CCW carry question

Started by Major 2, July 28, 2018, 12:28:41 AM

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Tuolumne Lawman

I have found the Milt Sparks "Summer Special" patterned leather IWB holster the best.  I use one with my Glock 19 and S&W Shield. It has two leather belt loops, that go on either side of the pants belt loop to keep it from moving around.  Google image search it.  Several companies make them.
CO. F, 12th Illinois Cavalry  SASS # 6127 Life * Spencer Shooting Society #43 * Motherlode Shootist Society #1 * River City Regulators

Professor Marvel

I think I mentioned my extreme fondness for the shrouded-hammer S&W ultralite in a Bianchi 9R ....

I think the airweights are much better at retention than the heavier steel models for these quirky upside down holsters.

I also subscribe to the concept of keeping identical models of pistol in steel and aluminum, get the triggers, grips, and sights the same, and do most of
your practice with the steel version. finish up the range session with the airweight.

Now to my surprise ,whilst falling down the Web Rabbit Holes,  I find that Col Applegate liked the "upside down rig" as well, and according to one
author was instrumental in bringing the centennial hammerless to market.

Here is a photo of his original rig, designed to wear under an untucked tropical honduras style shirt:

a modern repro

a modern "right side up" variation which, while safer, sort of defeats the purpose - one cannot simply reach under an untucked hawaiin shirt and draw....

but , having seen some vintage bucheimer "semi-sholder holster" designs such as this

after cogitating upon both the semi-shoulder system and the high-rise strange almost applegate giant paddle system,
I am toying with the idea of building such a vertical paddle high rise kind-of-armpit-holster for "kind of"  under the left arm ( right handed shooter)
sort of  presenting the revolver higher than the belt like a normal vertical shoulder holster. A paddle holster is much easier in my mind to remover and lock up in the car
if one has to enter a forbidden zone ( federal buildings, etc)

prof marbles
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Rye Miles

I have 3 snubbies but this forum says my pictures are too big to post! ::) ::)
Northeast Ohio

God created man, Sam Colt made them equal

Major 2

still opt for pocket carry... the 60 a tad heavier
....looked at an Airweight on consignment yesterday  :-\

also a Ruger LCP ( Purple  ??? ::) )  both mighty light and easy to pocket ... the Smith has my attention  :-\
not to keen on the auto
when planets the deal !

Capt Quirk

When I was still a Flordidian, I never carried a gun. Too many twitchy cops. Things changed when I got to Gawgia, where they issue you a gun when you cross the border. I literally live in the middle of the woods, so a firearm or two are necessary for animals. But, I also need to go into the city now and then, and they have different animals.

I got my permit, and wear a gun from the time I get dressed in the morning, until I get undressed at night. Difference here is, open carry really doesn't draw much attention here. I openly carry a hogleg on my hip, and get a few comments on the.nice holster, but not much else. But, the animals also see it, and like the other animals at night, they stay away from fire.

Cliff Fendley

I've never found any way to carry IWB that was comfortable for me. I carry on my belt or in my pocket.

NCOWS 3345  RATS 576 NRA Life member

Johnson County Rangers

PJ Hardtack

In Kanuckistan, we are not allowed CCW. However, I have been an active 'Combat Pistol'/IPSC/IDPA shooter since the inception of all those shooting sports.

Over the years, I have worn strong side, kidney carry,  x-draw; all of them leather (usually by Milt Sparks) 'cept for one - a Kydex "Snik" holster for my 1911s, the pioneer of the plastic holsters.
It was the simplest and fastest rig of all. Retention was accomplished by a piece of the holster formed to snap into the ejection port. It always kept the gun from falling out going over walls, barricades, tunnels, etc. To draw, you rocked the gun forward and out.

I currently have a leather lined Kydex holster which is pretty good as well. In IDPA you MUST appear to be unarmed under light seasonal clothing. I make it with both my leather and Kydex rigs.

Kydex is not alone in marking the finish of blued guns. How many guns have you seen with "holster wear", usually on the barrel? A gun that works for a living is going to show it.
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.
I don't do these things to others and I require the same from them."  John Wayne

Crow Choker

I've never been a fan of the light weight alloy handguns, never had one, but have handled and fired. Just feels like 'nothing there'. Much preferred for a smaller revolver my Mod 60 Smith 38, just not long ago got ahold of a Colt Detective Special, the model with the ejector shroud, top shape, good price. Never cared for the older models with the ejector unprotected. Should have gotten and always wanted one the years I wore a badge, but the $$ always needed elsewhere. Back then they ran around $130-150, had to pay more now. Not a big fan of the shrouded hammers due to looks, but they sure are better to prevent hammer snags, although I never had much of a problem with that. Just like all steel and don't mind the extra weight, which does help in recoil control. Have fired both styles (steel and alloy) side by side and can tell the difference.

Always liked the Bianchi 9R you mentioned Professor, thought several times about getting one for my Smith 60, but besides several belt holsters and a IWB, I always used a Bianchi X-15 for my 60. Liked that model, had a X-15 for my 4" Colt Trooper and a 6" that doubled for a Python and several other long barrel revolvers. I liked Bianchi back a lot better when John Bianchi owned it, before it was sold to Safari Land. A lot of the Bianchi labeled holsters now say 'Made in Mexico'., believe the older Bianchi products were better quality. The X-15 was always a well made and shooter friendly shoulder holster. I payed less for the four (another 4" I picked up used at a flea market) than a new single one costs now. If you buy a new harness for a X-15 now, they cost more than the whole rig cost back in the day.

I don't care for IWB in a rear (back) position, to uncomfortable sitting and PIA drawing IMO or on the side. Always carry IWB left side cross draw or mostly right side appendix, which I have no problem with. Pay attention in drawing and reholster and your vitals are secure. I even carry a Colt Officers Model 3.5" Double Eagle 45 acp in this manner with no problem. Smith 9mm Shield also using the Remora holsters I mentioned in my other post on this thread. Don't mind outside side carry if I have a loose jacket on, but even a untucked shirt doesn't conceal a side carry very well and its a pain while driving with seat belt on, both drawing if need be and just getting it positioned right.

Tuolumne Lawman you mentioned the Milt Sparks line. Very good stuff, have seen a few used ones at gun shows and knew a officer back in the day that carried a 45 Colt Commander in one. Its the old Bruce Nelson line/design that Bruce gave his blessings to Milt to produce. They were 'the thing' back in the late 70's through the 80's  plus. Was always thinking about getting one back in the law years, switching to a Colt 1911, but never did. I was just looking at Milts website recently at the 'Summer Special'. Might call them and see if my Double Eagle which is based on the 1911 frame would fit ok. Might have to cough up the funds, but funds well spent. I leave my house, I carry, never know when needed with all the 'crap' and 'airheads' in society today. Never know when need to protect myself, family, others, or some officer may need assistance. No good to leave at home or in vehicle and wish later I had carried. The signs that say no weapons allowed in businesses, well to bad, the slime that have no respect for life don't care to obey, even where and when the 'do gooders' of our day say "Thou Shalt Not"!
Darksider-1911 Shooter-BOLD Chambers-RATS-SCORRS-STORM-1860 Henry(1866)-Colt Handgun Lover an' Fan-NRA-"RiverRat"-Conservative American Patriot and Former Keeper & Enforcer of the Law an' Proud of Being Both! >oo



Coming to your discussion a bit late.

I too have a plethora of holsters in use.  I have a Galco  V-hawk for my J-frame which is an IWB all leather with tuckable option.  I also use an Old Faithful/Cross Breed for the 1911 for an IWB also.  The hard one is that I had to have a similar holster made for the 5?629/329 since no one seems to want to make an IWB for the N-frames.  I also have the Milt Sparks Summer Special and a similar Bianchi with thumb break for the 1911 that get used on a regular basis.

Part has come down to what my clothing and option for the day is going to be.  Now it is more fishing shirts and Hawaiian shirts untucked rather than the Brush Popper over skin tight Wranglers (comfort and concealment over fashion) ;).

The Hybrid holsters work very well for me and are rather comfortable.   BTW, the wide platform for the Crossbreed Style holster helps my Sciatica by spreading the contact across more of the hip than the Summer Special does.  Both of these holsters are for a full sized 1911.

"He Who Laughs Last, Thinks Fastest"
SUDDS, SCORRS, Retired Warthog, Sometime Gunfighter, and Soot Deliante

Capt Quirk

I have reached a point, where "stretchy pants" are becoming more frequent. Nothing quite as comfortable as a good pair of sweats, especially on Thanksgiving. However, sweats don't usually work for carrying. I think I fixed that.

I call it a Tuck and Roll. Just tuck it in your britches, and you're ready to Roll down the road. Sort of a paddle holster, it also works in a pocket. As long as you have a good waistband, or the string to snug your sweats, it will hold a full size semi auto.

Rye Miles

I carry a Model 37 in a Uncle Mike's nylon IWB holster 8)

(Why are my pics upside down?)
Northeast Ohio

God created man, Sam Colt made them equal


Obviously you're hanging from the ceiling   ;D

Major 2

when planets the deal !

Baltimore Ed

I have the most aggravating time doing photos on cascity. I eventually added a photo app that does some kind of voodoo magic to my pictures and keeps them vertical and in a format that cascity likes. Here?s two I?ll try and see what happens.

Well, that?s interesting, the top photo of Colour Sgt Bourne was out of my file while the lower phot of Gabby was from my photo app??? This thing wouldn?t accept my file photos before. Don?t know what to tell you Rye. A mystery wrapped up in a conundrum.
"Give'em hell, Pike"
There is no horse so dead that you cannot continue to beat it.

Capt Quirk

Major 2

Nope... Croc hide man bag  ,,,,can be worn across the chest  or a sling turn it around and it back pack of sorts

I think I'll re-rig it for belt carry  :-*  we will see Monday
when planets the deal !

Baltimore Ed

You being a man of so many talents Major, I thought that you had slayed the bags previous ?owner?, tanned the hide and built the man bag yerself. You?ll look real snazzy reptilian, maybe get a pair of matching boots? Accessorize.
"Give'em hell, Pike"
There is no horse so dead that you cannot continue to beat it.

Major 2

Only Crocs in Florida are Gatorland live exabits....they frown on hunting them
Gator Hides are available, I have gun case I made of one....

This one however I saw on Amazon.... figured Id give it whorl 

when planets the deal !

Professor Marvel

Quote from: Major 2 on December 06, 2019, 12:16:55 PM
I going to give this a try

My Good Major -
that is a GREAT choice -
it doesnot scream "tacticool" !
or " am a gun-hidey case"

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