72 open top loading gate

Started by nativeshootist, July 16, 2020, 09:46:36 PM

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Does anyone else's loading gate wobble in their 72 open tops? Mine does and it's irksome


Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

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Professor Marvel

Quote from: Abilene on July 16, 2020, 10:45:54 PM
Screw tight?

I myself have several screws loose.
but at least my butt has not fallen off.

Oh, his loading gate screw ..
good point, either loose or worn out  screw - I must dig out my parts pile open top project  in progress and check...

prf mvl
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Well, not on mine.  However, I worked on a few with Wobbly loading gates.  Usually the result of a miss-sized screw.  I nuisance but not difficult to fix.  It is important the loading gate NOT stand proud of the recoil shield.  If it wobbles above the recoil shield, it may need the edge to be slightly broken or lightly beveled so the rotating cartridge can shove it out of the way.

Hide and Watch  :o


My screw is tight. But still has wobble. Like a 2mm worth of wobble. Is it slight? Yes. Annoying? Yes.

Professor Marvel

Quote from: nativeshootist on July 17, 2020, 04:25:44 PM
My screw is tight. But still has wobble. Like a 2mm worth of wobble. Is it slight? Yes. Annoying? Yes.

Here is the uberti open top parts list from Taylor's

we can see that the loading gate is held on by screw # 675, a shoulder screw,
and is held closed by the external spring #136 and screw #145

If the gate is wobbly, without having the revovler in hand, my guess would be along the lines
of Coffinmakers post: that is, the shoulder screw is most likely undersized.

One solution would be to bush it out, but the easiest would be to get a shoulder screw
sized correctly to the hole in the loading gate.   

hope this helps
prof marvel
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:)  And Another Thing   ;)

If the screw is Tight (DO NOT over tighten the thing please) and you still have wobble, the first step is to order a NEW screw.  Have some Coffee while you wait.  Choke over the fact that the postage is three times the cost of the screw.  Have some more Coffee.  I recommend "Sumatra".

With new screw in hand, remove the OEM screw and the loading gate.  Put the screw back in it's hole.  Get out your Sherlock (Magnifying Glass).  Under strong light, see if the screw is actually bottoming out the Shoulder.  If not, remove some of the threaded portion of the screw until the shoulder buttons out.  Then put it all back together with a drop of BLUE LocTite.  Should you really bugger it up, you have your Brandy Knew-Two-U replacement screw in hand.  Burma Shave

Hyde and Watch


Thanks for the help. I'll order the part and try it out

Sagebrush Burns

Nobody has mentioned it yet, but a weak spring could also cause a wobbly gate.


Mine also, must be a common problem.

I did what Coffinmaker suggested and that improved it a little. What I discovered was, when loaded, the cartridges seem to hold the gate in place.

Pietta Frontier 7.5 357mag
Uberti 1872 OT 7.5 38 Sp.
Ruger Blackhawk Hunter 44mag
Ruger Single Six Hunter 7.5 22mag Conv.
Ruger Vaquero New 5.5 357mag

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