. I've seen them illustrated in Napoleonic texts as well.

In their original guise, they extended up to the Shako or helmet, being used to retain the head covering should it fall or be knocked off.  As the headgear was also used to retain gathered foodstuffs, or forage, the name reflects this,  as the cords would retain the food stuffed shako under the off, non sword arm.
With the demise of the Shako or helmet, they became simple decorative shoulder loops.  Natural enough, as troops simply looped them over the shoulder when not wearing their head gear.

I've never heard of the "hangmans noose" story, though.   Have never really understood their origin, sounds as good as any.  If I had to guess, I'd place that story even earlier, back to Fredrick the Great, and his Prussian Army.  The Prussians loved that sort of thing, think of the Famous "Death Heads" origination in that era.

The cords are clearly illustrated in Langellier's "GI" series. 

Guns,  did'nt the 5th and 6th recieve that aiguellete/forager for service in the Bellau Wood, now known as "Bois de la Marine" ?  (Wood of the Marines, if my fractured French is correct)
Civilize them with a Krag . . .


"Come on, you sons of bitches! Do you want to live forever?!" -- Marine Gunnery Sergeant (and two time Medal of Honor Awardee) Dan Daly, Bois de Belleau, France, WWI

En francais, "Allumer, vous les fils de chiennes! Voulez-vous habiter à jamais?!"
Yours, &c.,

Guy 'Frenchie' LaFrance
Vous pouvez voir par mes vêtements que je ne suis pas un cowboy.

Major Matt Lewis

Quote from: Frenchie on August 22, 2006, 01:30:06 AM
"Come on, you sons of bitches! Do you want to live forever?!" -- Marine Gunnery Sergeant (and two time Medal of Honor Awardee) Dan Daly, Bois de Belleau, France, WWI

En francais, "Allumer, vous les fils de chiennes! Voulez-vous habiter à jamais?!"

Actually, Dan Daly won the Navy Cross for that one.  He had won his TWO medals of honor fighting the Chinese at Peking and later in the Bananna Wars fighting the Koakos (sp?) bandits.....
Major Matt Lewis
Grand Army of the Frontier * SASS Life * NCOWS * Powder Creek Cowboys * Free State Ranges * RO II * NRA Life * Man on the Edge

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