firing pin

Started by Flinthills Dawg, April 02, 2006, 05:27:05 PM

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Flinthills Dawg

Anyone happen to have the part number for a one piece firing pin for the 1894 marlin cowboy?
"DAWG"    "248"

Guage Rod

I do not have the Number but perhaps the Fine folks who run The Gun Smithing operation called the" Bullet Hole" Advertised in the "Shootest", NCOWS publication, could tell you, the Marlin, that Vaughn did the action job on, has one he placed in it.
The Phone number is 319-233-0204.

Vaya Con Dios!


I boug 2 with springs from Kempf gun shop. They are also available from Long Hunter.

Flinthills Dawg

I contacted brownells and they said they dont offer it because of liability reasons and then wouldn't elaborate on the answer. But any ways I was filking and stoning the hammer and guess what I did? Yep took to much off man what a moron!!!! Cost me 15.00 from brownells but I guess you learn by screwing up sometimes
"DAWG"    "248"

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