What would you do...... (Christmas gifts for a cowboy shooter) UPDATE!

Started by Foothills Drifter, December 03, 2005, 02:44:10 PM

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Foothills Drifter

My wife asked me (as she does every year) "what do you want for Christmas?' As usual I said 'well...I don't know,I don't realy need        nothin..... maybe a gift certificate from somewhere' She got kinda mad and said you say the same thing every year! What do you realy want! I thaught for a minute and told her how about a rolling block rifle in 45-110. She asked 'how much?' I said maybe around $2000.00  :o She seemed ta think that might be a bit much for our budget  :(  I told her if I got that,I wouldn't ask for SEX! for a year :o  ???  ;) She then asked for the name of the gun store I deal with  :o  ???  :P  :-[   ;)
WHAT WOULD YOU DO.................

Well,the rifle is history (it was too much money) Beverly has her eye on a pair of diamond ear rings (only $800.00) Now I am thinkin 'bout2 pair of Eagle American Elk Grips for my Vaquero's. At $145.00 a pair it might work out better (in more ways then one...  :o )

Good shootin......
Vern...  8)

Texas Tall

Take the 45-110, the three of you should be very happy. 8) 8)
The 45-110 aint goin ta hold it over you," 'errr thought you were goin ta paint the lounge room this weekend etc etc," but don't tell her WE told ya. They like a little competition,aint that right boys. ;D ;D
See Ya ..........Texas Tall. ;) ;) ;)
If you've gotta cheat ta win, you've only beaten y'self.
SASS# 47630
GSC 002

Dakota Dan from OZ

Iam with you Texas.

At my age I take the 45-110 to.

Dakota Dan from OZ
My Pa once said "Son never take a knife to Gun Fight"  He told the truth.
SASS# 28875
SASS State Governor
SASA  Aust #2715
SASA State Discipline Chairman
RATS 239
GSC 001

Forty Rod

Take the rifle and along about the second week of January go find a girlfriend.
People like me are the reason people like you have the right to bitch about people like me.

Foothills Drifter

I realy want 'it' However,I still want 'it'  :o  ???  ;)   (I'm 56)
Marshal Halloway...what would you do........... We look to ya for advice at these times........................ :-\

Good shootin......
Vern...  8) 

Camille Eonich

Well, since you told her that if you got the rifle you woudn't ask for sex she probably isn't going to be very willing for a while anyway.  Take the rifle.  ;D
"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood


I dont need any more rifles but at my age o-well i guess i take the rifle wellllll i dont know :-\ ;D
Cowboy on the Rocken H Ranch

Take care of your gun and it will take care of you.
My Cas City Profile: http://www.cascity.com/posseprofiles/NARVOUS/

Texas Tall

There ya go Foothills,Good advice from a lady so take  it and you won't go wrong,I knew us pards were right all along. ;D ;D ;D
See ya ........Texas Tall ::) ::)
If you've gotta cheat ta win, you've only beaten y'self.
SASS# 47630
GSC 002

Dakota Dan from OZ

Take the rifle Take the rifle Take the rifle.


Dakota Dan from OZ
My Pa once said "Son never take a knife to Gun Fight"  He told the truth.
SASS# 28875
SASS State Governor
SASA  Aust #2715
SASA State Discipline Chairman
RATS 239
GSC 001

Maryland Marshal

My wife would rather give up the sex-but that's not necessarilly a bad thing ;D
BOLD #686
SASS #67310
GOFWG #276
"That ain't shootin' - that's killin'."

Coop Trawlaine

Coop Trawlaine SASS #63617, SCORRS, WartHog, SUDDS #188, IPSAC #47
Aka: Walt Lange
"Trawlaine" ISBN 1-4137-7738-4
"Trawlaine's Land" ISBN -09479379-0-8
Western Writers of America
Society of Southwestern Authors


Now you didnt say sex was out of the question , you just wont ask for it!
Life is a rush into the unknown, You can duck down real low and hope nothing hits you, Or stand up tall, show it your teeth,and say "Dish it up Baby and dont get stingy with the Peppers!!!"

Wymore Wrangler

Keep the missus happy, buy her those diamond earring and a necklace, and she will feel bad and get you the rifle to make up for it, plus the other stuff should improve also....
Fast horses for sale, Discount for newly minted gold coins, no questions asked....


Here's what we do at our house.  I keep a running list on the computer of items I want/need.   As I get something, it is deleted from the list, or as I think of something it is added.  I often put the $ and location of the item, including ISBN number for tomes I am in search of.   My wife loves it.  It is nearly 4 pages long and runs in $ from $5 to $2500.   For her, I just watch her as she looks at catalogs.  She eyed a Jewelry catalog a few weeks ago and I ran out on my lunch order and purchased the item she stared at for more than a little while.  It isn't a perfect system, but it works.  By the way, take the Rifle. 

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