What's your favorite reference book on Civil War Uniforms?

Started by Petticoat, November 25, 2004, 06:49:38 AM

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I am very active in CMSA, which in the last couple of years has started a Civil War class for shooting. I am also a custom seamstress and would like a real good reference book on Civil War uniforms. I would like one that explains fabric, style etc. for the different ranks.

I have a couple of orders on hold for my winter projects and could add the book to my Christmas list.

Thanks for any input.
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St. George


You've opened up an interesting topic, since there are a multitude of books available.

Time-Life did a three-volume set titled "Echoes of Glory" that show some excellent museum and private collector's holdings.

You may want to get the new "Dixie Gun Works" catalog - for their huge listing of available Civil War-related books.

Also - contact "North-South Civil War Trader Magazine" - editor@nstcivilwar.com - with your query.

Good Luck.

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"It Wasn't Cowboys and Ponies - It Was Horses and Men.
It Wasn't Schoolboys and Ladies - It Was Cowtowns and Sin..."

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Probably my single favorite is:

American Military Equipage, 1851-1872: A Description by Word and Picture of What the American Solider, Sailor, and Marine of These Years Wore and Car by Frederick P. Todd

It is out of print but can sometimes be found.  It explains your particular questions.

Two others that I have found very useful are:

The Horse Soldier 1851-1880: The Frontier, the Mexican War, the Civil War, the Indian Wars
by Randy Steffen

Army Blue: The Uniform of Uncle Sam's Regulars, 1848-1873
by J. Phillip Langellier, John P. Langellier

Osprey Publishing puts out an extensive series of small books on uniforms by topic and era.  They include a collection of photographs and usually some colored drawings.  John Langellier is particularly prolific in his books on CW-era uniforms.


I have a new catalog from HamiltonBook.com with some of the books mentioned that are available at fairly reasonable prices. {I am also including the # for the title.}

3812979  Army Blue: The Uniform of Uncle Sam's Regulars, 1848-1873:  $ 79.95/ $19.95
4769872  U.S. Army Headgear, 1812-1872   $69.95/ $24.95       
Whole Catalog at www.erhbc.com/863       

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