equipment for loading the 1876 cartridges

Started by pinto beans, January 26, 2025, 10:16:13 AM

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pinto beans

Greetings All,

Been a while from my last posting what with life happing.  With nasty winter causing lots of time to be available to read and think on things got to wondering about reloading tools and the 1876 cartridges.  I know some folks use original hand reloading tools from the era and it is always a treat to read about loading with them.  What about the other method most all of use, that of press and dies?  Like the majority of folks I use modern dies, in my case RCBS legacy, to load the 45-75.  What is a little bit of vintage is my press.  The old Lyman Spartan has been in my family from the day my Father bought it brand new from the old Gander Mountain mail order service.  I will post a close up of the old press that is still going along today with no signs of slowing down.  Set up to prime two ways with the Lee Primer II system that goes in the standard die hole and the original Lyman primer feed system, it offers a good bit of versatility.  The original system from Lyman seen in the pic is the version that will work on the Spartan and the turret model called the Spar-T.  There is another version for the Spartan only but this one was at a gun show we went to when I was a kid and Dad added it to the press.  Over the many years the old press has been in service I have had very little problems with it, as a press has one or two more moving parts than an anvil!!  Today it is the only press I have, for no other reason than I never used others with this one being on the bench.  It has its short comings, lack of leverage that new presses have, lack of support from OEM, older C press shape/design, etc.  While it ain't perfect by any means, I enjoy it and like the older era it comes from (just like me!!) it is un-complicated. Loading the 45-75 is very easy and the case fits the press in what I think is a good match.  We all got to squeeze the brass with something, what do you use to mount your dies in?!


 :) Pinto Beans ;)

Are you sure??  I think I have seen Anvils with as many if not more moving parts  ::)

I think it's great to see perfectly serviceable tools being maintained and used.


Not ancient but I use an RCBS Rock Chucker 2 that I bought new many years ago.

I sometimes think about upgrading, but then wonder why.

King Medallion

My current press is a Lee 4 hole turret press. Nothing fancy, with reloading over 20 different calibers I need that quick change unit. For 1876 dies I use a mixture of RCBS, Lyman, CH4D and Lee, whatever was available and worked.
King Medallion
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

Boone May

I have an old RCBS Reloader Special 2 that I use for .45-60 and .45-75 as I have dies for them.  For .40-60 WCF I just use an antique Winchester 1880 plier tool. It works well and it's just like it was done back in the day.

"There are a few things they didn't tell me when I hired on with this outfit."

Coal Creek Griff

My setup is pretty boring. I use a Redding T-7 press, which works great.

Manager, WT Ranch--Coal Creek Division

BOLD #921
BOSS #196
1860 Henry Rifle Shooter #173
SSS #573


I started out with RCBS dies and my Rockchucker for my Uberti NWMP 45-75 then acquired a Winchester 1880 tool, missing decap of course. I'd love to find someone that makes them but am prepared to make one up.  That may take some time because of all the other "projects" I've come up with...
I love using the original tool!

For my 50-95 I'm using RCBS dies.  Boy, I'm sure glad I had the foresight to get plenty of brass for both when I acquired the rifles!  Here's to a warmup to get us all back out shootin'!


It's good to know I'm not alone. I still use my old Lyman Spar-T turrent press that I bought in 1979 from the old original Cabela's at Sydney Nebraska. Use RCBS dies for the 45-75 and a mixture of Lyman and RCBS for everything else. I also use approximately the same vintage Lyman 20 lb bottom pour lead pot for bullets. I thought about updating my reloading tools but unfortunately I'm from that generation that says if it ain't broke don't fix it! Just got back from the range today from shooting my 1886 Winchester 45-70 and the trapdoor Springfield. Thinking about getting the Sharps and the Rolling Block out and making up some .50 2 1/2"  and .50-70.


Alone !!! I'm still breaking in my 1988 new-fangled LEE turret that holds all 3 rifle dies at the same time, faster my o'l Pacfic press. The other LEE turret makes a loaded 44-40 round every time i pull the handle,and yes, they show some wear. They will outlast me, how many loads y'a ask,,, not as many as some but more than a few.

  coffee's ready,  Hootmix.

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