CCW guns

Started by PJ Hardtack, January 14, 2017, 08:44:04 PM

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Capt Quirk

Russ T, a good belt makes the difference. I make a fairly heavy double belt, and it holds my SBH 44, all the stuff in my pockets, and my developing gut too.

Professor Marvel

Quote from: Coal Creek Griff on September 27, 2019, 04:45:10 PM
In 9mm, I carry Speer 147 grain Gold Dot HP, mainly because that is what my employer provides. They did some fairly extensive study and testing, though, so I tend to trust their decision.

CC Griff

Thanks Griff

Speer has always been quality in the past!
My personal favorite way back when (1980ish) was the CCI Lawman 200 grn hollow cavity round,  dubbed "The flying ashtray" .
it used a Speer 200 gr hollow cavity bullet pushed very fast.  I think it was an early attempt to rival the old Jurras "SuperVel" loads.
One trick was getting it to feed reliably!

But I never shot anything more sinister than paper, cans and bowling pins.
Heavy Flatnose Lead bullets like Coffin described worked best on the bowling pins, without any bounce-back.
Kinda what I am leaning towards today... one could say I am trying to duplicate the soft lead .45 Colt 255 gr RNFP in .45 acp

(didja see what I did there? sorta looped it back towards .45 Colt CAS !  didja notice? didja?)

>>>  because that is what my employer provides.

Prof Cheapskate Frugal approves!   ;D

>>> They did some fairly extensive study and testing, though, so I tend to trust their decision.

And that beats a metric tonne of interweb BS!

prof mumbles
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praeceptor miraculum

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Professor Marvel

Quote from: Capt Quirk on September 27, 2019, 05:41:56 PM
Russ T, a good belt makes the difference. I make a fairly heavy double belt, and it holds my SBH 44, all the stuff in my pockets, and my developing gut too.


prof mumbles
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praeceptor miraculum

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pony express

Critical Defense in both the 9 and .380. Because it feeds reliably in both and has a good reputation. FMJ RN in a 9mm is almost guaranteed to over-penetrate, unless it hits a major bone.. Don't want to shoot both the bad guy, and the good guy standing somewhere behind him. I don't know if the flat point FMJ 9mm would be better than the RN.

Professor Marvel

My Good Capt Quirk & Major:

what pony said:
Quote from: pony express on September 27, 2019, 05:59:58 PM
FMJ RN in a 9mm is almost guaranteed to over-penetrate, unless it hits a major bone.. Don't want to shoot both the bad guy, and the good guy standing somewhere behind him. I don't know if the flat point FMJ 9mm would be better than the RN.

from elsewhere:
"For a visual, picture 8 one gallon jugs of water in a single file row, 9mm FMJ will be in the 8th jug or through it.
A good HP like HST will expand to about .60 diameter and be at the back of the 3rd jug maybe dent the 4th, be inside the 4th for sure.
Basically FMJ will penetrate double an expanded HP. "

Also, I seem to find too many recorded cases of innocent "colateral damage" due to 9mm FMJ overpenetration. At one point
NYC had their street cops carrying 9mm with FMJ and the number of bystanders and other cops shot due to ricochet and "thru-and-thru"
are ... astounding. It is a wonder NYC is not bankrupt due to lawsuits!

so, for civilian CCW ( ie no need to penetrate barriers ) it seems it is highly recommended to forgo 9mm FMJ in favor of even cheap HP.

(BTW I know more than one active LEO who carries a different colored magazine full of FMJ just for barrier situations)

and thus my quest on another thread seen here,63080.msg747313.html#msg747313

for functional heavy soft lead FP or HP in .38,  9mm,  and .45

At the very least, I have 2 or 3 boxes of quality hollowpoints,  Shoot a magazine full for function and POI, then find a practice load that duplicates it. Those 3 boxes then will probably serve me nearly forever.

BUT PLEASE Keep those posts and opinions coming

Prof Marvel
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praeceptor miraculum

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Professor Marvel

Nice Suspenders Capt Q

prf munvbles
Your Humble Servant

praeceptor miraculum

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Russ T Chambers

To quote Henry Fonda (In Once Upon a Time in the West):

How can you trust a man that wears a belt and suspenders?  The man doesn't even trust his own pants!
Russ T. Chambers
Roop County Cowboy Shooters Association
SASS Lifer/Regulator #262
SBSS #1441
CRPA Lifer 
NRA Benefactor Member
Brother of the Arrow

litl rooster

Quote from: Russ T Chambers on September 27, 2019, 08:36:33 PM
To quote Henry Fonda (In Once Upon a Time in the Old West):

How can you trust a man that wears a belt and suspenders?  The man doesn't even trust his own pants!

My dad always said that- now I know where he got the line
Mathew 5.9

litl rooster

I don?t mind suspenders but they look funny when you where a tee
Mathew 5.9

Professor Marvel

Oh, I just found scientifical testing informatics over here

at least it gives one "bannanas to bannanas" comparison data

and re overpenetration, yes it is a fact:

From the early ?90s adoption of 16-shot 9mm pistols (Glock 19, SIG-SAUER P226 DAO, and Smith & Wesson Model 5946) through 1999, NYPD issued a full metal jacket ?hardball? round, comprising a round-nose 115 grain bullet in the mid-1100 fps velocity range.

The New York Times exposed the following facts in its startling report on the matter:

?According to statistics released by the department, 15 innocent bystanders were struck by police officers using full metal jacket bullets during 1995 and 1996, the police said. Eight were hit directly, five were hit by bullets that had passed through other people and two were hit by bullets that had passed through objects,? stated the Times.

In other words, in rough numbers, 53 percent of these tragic occurrences were apparently missed shots, while 33 percent were ?shoot-throughs? of violent felony suspects.

Counting bullets that went through objects to hit presumably unseen innocent victims (13 percent), that tells us that roughly 46 percent of these innocent bystanders were shot by over-penetrating bullets that ?pierced their backstops.?

The Times continued, ?In that same period, 44 police officers were struck by gunfire using the old ammunition: 21 were hit directly, 2 were struck by bullets that ricocheted and 17 were struck by bullets that passed through other people.?

hope this helps
or is at least entettaining
prof mumbles
Your Humble Servant

praeceptor miraculum

~~~~~Professor Algernon Horatio Ubiquitous Marvel The First~~~~~~
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Crow Choker

Ref the initial question asked by the OP ((PJH) on 01-14-17----Yep/Wherever I go/Loaded!!!
Darksider-1911 Shooter-BOLD Chambers-RATS-SCORRS-STORM-1860 Henry(1866)-Colt Handgun Lover an' Fan-NRA-"RiverRat"-Conservative American Patriot and Former Keeper & Enforcer of the Law an' Proud of Being Both! >oo

Major E A Sterner

In my 9's I carry Federal BPLE +P+ 115 grain JHP. It's like having a 10 shot .357 mag(NY safe act sucks)In my .45a.c.p. I carry Speer 230 grain JHP or 165 JHP Gold Dot short barrel. In my .38's& .357 I carry Federal Hydra-shok in special or magnum loads. I have found that the guns like these loads and they have a fairly good street record.
Respectfully,Major E.A. Sterner
G.A.F #118
"If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore what he must be taught to fear is his victim." - Jeff Cooper

Baltimore Ed

I use hornady?s critical defence loads in my j frame .38 and my colt mustang .380.
"Give'em hell, Pike"
There is no horse so dead that you cannot continue to beat it.


Depending on the activity, weather and dress, it will either be one of two wheel Guns or 1911?s. Shoulder and IWB or fanny pack are my primary carry methods.

Ammo is either Federal Hydro-Shock, Barnes XTP, or Win Sivertip the Barnes are for when I?m out hunting to avoid hassles with the Wardens (non lead requirement  ::))

There are two pictures of my second wheel, custom holster because no one seems to make an IWB for a 5? N-frame.  ;D

"He Who Laughs Last, Thinks Fastest"
SUDDS, SCORRS, Retired Warthog, Sometime Gunfighter, and Soot Deliante

Major 2

Quote from: Major 2 on September 27, 2019, 05:05:57 PM
no to feeding issues ?.  I'll  get  around to defense rounds , still practicing with the 9mm

I still use  Hornady's critical defense loads in my j frames

I've taken to Sigs Brand 365 Ball for my Sig 365 ...
when planets the deal !

Jeremiah Jones

I am kind of a bean pole, so IWB does not work for me.  I carry a .45 M1911 and a spare magazine, in a man bag.  It is loaded with Hornady Critical Defense ammo.
Scouts Out!

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