Life's Surprises

Started by Doc Sunrise, May 08, 2008, 07:26:49 PM

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Doc Sunrise

In large part, my Mother is responsible for my love and passion for handguns.  Unfortunately, she recently passed away, which has left me with the task of going through her things.  Today I found one of her American Rifleman Magzines from 2002 with an article underlined and where she had written "I would love to have one of these".  It was a beautiful US Firearms Sixgun engraved for Charelton Heston.  I guess the apple really doesn't fall far away!

Black Powder

Sounds like a cool Mom.  Hang in there this weekend.

I've got my excuses and I'm stickin' to 'em.

Dog River Dan

Yes indeed, a very cool Mom.
Mine tought me to fish, whittle, make a "flip" (that is a sling shot for some of you), she also tought me about being generous.
Mom's are special.

Major 2

Mothers are special and Dads ....

So many are deprived of one or the other ...I was a lucky one,  I had both well in to their 80's

A thought occured to me the other day when I first read this post.

Perhaps honor your Mom's memory with her own ( insert model here ) with her Birth date as the custom Serial number.
An instant sentimental heirloom  :)
when planets the deal !

Doc Sunrise

My dear friends, I have been thinking the same thing.  I have been patiently awaiting the arrival of my John Wayne guns so that I can replenish my firearms funds.  A little birdy named Gary said they might ship out this week.  Afterwards, a very special "Mom's Special" is going to be ordered.

Major 2

If I could afford to do it....

My Moms S# 61710 = June 17th. 1910
and Dads would be 60804 June 8, 1904
Dad would have been 104 this year....

or maybe their Wedding date 120129  Dec. 1, 1929
I'd cherish them  :'(

when planets the deal !

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