Black Powder Shooting in CMAS

Started by Kid Gonzo, February 05, 2006, 10:02:52 AM

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Kid Gonzo

Hi Gang....

First time here....

I live in Lafayette, Indiana.

I am greatly interested in beginning CMAS this year with my 4 year old Paso Fino/Spanish Mustang mare. She is incredibly intelligent with lots of heart and we have a phenomenally wonderful partnership.

In the late 80s I used to shoot local End of the Trail styled competitions in Oklahoma and Texas and then eventually moved on to I.P.S.C. / U.S.P.S.A.  combat pistol. I recently purchased a Navy black powder pistol to begin training my mare for CMSA. I have found that it is a very inexpensive way to introduce a horse to gunfire...begin with caps...then add a little powder with an Ox-Yoke Wonder-Wad...and eventually full loads with cracked walnut shells for ammo to begin busting baloons.....

I have submitted these questions to someone who is an officer of CMSA (I believe) but thought I would bounce my idea off of all of you here so I could get some different feedback ...and perhaps find others with similar interests....

My question is this....

can I legally enter my first match with this type of pistol drawing from a Slim Jim or California style cross draw? Or, rather,  do you know of a group or competition which allows cap and ball pistols?

Unfortunately (for me), they tell me that the only accepted pistol is a .45 colt because they monitor the ammo for safety's sake. Which I completely understand and agree with the safety issue. (I am a former nationally certified range officer) However, I feel that we could produce rules which govern the strict useage of certain "ammo" for cap and ball" ...EXAMPLE: crushed walnut shells or crushed corn cob, etc.)

Also, I travel and teach natural horsemanship myself and my whole family (including my 6 year old granddaughter) all ride bareback and perform demos....

I was thinking that for my "character" I would either ride bareback as a Native American with buckskins and partial acquired cavalry attire....I would also be using a Cherokee bridle on my horse made of horsehair....or...I would pattern my character after the Terrence Hill "My Name Is Nobody", and "They Call Me Trinity" character. (basically a tramp/bum on horse bareback) My bareback skills are exceptional and we trail ride in any terrain and walk, trot, canter and gallop bareback. My horse is mature mentally and emotionally and can be ridden on the trails bareback and bridle-less.

Would this be acceptable as part of the overall "character" ?!

Are there any others out there who are wanting to form a black powder cap and ball revolver only CMSA style group?

I was told that there are no officail rules in CMSA concerning bareback riding so it is legal. Which I am thankful for. I cant wait to do a "run down" bareback and with only a Cherokee Bridle riding through a cloud of black powder!!!
Are there any events coming up where that I may attend to take notes while watching the competitions? (without my horse, of course - just there to audit)

Any, and all, information, suggestions, comments, opinions, etc., will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and efforts.....

Yours IN Horsemanship.....

"Kid Gonzo"
When at last his strength, failed him at length, he came across a pilgrim shadow
Shadow, said he...where could it be, this land called El Dorado?
Over the mountains and the moon
Down the valley of the shadow
Ride, Boley ride, the shade replied
In search of El Dorado"

GunClick Rick

I don't know about rules and such but i think it would be kewler than kokopeli to do it that way.The only thing i would wonder about is the cracked hulls for shootin,how would ya load them up? Powder,wad,shells,wax?
Bunch a ole scudders!


Most clubs at there practice sections would probably let you shoot what ever you brung, but at a match would be a different thing altogether. the ammo is provided at the match to keep things on an even keel.  as far as the cross draws go they are much easier to draw and holster from while seated on a horse.Good luck on the bareback thing!I dont think I could do it! I need all the help I can get. My wifes paso fino is the only horse Ive ridden bareback for more than a few yards. very comfy, but I dont think I could ride her through the poles while shooting, holstering,shooting somemoore, and then racing the clock to the end.I also used a saddle holster to drop the empty gun into.
Life is a rush into the unknown, You can duck down real low and hope nothing hits you, Or stand up tall, show it your teeth,and say "Dish it up Baby and dont get stingy with the Peppers!!!"

Kid Gonzo

Yes, powder first, then the cracked walnut shells or crushed corn cob adn then an Ox-Yoke Wonder Wad over the top to seal it. I used to use Wonder Wads with my Ruger Old Army I used to have. I would fill the cylinders up full of Pyrodex FFFg (almost 50 grains!!!) adn then push a wonder wad down over it and then seat a ball....that Ruger is the only C&B that could take that kind of load over and over....about every six months I would have to have the timing redone by my gunsmith, but other than that, it could take the load. Smoke cloud the size of Chicago!!!!

Now of course, I wont run anything like that at all in my Navy....its a good pistol but it is NOT a Ruger Old Army. And please...I am NOT advocating that someone go and replicate my load in their own pistol. Please do not take the risk. little Paso /Spanish Mustang is one great girl!!!  She has never had a bit in her mouth and never will. I ride her in a rope halter and lately have begun riding her bridle-less. I ride her under saddle and of course we all ride bareback. Walk, trot, canter or gallop, flat arena or bad trail...we do it all bareback with our horses. My 15 year old daughter runs poles flat out and does it bareback....I also ride my older arab bareback and bridle-less on the trail.

Even if I do have to convert to a .45 LC to compete, I cant wait to do it all bareback. According to teh rules, there is nothing against it. As long as you can prove that your mount is controllable and is disicplined.

I will be a major presenter at the Northern Illinois Horse Fest in August along with John Lyons. I am hoping to do a CMAS demo bareback and bridle-less at this event. Last year they held a competition there during the horse fest......

I will let you guys know about hte walnut shells or corn bobs.....

what do the CMAS shooters use in their .45 LC for competition?

Kid Gonzo !!!
When at last his strength, failed him at length, he came across a pilgrim shadow
Shadow, said he...where could it be, this land called El Dorado?
Over the mountains and the moon
Down the valley of the shadow
Ride, Boley ride, the shade replied
In search of El Dorado"

Major E A Sterner

Howdy Kid, If I remember correctly they have a "War of Northern aggresion" Catagory ;D in Mounted shooting, BUT the pistols have to have the cartridge conversion cylinders installed to use the match supplied ammo, a wonder wad becomes a projectile which is forbiden in CMAS.
Respectfully,Major E.A. Sterner
G.A.F #118
"If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore what he must be taught to fear is his victim." - Jeff Cooper

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