The Frontier American Illustrated News

Started by Tsalagidave, December 03, 2020, 12:47:36 AM

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I have launched my website but am still updating text and loading content before I start up with the SEO and social media.  For now, I am sharing it with the group.  This is far from finished but I wanted to share this with everyone here before I add the final touches and get it out there.
Guns don't kill people; fathers with pretty daughters do.


Well done!  I enjoyed reading the articles on your site.  It's good to have some additional reading material on the subject.  I think it's a great site for those that aren't familiar with the subject and don't want to be saturated with too much info while trying to understand the era. 

As a fellow Arizonian (I'm in southeast AZ), it's nice to meet someone that's interested in the era and is writing about it.


I like it!  I will add that I'm often amazed at how bad people are at building a fire, even just one to sit around in the back yard.  Looking forward to more!
"There go those Nebraskans, and all hell couldn't stop them!"

Dave T


Excellent start. I wish you the best of luck and success in this endeavor. I'm sure we will be talking about it over coffee or black powder smoke.



Thanks Dale. You're right about the fire. It is the number one thing that spectators ask for. But go to an EBUFU event and there are guys who have been in the hobby for 20+ years and they can't even do that.

Dave T, thank you sir.  Look forward to meeting up tomorrow.

Rayman, glad to hear you are a fellow Arizonan too. Send me a message. We do a lot of shooting here in the East valley.

Guns don't kill people; fathers with pretty daughters do.


For those interested, the website is up.  I have a lot of fine tuning and formatting content but it has begun.

Introducing the Frontier American Illustrated News, a publication geared toward the Living History of the American West. Go beyond just hearing about the people, places, and items of America's Old West heritage. Instead, walk the proverbial 'mile in their shoes'; learn their skills; learn the trade secrets; savor their foods; and understand the world in which they lived.

Guns don't kill people; fathers with pretty daughters do.

Oregon Bill

Lots of great reading and viewing on your new Web site, Dave. Have it bookmarked. You surely have put your heart into your 19th-century penmanship!


Thanks for the kind words Bill. I am getting there. I have a very small percentage of my content added to the site so far. I am looking to do a lot more in the coming weeks. However, getting my books published are on the top of the list.


Guns don't kill people; fathers with pretty daughters do.

Professor Marvel

Extraordinary My Good Dave!

In between holiday baking I will have to spend some quality time on the webstite!

prof marvel
Your Humble Servant

praeceptor miraculum

~~~~~Professor Algernon Horatio Ubiquitous Marvel The First~~~~~~
President, CEO, Chairman,  and Chief Bottle Washer of

Professor Marvel's
Traveling Apothecary
Fortune Telling Emporium

Acclaimed By The Crowned Heads of Europe
Purveyor of Patent Remedies, Snake Oil, Powder, Percussion Caps, Cleaning Supplies, Dry Goods,
Picture Postcards

Offering Unwanted Advice for All Occasions
Providing Useless Items to the Gentry
Since 1822
Available by Appointment for Lectures on Any Topic


Thanks Prof.

Over the years, I have enjoyed so much of your content creation. Hopefully I can return the favor at least a little bit.

Guns don't kill people; fathers with pretty daughters do.


Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

Abilenes CAS Pages  * * * Abilene Cowboy Shooter Youtube


Thanks, to keep with the Victorian tradition of invoking ancient mythology, the two ladies in the logo are Pheme, Greek goddess of News, Announcements, and Gossip. She is portrayed as blowing a trumpet. The other is Seshat, the Egyptian goddess of scribes and record keeping, holding a plume (large quill). I was reading through an 1810 book on hermeneutics written by a Pastor/Theologian and it really hit home how knowledgeable the 19th century person was in Biblical and ancient mythological references.

Guns don't kill people; fathers with pretty daughters do.


Dave, What a marvelous treasure trove of knowledge you have built on your site. My work has kept me extremely busy this last year and I haven't visited the forum much, and what a surprise I come back to.

I have spent many hours this Memorial weekend pouring over all the great work you have put up.
It's a perfect respite from all nonsense that has taken place in the last year.

Hats off to you sir!

Navy Six

Great site Dave! How the heck did I not see this post until this afternoon ???? Better late than never. I look forward to exploring your site as you have provided a wealth of information over the years.
Only Blackpowder Is Interesting 
"I'm the richest man in the world. I have a good wife, a good dog and a good sixgun." Charles A "Skeeter" Skelton


Black Buttes, and Navy Six, thank you for the kind words gentlemen. My work has gotten really busy and I am cranking overtime to get the first of the book series complete but I am almost there.

I'm really glad you enjoy the site.

Guns don't kill people; fathers with pretty daughters do.

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