Percussion caps and powder shortage

Started by BlackButtes, November 29, 2021, 09:18:24 PM

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I have some Goex and caps squirreled away. Pyrodex as well,  which I seem to find in some of the stores.
Anybody having luck finding caps?
I may have to work on getting a flintlock.


I found some Remington no 10s at my local store. bought some and left some for other guys. haven't been shooting them much because how hard they are to find.


:)  Buttes  ;)

Caps can be a real prize.  In another vain though, I cannot recommend Pyrodex.  That stuff is a rusting agent that just happens to burn.  I have seen the stuff flash rust a barrel in just minutes after shooting.  Better as fertilizer.

Would suggest either APP or 777.  Anything other than Pyrodex.

Play Safe Out There


So glad that Goex is going back into production.
Guns don't kill people; fathers with pretty daughters do.

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