Thinking of starting a new Cowboy club.

Started by Blackey Cole, April 03, 2006, 11:44:30 PM

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Blackey Cole

I like to shoot CAS.  The area I live in only has one local match a month and the next nearest match is 80 miles away.  So Based on different views I have been talking with several pards that do not care for the local club either.  And there seems to be a demand for another club.  So I know you need several things like a TG, insurance, and targets and props at a minimun.  But is there a web site about how to setup a sucessful Cowboy shootign club.  I have had the idea of me hosting the shoots and not getting in to the club mentallity.  But I will leave that up to the members/shooters how they want the organization done.  I just want to make sure I have solutions for all the questions and don't drop the ball on anything.  I figure around 6 stages on three berms to start out with.  I figured that I will need around 25 hardball targets about 8 shotgun targets.  A few tables for staging guns on and to show shooting positions.  I will also need loading and unloading tables.  I have club management software from Alpalachin Alan(I think) Roundup.  I will be able to take a Laptop and portable printer to the matches for registration and to print out score sheets and results.  So is the a how to create a Cowboy club information somewhere?
Gaming Gunfighter in Training

Micheal Fortune

One important consideration is owning the land you shoot on and it's location.

Time and time again I hear stories that club got into a tizzy with the range owner and now can't shoot there anymore, or that the State, County, or City closed the range down to shooting because of encroaching developments.

We are very fortunate that we own our range out right and it's 6 miles from a town that population hasn't gotten bigger in decades.  The next town is 16 miles away.

Good luck with your endeavor. 

Saloon Keeper, Gambler, Shootist
Sun River Rangers Shooting Society / SASS 60159 / R.O.-1 / SBSS 1685 / G.O.F.W.G. 89 / RATS 58 / KGC 4 /

Hill Beachy

Blackey:  Good seeing you on here, pard!

Michael is correct about owning the land and having wide-open spaces all around it.  One technique that I have seen is for the owner to lease the range back to the club for a nominal fee ($1 or so) thus reducing his personal liability in case of accident or incident on the property.  Get a lawyer to help with drawing up a contract that will stick.

SASS used to have a booklet that showed how to set up a club; might want to ask them about it.  They also list some ideas on the website:

Good luck.
"But you know you can still smell the roses,
When you're running with them in your hand..."  -- Slim Dusty

Wildcat Will

I will second what has been said about the property.  I started a club in SC and we ended up moving off the club property onto the property of one of the club members.  I have since left the area for Va but have heard they are still shooting even though the original owners sold the land.

Those things you mention are critical for having a match.  Something to keep in mind are the niceties.  Specially for the ladies.  Things like restrooms, cover from the sun and rain.  One of the greatest expenses we ran into was the building of the burms and we did most of the work.  However, you still need the equipment.  I do not know your particular set up but I really like having burms between the stages.  It gives you much more flexibility in what can be done.  Also do not plan with the immediate in mind.  Think about where you would like to get to and start slowly working in that direction.  You may want to start with 3 bays but do you want to eventually expand to 5 or 6.  If so think about that now. 

Something else to keep in mind you may have 15-20 "members" but you will probably only have a handful who will really bust their rump to make it work.  You need someone who is willing to write stages, take care of the money and membership (if that is the way you are going to go) and a TG and a Range Marshall you will run the match for you.  Believe me it is impossible for one person to do all of that.  I may not seem like it now but it will wear you out.  You need one person who is really a good people person to help hold everything together. 

Just some thoughts.  You probably thought of alot of those things already.  I will be happy to answer any questions I can if you IM me.

Good luck.
Smoke makin', fire belching gunfighter of the VA Fire and Brimestone Posse    Blackpowder or No powder!

Courage is being scare as heck and still getting in the saddle.

Blackey Cole

Thanks for the input.  I have contacted SASS for their new club info.  I have a couple of posibilites for the land one is the local county range and the secound maybe is a mnilitary rangeat the rod and gun club.  The second would be sponsered by the rod & Gun Club so that the club would only have to build the stuff and pay for a membership and the range would buy everything.  But right now I know of no landowners that are interested in hosting a club.  I was thinking of what a club needs to do to actually host a match.  I am looking at running 6-8 stages a match and maybe some sidematches as fund raisers to but more equipement for the club.  I figure the club will need around 25 hardball targets plus a couple of throwers and 6 shotgun targets.  Maybe a couple coule be can throwers for charcoal. Tables starting off with we could get by with 3 plus Loading and unloading tables, a few other props like a fence section and maype a hitching post, to start later some 2x2 and 1/8"plywood walls with windows and a doorway or two.  I have one timer to start but the club will need a few also, My plan would to run 6 stages on three berms and eventually move to four berms and maynbe 8 stages weather permiting in the FaLL THROUGH sPRING, SUMMER LEAVE IT AT 6 BECAUSE OOF THE HEAT WE HAVE HERE IN nm.  I know I am going to need some clipboards and other admin supplies.  I plan on using  Roundup for admin chores and match records.  I would like to keep data and at the annual event each year award the top, most consistan and a wildcard shooter.  I used to program computer databases as well as degin a few of them myself, so I will eventually write a match magangement program that will do everything that I deem nessacery.  SO in materal property the club will need Targets, Props, Admin Supplies, Timers.  What else am I overlooking?
Gaming Gunfighter in Training

Doc Shapiro

Get other shooters involved now!  Give them a sense of ownership before you even get it off the ground.  It will make it a lot easier down the road as they will be more willing to pitch in and help.


Camille Eonich

Quote from: Doc Shapiro on April 06, 2006, 10:26:18 AM
Get other shooters involved now!  Give them a sense of ownership before you even get it off the ground.  It will make it a lot easier down the road as they will be more willing to pitch in and help.


There is wisdom in these words.   ;D
"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood

Blackey Cole

My plan is to find out all the facts of what is required to host a match and a club.  Then have a meeting in July( I'm fairly busy until then).  Then present everything to the shooters that are interested.  I have been advised if I could host it myself and leave out all the officers and politics.  I was going to present then prospective members of how the wanted the club ran, Officers or a director.  THen see what they are willing to donate to get the club up and running, then work out the membership dues and match fee.  I might host a couple of side matches before a main match to generate money for targets since I have five targets already.  That would generate money that I could use to buy more steel with so that I could get enough to hold a match maybe two berms worth at first then at more steel fo the 3rd berm and then work on props and buying better steel and to eventually be able to have around 80 targets plub 48 shotgu targets with half of those being throwing targets for flyers.  Then maybe a texas star and a plate rack then maybe a rabbit track.  But all that cost money.  I figure a couple of side matches might generate enough money to purchase what is need for a main match of 4 stages with the bare miniumn props and steel for a good match.  Take iit slow and let it support itself after the main matches start.  One location would cost me around $3 pershooter for the berm at the local range, the other option would be a range that hosted the match and the problems would be theres to get the targets and props with wthe members doing the work. But the second option would have a couple of drawbacks since it is located on a military instalation.  You would have ot get a pass if you are not a armed forces member or a retired member.  How many would be willing to shoot on a military instalation and go thru the hassle of getting on base to shot if the club was really a good club to shot cowboy stages? 
Gaming Gunfighter in Training

El Paso Pete

Quote from: Doc Shapiro on April 06, 2006, 10:26:18 AM
Get other shooters involved now!  Give them a sense of ownership before you even get it off the ground.  It will make it a lot easier down the road as they will be more willing to pitch in and help.


There's wisdom in Doc's and Camille's post.  Plus you can apply the Tom Sawer paintin the fence principle. ;D

EPP, who' thinkin we need us a missin word detector more than spel checkers.
El Paso Pete   SASS #55577L  RATS #1
Mules,  Whiskey,  Diamonds,  Nails,  Gold Mines,  Fly Swatters,  Barbed Wire,  Oil Wells,  Runnin Irons.
Governments Run, Revolutions Started, Uprising Quelled, Bridges Destroyed, Saloons Emptied, Whiskey Bonded, Taxes Collected, Gold Mines Salted

Simply return the unused portion of the product and
El Paso Pete will refund the unused portion of your money.

Digem Deep

I also have to agree with Cammy and Doc. Get others involved now. If nothing else from a monetary stand point. You never can tell what the future club members have laying around and are willing to donate. When we started our club we used what ever steel we could find. Lot of hot rolled steel for targets. Won't last as long but will last for a couple years. Should do until you get an income coming in. We bought a lot of our tables at tool shows, 4' table for $20.00. they work well. Our club still doesn't have timers for every posse. The club members use their own. Again with regards to props. the future members may have some props just laying around and will be willing to donate. You will be suprised what can show up when the members know you are looking for something.

Dig'em Deep

Blackey Cole

Thanks for the advise, it was much welcome.  Right now things are on hold pending some information from a potential benifactor.  THe local military base has a off duty range with Trap, Skeet, Sporting Clays and small arms.  The manager is looking to become self sufficent.  And as one of the souces of income we have been discusing the idea of starting a Cowboy club at the old small arms range, it has room for about 12 bays, storage, and he can get steel from the various shops on base free.  Last time we talked he had one more approval to get before we could procede.  The problem is that  it is one a military base and shooter will have to get a pass before going on base.  My idea is to have everyone who needs help getting on base meet downtown for breakfast and convoy out to the base a few miles away help them get a pass and then head out to th ecowboy range.  We would be able to have a permannt town and props, there is storage for the steel, don't want anyone destroying them with jacketed ammo. but the drfaw back is alot will feel that their privacy can be invated if the gate guards decide to do a vehicle search.  Me I am retire from the AF and alot of the local shootters are retired vets also.  It would probably a 1 vet or dependant to 3 three civilians.  How many would be willing to stop and get a pass before going to shoot at a range.  To me it is no different than stopping at a office prior to heading to a remote range but the possibility of a vehile search is always there and they are done on a random basis so I can not garuntee that it could not happen.  But one some one joins the club or notifies the range that they will be shooting their name can be left at the registration center and they will be given a pass.  Since you are going to a shootign range the firearms and ammo in the vehicle will not be a issue as long as it is stored approratatly.  Woudl you shoot at a range on a military base if you could.  It beats the alternative  in the area, since the magor expenses will be covered by the host and the match fees and dues will go to the host, but he is more than willing to get what ever is needed for the club, we will be able to have a club structure if that is what is desired or we can appoint duties for the match director and TG.
Gaming Gunfighter in Training

Gold Canyon Kid

In the litigation society we belong to you want to make sure the gun club is set up to protect the officers from any litigation loses and that the insurance you get covers everyone in the club from litigation loses and expenses.  In some states that means the club has to be organized with a set of by laws and in some states incorporated as a non profit or other.  I also believe that most club insurance will require a high percentage of shooters be members of the club.  Some clubs have been creative in working this issue. Good luck, there is always room for another club.  Even the threat sometimes makes wonderful changes in existing clubs.

Blackey Cole

That is one of the benefits for having it on the military range it will be covered by the range from my understanding from the range master on base.  If extra insurance is needed it would be provided.  I am not sure if the new setup will have a director or have officers.  And it will probably a for profit club since he was hoping it would help cover all his expences so that he would be self suffiecent since that his one of his goals for providing everything.
Gaming Gunfighter in Training

French Jack

You might consider incorporating your club as a 501 C (3) entity, which is a not for profit corp. which will allow you to shield yourselves from liability incurred by the club.  It will not shield you from liability for your own actions.  This would allow you to limit your exposure to assets of the club, namely targets, props, etc. 
As part of the process, you need to select officers of the corp., and set up your by-laws.  This is to direct the activities and philosophy of the club..  After you get this done, check out the insurance.

Targets can be made up to enable you to shoot two or three stages, you can use the same targets for more than one scenario, moving them as needed between stages.  Tables can be made up from scrap wood, or chipboard and 2x2 lumber. 
My advice is to keep the targets and props to a minimum at first, then you can add to them as you can afford to do so.

Lots of luck, you will get enough hard work in doing this to feel you have accomplished something.
French Jack


Hey Pard, follow the advice of gittin' the other shooters involved now.  ;)

Yer first agenda would be ta set up the By-Laws (sorta sets the club agenda) of yer club. I jus finished the By-Laws fer the Big Horn Vigilantes last month. Iff'n ya need a bit of hep, lemme know. 8)
Gib Waide
SASS 61746L-TG

Blackey Cole

Pard, I will Talk to you about it at the FRI.
Gaming Gunfighter in Training

Hill Beachy

Mr. Cole:

A couple of other thoughts for your perusal -- Is the gate that you'll be using normally manned on the proposed match day, or will an augmentation be required to the guard force?  Given that most installations these days employ DOD or contract security forces, if the base has to provide additional gate manning, they may ask to recoup the costs from your club.

Is there a requirement to have an Range Safety Officer on-hand and certified by the garrison?  Some 8-9 years ago, I shot with a (now defunct) club which operated on an Army post.  They required us to have someone certified by them as an RO, and also to have a gov't employee RSO on-duty.  Fortunately, the club president worked there in the security force so he sort of served "double duty" by fulfilling that requirement. And several of us active-duty types had already been RSO-certified.

At that same club, there was a requirement to establish contact with the post hosptial, just in case of emergency.  In our case, each of the ranges was equipped with either a telephone or a USG-provided radio.  But it might be worthwhile to talk with the responding medevac and explain what's going on, which ranges you'll be using, etc.  In our case, we had instances of heat injury rather than gunshots, which might also be worthwhile mentioning to them.

How will range scheduling impact you?  One of the things that led to the demise of our club was that the range office could not guarantee which (or how many) ranges would be reserved for our use each month.  There was a real possibility that we might get only one firing bay some months.  In your case it sounds like you will have dedicated range facilities, which is good (at least until a new commander or administrator arrives who may/may not like armed civilians on his AFB).

Lastly, I seem to recall a SASS club that shot out at Nellis AFB in Nevada.  Have never been there, but if you can contact that club, they may be able to provide some additional insights.

I wish you the very best of luck on your club.  Might even get out to shoot it someday!  ;D
"But you know you can still smell the roses,
When you're running with them in your hand..."  -- Slim Dusty

Blackey Cole

Well right now all that is required is that the Range Manager or his assistant is o duty for use of the ranges already available.  The gate is the main gate that is open 24/7 anyway and the pass and ID is located at the gate.  The range is not the mai range they built a new CATM range a few years back and this is the old range that is only used occassionally.  As far as the Med Response that would be handled by th eranger Mgmt team.  My part would only be as match director or equalivant.  The range it self would be the host.  But thasnks for you experience with shooting on a mil range.  I did bring up some good ideas, sorry it didn't work, but from the sounds of it, it fails due to the range not being available and not from the added need to sign in to get on base which was a fear of mine.  We hope once the props are constructed that the CATM would want us to leave or buils some in place so that can use them for their urban traning.
Gaming Gunfighter in Training

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