SASS Mod Com - & Spencer Cartridge

Started by Black River Smith, January 25, 2006, 10:47:44 PM

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Black River Smith

Hey Major Matt, you forgot to mention something else that you may/could have seen over at the SASS Mod Com.

This was was mentioned over on the CAS CITY 'Spencer' forum about two days ago.   According to info from the Mod Com, SASS has or will approve the 56-50 Spencer cartridge as an acceptable main match rifle cartridge.

HAHOO!!! oh wait I am only an NCOWS member. HMMMM

So, what do the rest of you think about that decision.  Can anyone confirm their decision either way.

Really not wanting to start this discussion all over again, just thought it was funny, all things considered about our own discussions/decisions.

Black River Smith
Black River Smith

Black River Smith

Sorry guys, saw Lone Gunmans comment about this after I made this posting.

Black River Smith
Black River Smith

Black River Smith

Well, just read over in the Spencer section that SASS vote has been completed.

And guess what?  The Spencer 56-50 is APPROVED as a SASS main match rifle.

Black River Smith
Black River Smith

Steel Horse Bailey

Good!  It should have been a no-brainer.
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

Ottawa Creek Bill

If I recall correctly, you fellas that owned the Spencer tried to get NCOWS to approve it last summer, and because of the reluctance of some in NCOWS, and the phantom issue of was delayed. SASS beat us to the draw when we should've taken the lead on this issue...making it a main match rifle was/is a no brainer ??? ???

Vice Chairman American Indian Council of Indianapolis
Vice Chairman Inter tribal Council of Indiana
Member, Ottawa-Chippewa Band of Indians of Michigan
SASS # 2434
NCOWS # 2140
CMSA # 3119

Cuts Crooked

Hey gang, this isn't a done deal for SASS yet. It may or may not fly and we won't know fer certain until the first of the month.

Meantime....I don't know about following in SASSs footsteps. We outlawed short strokes! ;D
Dark Lord of the Soot
Honorary member of the Mormon Posse
NCOWS #2250
SASS #36914 like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like you do when nobody is watching..

Black River Smith

Hey Cuts, I am stealing this info from Backstrap Bill over on the Spencer Forum.

I could be wrong (heaven knows I have been before) but here is what he states:

Taken from Backstrap Bill's posting  (I talked to my SASS Territorial Govenor last evening.  He told me that the voting is done & the list of approved guns & cartridges, and those banned (like the Spencer pump shotty guns) has been approved.

The logic behind the ban of thew shotoguns, according to the TG is this:  Early versions of the Marlin are relatively weak.  If someone fires a heavily loaded smokeless round through it, the gun could come apart.  Most people know what a Winchester 97 looks like, and there are many available, just makes it easier to identify which pump guns are legar & which not.

FYI, Marlin Model 39 22s have a similar problem.  Early ones have a weak bolt design & are only for use with standard velocity 22 LR ammo.  The serial numbers affected are in Brophy's book. I don't own the book so I can't tell you what serial numbers fall into this range.  I bought a 1930's Model 39 from a reputal Marlin collecter.  He told me about the issue & showed me in the Brophy bok where my gun would land - standard ammo is all I shoot in the old beastie.)

The approved cartridges referred to is here in the first posting by The Yankee Bandit:

Form The Yankee Bandit  (According to a post on the Wire, it looks as if the 56-50 is could approved as a main match rifle caliber with the new modification covenant.

The starting post says:

"Bottom of page 7 where it talks about main match rifle calibers after reciting the usual pistol-caliber language it adds: "The only allowed exceptions are the .25-20 and .56-50." Interesting.")

It appears that the voting by the Territorial Govenors is done.  Like I said it could be wrong and so could I for believing it but.  His statement about last night would be referring to 2/10/06 according to posting date from original posting.

Black River Smith
Black River Smith

Cuts Crooked

From the Wire as of yesterday:

Now, someone may have leaked something or be speculating, but I'm pretty sure the voting isn't done until the 15th and the official results are not supposed to be out until the first of the month. ???
Dark Lord of the Soot
Honorary member of the Mormon Posse
NCOWS #2250
SASS #36914 like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like you do when nobody is watching..

French Jack

Actually, we beat this horse quite thoroughly before.  The bylaws specifically state that the Spencer, is approved in all models.  Both in original or repro is approved.  The safety issue is one that is specific to the individual range/posse.  The Judge made the decision to allow the posses to allow/not allow it on an individual basis.  That is still the ruling, and will stand until changed by the Judge or decided by Congress.
French Jack

Black River Smith

Like I stated in my original posting:  I don't want to start this discussion all over again.  I created this posting on Jan 25 when Major Matt stated that SASS was banning the Marlin 98.  Lone Gunman did beat me to the punch with the info in Matts posting.

I just thought that people over here would be interested in hearing the outcome.

To All: I will just state that I hope our Club can come out with a clear cut decision, so that all members understand and know how to interpret the statements and reasonings within the by-laws.  I am certain that SASS has put a lot of time and money into researching/investigating the affects of this mod before they allowed it to come up for a vote.  SASS and SASS members are well noted for being safety conscious.  And therefore would not allow a costly mod affect the profits and operations of their  Possees and affiliate clubs.

Black River Smith
Black River Smith

Black River Smith

RCJ,  Yes I agree with your number two and most of your number one.  I do not like that feelings are hurt or scared.

The only thing I would add is that a number of you began this club in 1994 as a separate entity and with it own identity both different from SASS.  And it worked for a number of years and I believe still does.  This must be maintained in both it rules/regualtions and decision making process.

An example: You can be a union worker, like others, but work for different types of labor, each having it own underlying rules.  You learn and follow the one that you are in.   OR  You can be a farmer and plant several different crops but you keep them physically separated and follow the planting guidelines and maintenance for each separately in order to get the best yield from both.  You don't mix the plants because of nutrient competition or control of the soil.

We are different from SASS we should maintain our own individuality/rule making criteria/guidelines according to the membership of NCOWS.  And  demand that our rules be followed by our members/membership for our NCOWS sanctioned/backed/paid for (whatever) local and regional shoots.  (SASS does.  At least that is what I have witnessed here at the Arnold Shooting Club.  SASS affiliated only, SASS members only.  They may let shooting club members play along at monthly shoots but they don't influence the rule/regs. in the end.)

Black River Smith
Black River Smith

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