SASS Article on Henry Rifle and Cartridge

Started by PJ Hardtack, October 02, 2018, 05:50:27 PM

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PJ Hardtack

The current issue of the "Cowboy Chronicle" has a four page article by 'Tulomne Lawman' on the history of the .44 Henry RF and the guns that chambered it.

I don't shoot my 44-40 Henry as much as I used to. Time to get it out more often. And I'm more than ever resolved to shoot .44 Russian in ordered Cimarron Open Tops in .44 Spl. That's about as close as I'm going to get for authenticity in a CAS pistol.
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.
I don't do these things to others and I require the same from them."  John Wayne

Tuolumne Lawman

Thanks for the plug.  Here is the link for the October Chronicle:

I had a lot of pictures of originals I dug up, including some long cylinder Conversions in 44 Henry, but they cut the number of pics to a bare minimum.
CO. F, 12th Illinois Cavalry  SASS # 6127 Life * Spencer Shooting Society #43 * Motherlode Shootist Society #1 * River City Regulators

PJ Hardtack

Yeah, so they could run a lot of pics of fat, ol' geezers holding plaques and trophies and an article on the joys of owning a $250,000 motor home that most of us can only dream about.

These folks tend to circle the wagons and party hearty as a group. OK for some I guess, but I'm not a party type and prefer peace and quiet after a days shooting.

I was once told that a guy couldn't become involved in CAS because he couldn't afford such a rig and his pride wouldn't let him set up his tent in the cheap seat camp. I did that for years, putting my money into guns and travel.

When I got married, my wife and I started out in the white canvas/historical camp, which while looking authentic, was a real PITA to set up and take down after it rained. We gravitated to a large nylon modern tent, but that was still tenting.

Now we have a modest travel trailer with everything but a micro wave and no AC. Works for us and doesn't break the bank.

I remember a large C&W Music event where it poured like the devil! It took some large rigs up to four days to be extracted from the site and $250-$300 towing fees.
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.
I don't do these things to others and I require the same from them."  John Wayne

Major 2

Noticed the palatial motor coach.... and the Gents you lovingly descried  :)
I too would have rather seen the Henry field photo's ....

I have no dog in the fight however, as I have not paid the price of admission since 2002.... Started with SASS in 91 " Mule Camp " & Weewahootee events.
Disillusioned after 10 years as the racing mice guns and get by dress code took hold .

Happy to read TL's article , when I was given the link ...thanks TL
when planets the deal !

Tuolumne Lawman

Well pards, to heck with pride!  At 66, I still tent camp at annuals!  I have better things to spend my $$$ on than at money pit motor home.  I too, do not party much after shooting.  Usually sit with one or two long time pards from the wayback (1990s) as sip some bourbon lace coffee and puff a good cigar!
CO. F, 12th Illinois Cavalry  SASS # 6127 Life * Spencer Shooting Society #43 * Motherlode Shootist Society #1 * River City Regulators

PJ Hardtack

This is gerting way off topic, but .....

I've shown my SASS magazines to club members who are not CAS folks and the remarks generally go thusly: "Boy, really looks like a rich man's sport! Two revolvers, shotgun, rifle, gun cart, motor home ..... Wow!"

And this coming from shotgunners who love beautiful shotguns and do a LOT of shooting.

But when you tell a newbie what he/she is going to have to invest to get into CAS, it is a deterrent. The sport does tend to appeal to the well off, retired set who grew up on TV and movie westerns.
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.
I don't do these things to others and I require the same from them."  John Wayne


With rifles going for a $1,000 up and two revolvers are also at $500 each it is brutal to buy new and used prices are high(in my opinion).
So buying used does not help much.

Major 2

Welllllllllll... there is the other guys  :)

2 gun & three gun classes offered  and "no trick of the month club" short strokes
when planets the deal !


Or get most any pre 1900 rifle and shoot GAF.  (Horn tooting alert)
Civilize them with a Krag . . .

PJ Hardtack

Good points, Gentlemen, and worthy of consideration.

Right now we have a young shooter, barely 13 who is dead keen and does very well so far. We'd like to see his folks (from Wyoming, btw) come into the game, but the cost would be prohibitive, unless ....

we let them shoot ONE pistol, One shotgun, One rifle and get them involved before they commit to anything further. Then they could have money to set up a basic reloading system as well.
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.
I don't do these things to others and I require the same from them."  John Wayne

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